| Personal | Interests |
Membership | Activities |
Awards |
Patents and Programms |
Projects | Publications | Identifiers | Branitskiy Alexander AlexandrovichCitizenship: Russia
Address academic (office):
St.Petersburg Federal Research Ceneter of the Russian Academy of Sciences
39, 14th Liniya, St.-Petersburg, 199178, Russia
Tel.: +7-(812)-328-7181
Fax: +7-(812)-328-4450
Position: Senior research fellow
Branitskiy Alexander Alexandrovich, Senior researcher at Laboratory of Computer Security Problems of the St.Petersburg Federal Research Ceneter of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
E-mail: branitskiy[AT]comsec[DOT]spb[DOT]ru http://comsec.spb.ru/branitskiy/
| |
Research interests
- Artificial intelligence, computer networks, information security, functional programming, the theory of formal languages and compilers.
Academic background
- 2007-2012 St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics.
Top  Awards2015- Branitskiy Alexander Alexandrovich - Alexander Branitskiy and Igor Kotenko are laureates of the best paper award at 18th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (CSE 2015). Porto, Portugal. October 21-23, 2015.
Top  Patents and ProgrammsPrograms and databases2020- Alexander Branitskiy, Elena Fedorchenko, Igor Kotenko Component for the destructive influences detection based on text classifiers in social network groups . Certificate No. 2020666158. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 04.12.2020.
- Elena Fedorchenko, Andrey Fedorchenko, Alexander Branitskiy Component for the security data normalization by automated preprocessing of fragmented semi-structured data. Certificate No. 2020665838. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.12.2020.
- Alexander Branitskiy, Vasily Desnitsky, Igor Parashchuk. Software tool for adaptation and retraining of the information objects analysis system. Certificate No. 2020665857. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 21.11.2020.
2019- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Saenko. Component of multidimensional assessment and categorization of semantic content of information objects. Certificate No 2019664050. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 30.10.2019.
- Alexander Branitskiy, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Neural network module for users of a social network classification according to the psychological scales of the Ammon's test. Certificate No 2019664410. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 06.11.2019.
2018- Alexander Branitskiy, Maxim Kolomeec, Andrey Chechulin. Network visualization system based on Voroni diagramm. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018613605. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 19.03.2018.
- Igor Saenko, Igor Parashchuk, Alexander Branitskiy. Software for imitation modeling of processes for collecting and preprocessing unwanted information. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018663494. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 29.10.2018.
2017- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko. Frontend-interface of network attack generator. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2017660184. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 19.09.2017.
2016- Ñàåíêî È.Á., Êóøíåðåâè÷ À.Ã., Áðàíèöêèé À.À. Êîìïîíåíò íîðìàëèçàöèè áîëüøèõ ìàññèâîâ äàííûõ äëÿ ìîíèòîðèíãà áåçîïàñíîñòè êîìïüþòåðíûõ ñåòåé. Ñâèäåòåëüñòâî ¹ 2016663554. Çàðåãèñòðèðîâàíî â Ðååñòðå ïðîãðàìì äëÿ ÝÂÌ 12.12.2016.
- Áðàíèöêèé À.À., Êîòåíêî È.Â. Êîìïîíåíò êëàññèôèêàöèè àíîìàëüíûõ ñåòåâûõ ñîåäèíåíèé íà îñíîâå èñêóññòâåííûõ èììóííûõ ñèñòåì. Ñâèäåòåëüñòâî ¹ 2016663476. Çàðåãèñòðèðîâàíî â Ðååñòðå ïðîãðàìì äëÿ ÝÂÌ 08.12.2016.
2015- Igor Saenko, Alexander Branitskiy. Software and instrumental bench of visualization and evaluation of design quality of virtual networks for decision support in monitoring and management of information security. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2015615772. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 22.05.2015.
- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko. Adaptive intrusion detection system based on hybridization methods of computational intelligence. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2015662189. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 18.11.2015.
Top  ProjectsFormer Projects- Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator). Grant of Russian Science Foundation ¹ 21-71-20078 " Analytical processing of large arrays of heterogeneous data in the interests of state assessment, decision support and incident investigation to ensure cybersecurity of critical infrastructures", 2021-2024 (Researcher).
