Patents and ProgrammsPatents for inventions and utility models, applications for them- Vasily Desnitsky, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko, Igor Parashchuk, Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin. Information retrieval device. Patent No. 2792840. Registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Russian Federation on 27.03.2023. The validity period of the exclusive right to the invention expires on 30.11.2042.
- Vasily Desnitsky, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko, Igor Parashchuk, Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin. Device for network traffic. Patent No. 2768543. Registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Russian Federation on 24.03.2022. The validity period of the exclusive right to the invention expires on 07.04.2041.
- Vasily Desnitsky, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko, Igor Parashchuk, Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin. Device for parametric estimation of the distribution law of message streams. Patent No. 2750287. Registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Russian Federation on 25.06.2021. The validity period of the exclusive right to the invention expires on 11.07.2040.
- Vasily Desnitsky, Igor Kotenko, Igor Parashchuk, Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin, Elena Doynikova. Information retrieval device. Patent No. 2724788. Registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Russian Federation on 25.06.2020. The validity period of the exclusive right to the invention expires on 14.10.2039.
- Vasily Desnitsky, Igor Kotenko, Igor Parashchuk, Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin. Random event prediction device. Patent No. 2705010. Registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Russian Federation on 01.11.2019. The validity period of the exclusive right to the invention expires on 14.02.2039.
- Vasily Desnitsky, Igor Kotenko, Igor Parashchuk, Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin. Information retrieval device. Patent No. 2656736. Registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Russian Federation on 06.06.2018. The validity period of the exclusive right to the invention expires on 27.06.2037.
- Aleksandr Sinjuk, Igor Saenko, Kirill Den’zhonkov. The way to generate encryption/decryption keys. The application for the invention.
Programs and databases2021- Maxim Kolomeec, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. Decision support component for the countermeasures selection for malicious influence on social networks. Certificate No. 2021617410. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 14.05.2021.
- Lidia Vitkova, Andrey Chechulin. Information sources analysis and evaluation component for social networks. Certificate No. 2021617407. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 14.05.2021.
- Aleksei Pronichev, Andrey Chechulin. Integration component for social network data collection systems. Certificate No. 2021617409. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 14.05.2021.
- Lidia Vitkova, Igor Kotenko. Component of expert assessment and ranking of countermeasures to malicious information in social networks . Certificate No. 2021617407. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 14.05.2021.
2020- Vasily Desnitsky, Igor Parashchuk, Andrey Chechulin. The component of eliminating the estimation uncertainty and categorization of the semantic content of information objects based on the disjoint summation of fuzzy sets. Certificate No. 2020610922. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 22.01.2020.
- Vasily Desnitsky, Elena Doinikova. A component of modeling a wireless sensor network for solving security analysis and verification tasks. Certificate No. 2020610060. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 09.01.2020.
- Ksenniia Zhernova, Maxim Kolomeec. Pie chart implementation component for displaying data in virtual and augmented reality. Certificate No 2020660603. Program Registry 08.09.2020.
- Maxim Kolomeec, Andrey Chechulin. Pie chart implementation component for displaying data in virtual and augmented reality. Certificate No 2020660482. Program Registry 04.09.2020.
- Aleksei Pronichev, Andrey Chechulin. Rail Transport Infrastructure Modeling System Component. Certificate No 2020660922. Program Registry 15.09.2020.
- Konstantin Izrailov, Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko. Component for analytical modeling of multi-step network attacks based on a state machine. Certificate No 2020660519. Program Registry 04.09.2020.
- Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko, Ksenia Zhernova. A component for detecting multi-step network attacks based on analytical modeling. Certificate No 2020660703. Program Registry 10.09.2020.
- Konstantin Izrailov, Andrey Chechulin, Lidia Vitkova. Component of vulnerability classification of interfaces for interaction with the transport infrastructure of a smart city. Certificate No 2020661231. Program Registry 18.09.2020.
- Maxim Kolomeets, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko Software tool which implements visual interfaces for detection and counteraction of inappropriate, dubious and harmful information. Certificate No. 2020665787. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.12.2020.
- Dmitry Levshun, Andrey Chechulin Component for the gathering of the quantitative data about users of the Vkontakte social network. Certificate No. 2020665860. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.12.2020.
- Dmitry Levshun, Andrey Chechulin Component for the news gathering from the Vkontakte social network. Certificate No. 2020665466. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 27.11.2020.
- Anton Pronoza, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko Component for the community analysis in a social network. Certificate No. 2020665856. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.12.2020.