RSCF_21-71-20078_Report_2021_eng.pdf [application/pdf] (303137 bytes) RSCF_21-71-20078_Report_2021_rus.pdf [application/pdf] (404167 bytes) RSCF_21-71-20078_Report_2022_eng.pdf [application/pdf] (83106 bytes) RSCF_21-71-20078_Report_2022_rus.pdf [application/pdf] (86478 bytes) RSCF_21-71-20078_Report_2023_eng.pdf [application/pdf] (613891 bytes) RSCF_21-71-20078_Report_2023_rus.pdf [application/pdf] (752342 bytes) - Elena Doynikova (Principal Investigator). “Techniques of security assessment and response to cyber attacks in the industrial Internet of Things based on the ontology of security metrics and methods of intellectual analysis of big data”. Research grant # 19-07-01246 A of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2019-2021 (Researcher).
Report-2019-19-07-01246-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (215676 bytes) Report-2020-19-07-01246-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (203097 bytes) Report-2021-19-07-01246-a-short.pdf [application/pdf ] (400195 bytes) - Vasiliy Desnitsky (Principal Investigator). “Models, techniques and algorithms for security analysis of software and hardware components of wireless sensor networks”. Research grant # 19-07-00953 A of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2019-2021 (Researcher).
Report-2019-19-07-00953-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (195496 bytes) Report-2020-19-07-00953-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (201695 bytes) Report-2021-19-07-00953-a-short.pdf [application/pdf ] (205488 bytes) - Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator) – State Contract No. 05.607.21.0322 "Development of methods, models, algorithms and software tools based on detecting deviations in heuristics of ultra-high volume traffic to detect network attacks and protect against them". Project of Russian Ministry of Education and Science in scope of the Program "Research and development in priority directions of evolution of the scientific and technological complex of Russia on 2014-2020", 2019-2020 (Researcher).
Report-FTP-Results-05.607.21.0322.pdf [application/pdf] (204912 bytes) - Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator). "Monitoring and identification of destructive information impacts and negative personal tendencies of the younger generation when interacting with the Internet space on the basis of methods of neurocomputer and neural network processing of Internet content" Research grant # 18-29-22034 of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2018-2021 (Researcher).
Report-2019-18-29-22034-short.pdf [application/pdf] (147123 bytes) Report-2020-18-29-22034-short.pdf [application/pdf] (356989 bytes) - Igor Saenko (Principal Investigator). Grant of Russian Science Foundation ¹ 18-11-00302 "Intelligent digital network content processing for effective detection and counteraction of inappropriate, dubious and harmful information", 2018-2020 (Researcher).
RSF-Results-2018-18-11-00302-Eng.pdf [application/pdf] (94208 bytes) RSF-Results-2018-18-11-00302-Rus.pdf [application/pdf] (245760 bytes) - Andrey Chechulin (Principal Investigator). "Research, development and application of Augmented Reality technology for cyber and cyberphysical systems security data visualization" Research grant # 18-37-20047 of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2018-2020 (Researcher).
Report-2019-18-37-20047-short.pdf [application/pdf] (208896 bytes) - Vasily Desnitsky (Principal Investigator). Russian Federation Presidential Grant ¹ MK-5848.2018.9 "Modeling and analysis of cyber-physical energy exhaustion attacks on Internet of Things devices", 2018-2019 (Researcher).
- Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator). NIR-FUND of ITMO University ¹ 717075 "Methods, Models, Methods, Algorithms, Protocols and Applications for ensuring Information Security of Cyber-Physical Systems", 2017-2019 (Researcher).
- Elena Doynikova (Principal Investigator). “Development of models, techniques and alghoritms for automated countermeasures generation in process of security information and events management”. Research grant # 16-37-00338-mol_a of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2016-2017 (Researcher).
Report-2016-16-37-00338-mol-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (308434 bytes) Report-2017-16-37-00338-mol-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (139264 bytes) - Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator) – Grant of Russian Science Foundation ¹ 15-11-30029 "Incident management and counteraction against targeted cyber-physical attacks in distributed largescaled mission critical systems taking into account cloud services and networks of the Internet of Things", 2015-2017., 2015-2017 (Researcher).
RSF-Results-2015-15-11-30029-Eng.pdf [application/pdf] (18843 bytes) RSF-Results-2015-15-11-30029-Rus.pdf [application/pdf] (128851 bytes) RSF-Results-2016-15-11-30029-Eng.pdf [application/pdf] (327680 bytes) RSF-Results-2016-15-11-30029-Rus.pdf [application/pdf] (442368 bytes) RSF-Results-2017-15-11-30029-Eng.pdf [application/pdf] (327680 bytes) RSF-Results-2017-15-11-30029-Rus.pdf [application/pdf] (438272 bytes)
Top  Main publicationsBooks and Chapters in Books- Kotenko I., Saenko I., Branitskiy A. Machine Learning and Big Data Processing for Cybersecurity Data Analysis // Chapter in book “Data Science in Cybersecurity and Cyberthreat Intelligence”. Leslie F. Sikos and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo (Eds.). Springer. 2019.
- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko I. Applying Artificial Intelligence Methods to Network Attack Detection // AI in Cybersecurity. Springer, Cham. 2019. pp. 115-149.
- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko. Applying Artificial Intelligence Methods to Network Attack Detection // Chapter in book: AI in Cybersecurity, L. F. Sikos (ed.), Springer, Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 2019, Vol.151. P.115–149. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-98842-9_5(WoS and Scopus).
Papers2024- D.A. Levshun, D.S. Levshun, E.V. Doynikova, A.A. Branitskiy A., I.V. Kotenko. Considerations on sentiment of social network posts as a feature of destructive impacts // AI Communications. 2024. Ò. 37. ¹ 4. Ñ. 585-598. DOI: 10.3233/aic-230154 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=74004030
2023- O. Tushkanova, D. Levshun, A. Branitskiy, E. Fedorchenko, E. Novikova, I. Kotenko. Detection of Cyberattacks and Anomalies in Cyber-Physical Systems: Approaches, Data Sources, Evaluation // Algorithms, vol. 16, no. 2, 2023, pp. 85. DOI: 10.3390/a16020085.// https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=60517408
- Diana Gaifulina, Alexander Branitskiy, Dmitry Levshun, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Sentiment Analysis of Social Network Posts for Detecting Potentially Destructive Impacts // Intelligent Distributed Computing XV. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 2023. pp. 203-212. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-29104-3_23
- M.M. Kovtsur, A.A. Branitsky, N.I. Kazakov. Development of a concept of centrlalized networking of distributed devices // Economics and quality of communication systems. 2023. No. 2 (28). pp. 99-104. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=53954105 (in Russian).
- M.M. Kovtsur, A. A.Branitsky, N.I. Kazakov. Organization of protected interaction of distributed network devices // In the book: Mobile business: prospects for the development and implementation of radio communication systems in Russia and abroad. Collection of materials (abstracts) of the 51st International Conference. Moscow, 2023. pp. 37-39. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=53629183 (in Russian).
2022- Alexandr Branitsky, Yash Sharma, Igor Kotenko, Elena Fedorchenko, Andrey Krasov, Igor Ushakov. Determination of the mental state of users of the social network reddit based on machine learning methods // Information and control systems. 2022. No. 1 (116). pp. 8-18. DOI: 10.31799/1684-8853-2022-1-8-18 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48100847 (in Russian).
- A.A. Branitsky. Comparative analysis of mathematical models of military operations // Scientific problems of material and technical support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. 2022. No. 1 (23). pp. 8-14. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48273232 (in Russian).
- Alexandr Branitsky, À. Manukyan. Exploring the evolution of information protection mechanisms of the windows 11 operating system // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (APINO 2022). XI International Scientific-technical and scientific-methodical conference. St. Petersburg, 2022. pp. 183-187 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49522679&pff=1 (in Russian).
2021- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko. Applying Machine Learning and Parallel Data Processing for Attack Detection in IoT // IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing. 2021. Ò. 9. ¹ 4. Ñ. 1642-1653. https://doi.org/10.1109/TETC.2020.3006351 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47507570
- Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko, Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Paraschuk, Diana Gayfullina. Intelligent system of analytical processing of digital network content for protection against inappropriate information // Informatics and automation. 2021. Vol. 20. No. 4. pp. 755-792. DOI: 10.15622/ia.20.4.1 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46506070
(in Russian).
- Elena Doynikova, Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko. Detection and Monitoring of the Destructive Impacts in the Social Networks using Machine Learning Methods // Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2021. Ò. 1538. Ñ. 60-65. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-94209-0_6 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48152443
- Alexander Branitskiy, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Technique for classifying the social network profiles according to the psychological scales based on machine learning methods //Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 13. Ñåð. "13th Multiconference on Control Problems, MCCP 2020" 2021. Ñ. 012121. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1864/1/012121 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46868874
- Igor Kotenko, Yash Sharma, Alexander Branitskiy. Predicting the Mental State of the Social Network Users based on the Latent Dirichlet Allocation and fastText // Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, IDAACS 2021. pp. 191-195 (WoS, Scopus, Ïåðå÷åíü ÂÀÊ, ÐÈÍÖ) DOI:10.1109/IDAACS53288.2021.9661061 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48134081
- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko, Elena Fedorchenko. Methods of classifying communities in social networks using neural networks // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (APINO 2021). collection of scientific articles: in 4 t .. St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich. Saint Petersburg, 2021. pp. 100-103. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46275372 (in Russian).
- Alexander Branitsky, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Application of neural networks to detect potentially destructive information content in social networks // Pedagogy and psychology in medicine: problems, innovations, achievements. proceedings of the I International Scientific Congress. Moscow, 2021. pp. 35-40. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47190313 (in Russian).
- Alexander Branitsky, Rinat Mardanov. Detection voice spoofing based on convolutional and recurrent neural networks // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education. collection of scientific articles: in 4 volumes. St. Petersburg, 2021. pp. 87-91.// https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46545632 (in Russian).
- A.A. Branitsky, Ya. Sharma, E.V. Fedorchenko. Applying machine learning methods for sentiment analysis of users of the social network Reddit // XII St. Petersburg Interregional Conference "Information Security of Russian Regions" (IBRR-2021). 2021. 1. pp. 69-70 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ibrr/ibrr2021/ibrr2021_materials.pdf //
(in Russian).
- E.V. Fedorchenko, A.V. Fedorchenko, E.S. Novikova, A.A. Branitsky, A.V. Meleshko, V.V. Puchkov. System for security assessment and counermeasure selection using semantic model of data and metrics // XII St. Petersburg Interregional Conference "Information Security of Russian Regions" (IBRR-2021). 2021. 1. pp. 102-103 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ibrr/ibrr2021/ibrr2021_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49265505
(in Russian).
2020- A. Branitskiy, E. Doynikova, I. Kotenko, N. Krasilnikova, D. Levshun, A. Tishkov, N. Vanchakova. The Common Approach to Determination of the Destructive Information Impacts and Negative Personal Tendencies of Young Generation Using the Neural Network Methods for the Internet Content Processing // Studies in Computational Intelligence. 2020. Vol. 868 P. 302-310. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-32258-8_36. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43208120
- Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko, Alexander Branitskiy. Machine Learning and Big Data Processing for Cybersecurity Data Analysis // Intelligent systems reference library 2020. Vol. 177. pp. 61-85. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-38788-4_4 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43247607 (WoS, Scopus)
- Igor Kotenko, Lidiya Vitkova, Igor Saenko, Olga Tushkanova, Alexander Branitskiy. The intelligent system for detection and counteraction of malicious and inappropriate information on the Internet // AI Communications. 2020. Vol. 33 ¹. 1. pp. 13-25. DOI: 10.3233/AIC-200647 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45174880 (WoS, Scopus)
- Kotenko Igor, Branitskiy Alexander, Tishkov Artem, Doynikova Elena. Analysis of Formats of Young People’s Communicative Behavior in Social Network //2020 24th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, ICSTCC 2020 - Proceedings. 24. 2020. Ñ. 439-444. DOI:10.1109/ICSTCC50638.2020.9259747 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45065233
- Branitskiy Alexander, Doynikova Elena, Kotenko Igor. Use of neural networks for forecasting of the exposure of social network users to destructive impacts // Information and Control Systems 2020. ¹1(104) pp. 24-33. DOI: 10.31799/1684-8853-2020-1-24-33 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42714729 (in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy, Polina Gladysheva, Vasily Desnitsky, Igor Kotenko. Implementation and evaluation of adaptation and retraining methods for the analysis of information objects in web-content // IX International Scientific, Technical and Scientific Methodological Conference "Actual Problems of Information Telecommunications in Science and Education" (APINO-2020). February 26-27, 2020. Collection of scientific articles. Volume 1. SPb., 2020. P. 154-158. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44603985 (in Russian).
- A. A. Branitsky, E. V. Doynikova, I. V. Kotenko. Technique of classification of social network users by the psychological scales of the Ammon test based on artificial neural networks // Materials of the conference "Information Technologies in Management". 2020. P. 266-268 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44686237 (in Russian).
- A.A. Branitsky, E.V. Doynikova, I.V. Kotenko. Technique for determination of social network users exposure to destructiveness // IX international scientific-technical and scientific-methodical conference "Actual problems of infotelecommunication in science and education" (APINO-2020)". February 26-27, 2020. Collection of scientific articles. 2020. Vol. 1. Ð. 159-162. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44603986 (in Russian).
- A. A. Branitsky, A. A. Le Investigation of the vulnerability detection method in applications using the JBIG2 codec // IX International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological conference " Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education "(APINO-2020)". February 26-27, 2020. Collection of scientific articles. 2020. Vol. 1. Ð. 162-166. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44603987 (in Russian).
- A.V. Tishkov, A. A. Strakh, A. A. Branitsky, E. V. Doynikova, A. A. Chechulin. Analysis of correlations between Ammon’s test scales for determination of features for test results forecasting // Perspective directions of development of domestic information technologies: materials of the VI interregional scientific and practical conference, Sevastopol, September 22-26, 2020, ðð. 122-123. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/pnroit/pnroit-2020_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45844771 (in Russian).
- V. A. Desnitsky, A. A. Branitsky, A.V. Fedorchenko. A technique for distributed collection, processing and analysis of data in a wireless sensor network // Perspective directions of development of domestic information technologies: materials of the VI interregional scientific and practical conference, Sevastopol, September 22-26, 2020. pp. 195-196. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/pnroit/pnroit-2020_materials.pdf https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45844807 (in Russian).
- A. A. Bogatyrev, A. A. Branitsky, N. P. Vanchakova, E. V. Doynikova, I. V. Kotenko, N. V. Krasilnikova, D. S. Levshun, A.V. Tishkov Methods of identifying and preventing destructive formats of communicative behavior of young people in social networks // Proceedings of the conference "Neuroinformatics-2020". P. 388-397 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46415288 (in Russian).
- A. A. Branitsky Architecture of a network attack detection system based on the usage of machine learning methods and big Data processing technologies // Proceedings of the International Conference "Innovations in Information Technologies, Mechanical Engineering and Motor Transport" (IITMA-2020). Russia, Kemerovo. December 4, 2020.Ð. 160-162 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44730124 (in Russian).
- E.V. Doynikova, A.V. Fedorchenko, A.A. Branitsky. Analysis of the source code of exploits to identify signs of vulnerabilities used by them // Challenges of the digital economy: the development of a comfortable urban environment. Proceedings of the III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation. 2020. pp. 249-250. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44171539 (in Russian).
2019- Alexander Branitskiy, Dmitry Levshun, Natalia Krasilnikova, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko, Artem Tishkov, Nina Vanchakova, and Andrey Chechulin. Determination of Young Generation’s Sensitivity to the Destructive Stimuli based on the Information in Social Networks // Journal of Internet Services and Information Security (JISIS), Vol. 9, No. 3, August 2019. P. 1-20. DOI: 10.22667/JISIS.2019.08.31.001 // URL: http://isyou.info/jisis/vol9/no3/jisis-2019-vol9-no3-01.pdf. (Scopus, WoS, SJR=0.18, Q4) // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41700137
- A. Branitskiy, I. Kotenko. Attack Detection in Mobile Internet and Networks using the Graph-based Schemes for Combining the Support Vector Machines // Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2019. Ò. 971. Ñ. 1-16. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-3732-1_1 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=38663533
- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko. Applying artificial intelligence methods to network attack detection // Intelligent Systems Reference Library. 2019. Ò. 151. Ñ. 115-149. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-98842-9_5 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35751400 (ÐÈÍÖ, Scopus)
- Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko I., Alexander Branitskiy. Improving the Performance of Manufacturing Technologies for Advanced Material Processing Using a Big Data and Machine Learning Framework // Materials Today: Proceedings. 2019. Ñ. 380-385. DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2018.12.162 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=39000243
- Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko, Alexei Kushnerevich, Alexander Branitskiy. Attack detection in IoT critical infrastructures: a machine learning and big data processing approach // Proceedings - 27th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2019. 27. 2019. Ñ. 340-347. DOI: 10.1109/EMPDP.2019.8671571 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=38662631
- A. Branitskiy, A. Fedorchenko, I. Kotenko, I. Saenko. An Approach to Intelligent Distributed Scanning and Analytical Processing of the Internet Inappropriate Information // The 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS 2019). 18-21 September, 2019, Metz, France. pp. 146-151. DOI: 10.1109/IDAACS.2019.8924380 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43221671 (WoS, Scopus).
- I. Kotenko, I. Saenko, A. Branitskiy. Detection of Distributed Cyber Attacks Based on Weighted Ensembles of Classifiers and Big Data Processing Architecture // INFOCOM 2019 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops, INFOCOM WKSHPS 2019. 2019. Ñ. 9093774. DOI: 10.1109/INFOCOMWKSHPS47286.2019.9093774
// https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45469616
- Nina Vanchakova, Andrey Bogatyrev, Natalia Krasilnikova, Diana Gaifulina, Igor Kotenko, Alexander Branitskiy. Media portrait of an individual as a basis for identifying the destructive style of interaction of young people in social network // Modern High Technologies, 2019. ¹ 11-2 Ð. 319-325. DOI: 10.17513/snt.37811 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41594376
(in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Saenko. The Technique of Multi-aspect Evaluation and Categorization of Malicious Information Objects on the Internet // Proceedings of Telecommunication Universities. 2019. Vol. 5. ¹ 3. pp. 58-65. DOI:10.31854/1813-324X-2019-5-3-58-65 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41122910 (in Russian).
- Alexandr Branitskiy, Vasily Desnitsky. Approach to adaptation and retraining of system for analyzing the information objects // In the book: Promising directions of development of domestic information technologies. materials of the V interregional scientific and practical conference. Sevastopol State University; St. Petersburg Institute of Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Sevastopol, 2019. pp. 62-64. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42944524 (in Russian).
- Vasily Desnitsky, Elena Doinikova, Andrey Fedorchenko, Alexander Branitsky. Modeling and analysis of intruder actions in wireless sensor networks // Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Digital Region: Experience, Competencies, Projects". Ed. Bryansk State Engineering and Technology University. P. 237-240. 2019. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42462480 (in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy, Nina Vanchakova, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko, Natalia Krasilnikova, Igor Saenko, Artem Tishkov. Common approach to the determination of destructive information impacts and negative personal trends of young generation using the techniques based on neural networks for internet content processing // 8th International Conference on Advanced Infotelecommunications (ICAIT 2019). February 27-28, 2019. Conference proceedings. Russia, St. Petersburg. vol. 1. pp. 164-167 https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/1AEA/APINO/8-APINO%202019.%20Ò.1.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41383514 (in Russian).
- Artem Tishkov, Lyubov Strakh, Nina Vanchakova, Natalya Krasilnikova, Igor Kotenko, Alexander Branitskiy. Statistical analysis of i-functions interrelation of undergraduate students // XI St. Petersburg Interregional Conference «Information Security of Russian Regions (ISRR-2019)», October 23-25, 2019, Russia, St. Petersburg. 2019. pp. 374-376 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ibrr/ibrr2019/ibrr2019_materials.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45839425 (in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy, Lidia Vitkova, Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko, Artem Tishkov, Nina Vanchakova. Appying neural networks for predicting the results of the Ammon's test using the profile of social networks // XI St. Petersburg Interregional Conference «Information Security of Russian Regions (ISRR-2019)», October 23-25, 2019, Russia, St. Petersburg. 2019. pp.100-101. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ibrr/ibrr2019/ibrr2019_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45839427
(in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy, Elena Doynikova, Veronika Kuzmina, Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin. Analysis of CVSS Metrics System in Order to Develop Attack Graph Algorithm // VIII International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological Conference "Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education" (APINO 2019). St. Petersburg, February 27-28, 2019 (collection of scientific articles) Vol. 1. pp. 167-172. https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/1AEA/APINO/8-APINO%202019.%20Ò.1.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41383515 (in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Saenko. Methods and models of multi-aspect evaluation and categorization of the semantic content of information objects // The V interregional scientific and practical conference "Perspective directions of development of domestic information technologies". September 24-28, 2019, Russia, Sevastopol. pp. 310-312. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42944622 (in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Saenko. Methods of adaptation and retraining of the system of analysis of information objects in the internet network // XI St. Petersburg Interregional Conference «Information Security of Russian Regions (ISRR-2019)», October 23-25, 2019, Russia, St. Petersburg. 2019. pp. 102-103. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ibrr/ibrr2019/ibrr2019_materials.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45839662
(in Russian).
2018- Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko, Alexander Branitskiy. Framework for Mobile Internet of Things Security Monitoring based on Big Data Processing and Machine Learning // IEEE Access, 2018, Vol.6. P. 72714-72723 DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2881998 // https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=8539995 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=38631720 (Q1, WoS and Scopus)
- Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko, Alexander Branitskiy. Applying Big Data Processing and Machine Learning Methods for Mobile Internet of Things Security Monitoring // Journal of Internet Services and Information Security. 2018. Ò. 8. ¹ 3. Ñ. 54-63. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41290334
- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko. Software Tool for Testing the Packet Analyzer of Network Attack Detection Systems // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. Proceedings - SIN 2018: 11th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN 2018). September 10th-12th, 2018 - Cardiff University, Cardiff P. a12- a20 DOI: 10.1145/3264437.3264488 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=38638966 (Scopus, WoS)
- Igor Saenko, Alexey Kushnerevich, Alexander Branitskiy. An approach to detecting attacks on Internet of things devices based on distributed data processing and the use of machine learning algorithms // Methods and technical means of ensuring information security. 2018. No. 27. pp. 29-30. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36546903
(in Russian).
- Alexey Kushnerevich, Alexander Branitskiy. Software for distributed machine learning procedures for network security purposes // Proceedings of the conference "Information technologies in management" (ITU-2018). St. Petersburg. October 2-4, 2018. SPb.: Concern Central Research Institute Electropribor JSC, 2018, P.394-397. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=37028984 (in Russian).
- Vasily Desnitsky, Alexander Branitskiy. Principles of adaptation and retraining of a system for analyzing information objects for protection against inappropriate and malicious information // Proceedings of the conference "Information technologies in management" (ITU-2018). St. Petersburg. October 2-4, 2018. SPb.: Concern Central Research Institute Electropribor JSC, 2018, P. 404–407. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=37028986 (in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy. Substantiation of requirements to means of implementing of multidimensional estimation and categorization of semantic content of information objects // XVI Anniversary Saint-Petersburg International Conference "Regional informatics-2018 (RI-2018)". St. Petersburg, Russia. October 24-26, 2018. Proceedings. P. 118-119. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ri/ri2018/ri2018_materials.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46479392
(in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy, Vasily Desnitsky. Substantiation of requirements for adaptation and retraining of system of analysis of information objects for protection against unwanted and harmful information // XVI Anniversary Saint-Petersburg International Conference "Regional informatics-2018 (RI-2018)". St. Petersburg, Russia. October 24-26, 2018. Proceedings. P. 120-122. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ri/ri2018/ri2018_materials.pdf //
(in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy. Software ways for enhancing the effectiveness of the network-based signature attack detection systems // Actual problems of informational communication in science and education (ÀPINO 2018). VII International technical science and methodical science conference. Compilation of papers. In 4 volumes. Edited by S.V. Bachevskiy. 2018. Volume 1. P. 118–123. https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/7apino/Sb_APINO%202018_Ò_1.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35231537
(in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy. Parallel genetic training algorithm for neuro-fuzzy network for solving the task of detection of sequences of scanning packets // XVI St. Petersburg International Conference "Regional Informatics (RI-2018)". Conference proceedings. SPOISU. - 2018. P. 119–120. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ri/ri2018/ri2018_materials.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46486494
(in Russian).
2017- Igor Kotenko, Andrey Chechulin, Alexander Branitskiy. Generation of Source Data for Experiments with Network Attack Detection Software // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2017. Ò. 820. ¹ 1. Ñ. 012033. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/820/1/012033 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=29483273
- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko. Hybridization of computational intelligence methods for attack detection in computer networks // Journal of Computational Science, Elsevier, 2017, Vol.23, P.145–156. DOI: 10.1016/j.jocs.2016.07.010 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41771295
- Alexander Branitskiy and Igor Kotenko. Network anomaly detection based on an ensemble of adaptive binary classifiers // Computer Network Security. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2017. Ò. 10446 LNCS. Ñ. 143-157. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-65127-9_12 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=31110104
- Alexander Branitskiy. Hierarchical hybridization of binary classifiers for detecting anomalous network connections // SPIIRAS Proceedings. No. 3 (52), 2017. P. 204–233. DOI: 10.15622/sp.52.10 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=29296342 (in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko. Open source software for network attack detection and prevention. Part 1 // Information security. Inside. No. 2(47), 2017. P. 40-47. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=28846336 (in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko. Open source software for network attack detection and prevention. Part 2 // Information security. Inside. No. 3(75), 2017. P. 58-66. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=29207619 (in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy. Evasion and Insertion Network Attacks on the Example of Snort, Suricata and Bro // X St. Petersburg Interregional Conference "Information Security of the regions of Russia" (IBRR-2017). November 1-3, 2017.Proceedings. Issue 4. St. Petersburg: SPOISU P. 209-210 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/riib/riib_4_2017.pdf //
(in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy. Algorithms for Parallel Searching of Template Substrings in Realization of ADS Signature Rules // X St. Petersburg Interregional Conference "Information Security of the regions of Russia" (IBRR-2017). November 1-3, 2017.Proceedings. Issue 4. St. Petersburg: SPOISU P. 210-212 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/riib/riib_4_2017.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35276197
(in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy. Detection and Prevention of Distributed Network Attacks using the Technologies of Machine Learning // The All-Russian Forum "The System of Distributed Situation Centers as the Basis for Digital Transformation of Public Administration" (SDSC-2017). 2017. Ð. 141-143 (in Russian).
2016- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko. Analysis and Classification of Methods for Network Attack Detection // SPIIRAS Proceedings. 2016. Issue 2(45). P.207-244. DOI: 10.15622/SP.45.13 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=25920723 (in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy. Artificial immune systems as a concept for detection and classification of attacks under conditions of dynamically changing traffic // Methods and technical means of ensuring information security. 2016. No. 25. pp. 12-13. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36546734 (in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko. Techniques of combining the binary classifiers for identifying the anomalous network connections // 9th Conference on Information Technologies in Control (ITC) . Proceedings. St.Petersburg, Russia. October 4–6, 2016. P.660-664. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=27559692 (in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy. Architecture of the distributed system of detection, classification and prevention of network attacks based on signature analysis and computational intelligence methods // 9th Conference on Information Technologies in Control (ITC) . Proceedings. St.Petersburg, Russia. October 4–6, 2016. P.651-655. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=27559689 (in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy. Modified model of computational immune system based on evolutionary-genetic approach for detection and classification of anomalous network connections // 9th Conference on Information Technologies in Control (ITC) . Proceedings. St.Petersburg, Russia. October 4–6, 2016. P.656-659. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=27559690 (in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy. Combined approach to network attack detection based on signature analysis and computational intelligence methods // Anniversary XV St. Petersburg International Conference " Regional Informatics-2016 (RI-2016)" St. Petersburg, October 26-28, 2016. P.150. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ri/ri2016/ri2016_materials.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35091300
(in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy, Maxim Colomeec. Development of visualization system of computer networks based on Voronoi diagram // Anniversary XV St. Petersburg International Conference " Regional Informatics-2016 (RI-2016)" St. Petersburg, October 26-28, 2016. P. 151. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ri/ri2016/ri2016_materials.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=29349072
(in Russian).
2015- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko. Network attack detection based on combination of neural, immune and neuro-fuzzy classifiers // Proceedings - IEEE 18th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, CSE 2015. 18. 2015. Ñ. 152-159. DOI: 10.1109/CSE.2015.26 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=26997880 (WoS, Scopus)
- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko. Construction of neural network and immune cell intrusion detection system. Problems of information security, Computer systems, ¹ 4, 2015. P.23-27. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=25817953 (in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko. Network attack detection based on combination of neural, immune and neuro-fuzzy classifiers. Information management systems, ¹ 4(77), 2015. P.69-77 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=24113108
(in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko. Methods of combining the binary classifiers for problems of detection and classification of network attacks // Methods and technical means of ensuring information security. 2015. No. 24. p. 68. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36546624 (in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy. Intrusion detection on the basis of combination of signature-based methods and mechanisms of machine learnin // Methods and technical means of ensuring information security. 2015. No. 24. p. 67 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36546623 (in Russian).
- Branitskiy Alexander. Methods of computational intelligence for detection and classification of anomalies in network traffic. IX Saint-Petersburg Interregional conference "Information security of regions of Russia (IBRR-2015)", Saint-Petersburg, October 28-30, 2015. The proceedings of conference, 2015. P.61-62. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35090390 (in Russian).
- Alexander Branitskiy, Vladimir Polushin. Construction of neural network and immune cell intrusion detection system. 17th International Conference “RusCrypto`2015”, Solnechnogorsk, March 17-20, 2015. http://www.ruscrypto.ru/ (in Russian).
2014- A.A. Branitsky, A.V. Timofeev. Intellectual methods of detection and classification of network attacks // Intellectualization of information processing (see books). 2014. Vol. 10. No. 1. pp. 228-229. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=32260735 (in Russian).
2012- Adil Timofeev, Alexander Branitsky Research and modeling of a neural network method for detecting and classifying network attacks // International Journal "Information Technologies and Knowledge" vol. 6, No. 3, Ð. 257-265.2012 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48242804 (in Russian).
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