- Olga Tushkanova, Andrey Chechulin Component for the classification of social network posts. Certificate No. 2020666209. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 07.12.2020.
- Alexei Pronichev User interface of the test dataset generation subsystem. Certificate No. 2020665992. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 03.12.2020.
- Nickolay Komashinskiy, Igor Kotenko Component for the parallel processing of network traffic using a combination of Snort and Hadoop technologies. Certificate No. 2020665722. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 30.11.2020.
- Maxim Kolomeets Component for the social media bot detection . Certificate No. 2020665836. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.12.2020.
- Igor Saenko, Artem Starkov, Igor Fabianovskiy Component for the probing based quality evaluation of the access control policies. Certificate No. 2020665848. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.12.2020. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.12.2020.
- Ksenia Zhernova, Igor Kotenko Software for the effectiveness evaluation of human-machine interaction based on touch screens. Certificate No. 2020665837. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.12.2020.
- Ksenia Zhernova Gesture recognition component for computer network security management. Certificate No. 2020665761. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.12.2020.
- Alexander Branitskiy, Elena Fedorchenko, Igor Kotenko Component for the destructive influences detection based on text classifiers in social network groups . Certificate No. 2020666158. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 04.12.2020.
- Alexey Meleshko, Vasily Desnitsky Component for the input data generation for solving problems of detecting anomalies in a wireless sensor network. Certificate No. 2020665921. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 02.12.2020.
- Evgenia Novikova, Vasily Desnitsky Component for the multidimensional data from wireless sensor network visualization. Certificate No. 2020666210. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 07.12.2020.
- Elena Fedorchenko, Andrey Fedorchenko, Alexander Branitskiy Component for the security data normalization by automated preprocessing of fragmented semi-structured data. Certificate No. 2020665838. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.12.2020.
- Elena Fedorchenko, Andrey Fedorchenko Component for the security incidents detection by building and processing a knowledge graph. Certificate No. 2020665818. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.12.2020.
- Elena Fedorchenko, Lidia Vitkova, Alexey Pronichev, Igor Saenko. Component for choosing countermeasures against unwanted, questionable and malicious information. Certificate No. 2020665591. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 27.11.2020.
- Alexander Branitskiy, Vasily Desnitsky, Igor Parashchuk. Software tool for adaptation and retraining of the information objects analysis system. Certificate No. 2020665857. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 21.11.2020.
- Lidia Vitkova, Elizaveta Berezina, Aleksei Pronichev, Igor Saenko, Igor Kotenko. Database for accounting of unwanted information together with countermeasures. Certificate No. 2020665857. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 08.12.2020.
- Diana Gayfulina, Saenko Igor. Categorized Web Content Database. Certificate No. 2020665857. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 10.12.2020.
- Dmitry Levshun, Diana Gayfulina. Component for analyzing the behavior of users with the greatest dynamics of the results of Ammon's Ya-structured test. Certificate No. 2020666552. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 11.12.2020.
- Vasily Desnitsky, Igor Parashchuk., Igor Kotenko. Data processing component of the parental control system for digital content on the Internet. Certificate No. 2020666736. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 16.12.2020.
2019- Dmitry Levshun, Andrey Chechulin. The component for comments collection in the VKontakte social network. Certificate No 2019663976. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 29.10.2019.
- Lidia Vitkova, Igor Paraschuk. The component of the uncertainty of assessment and categorization removal for the semantic content of information objects based on the use of processing methods for incomplete, contradictory and fuzzy knowledge. Certificate No 2019663984. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 29.10.2019.
- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Saenko. Component of multidimensional assessment and categorization of semantic content of information objects. Certificate No 2019664050. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 30.10.2019.
- Dmitry Levshun, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. Application for the analysis of the constructive, destructive and deficit components of the user's I-functions based on Ammon’s I-structural test. Certificate No 2019664059. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 30.10.2019.
- Maxim Kolomeets, Andrey Chechulin, Ksenia Zhernova. The system for the evaluation of user's visual perception in virtual reality. Certificate No 2019664065. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 30.10.2019.
- Maxim Kolomeets, Andrey Chechulin. Component for visualization of graph structures in virtual reality. Certificate No 2019664066. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 30.10.2019.
- Maxim Kolomeets, Andrey Chechulin. The search component of the connected core of social groups in social networks. Certificate No 2019664067. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 30.10.2019.
- Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. A component for calculating metrics to support decision making on countering inappropriate information on the Internet. Certificate No 2019664198. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.11.2019.
- Dmitry Levshun, Andrey Chechulin. The visualization component for the results of a psychological tests based on Ammon's I-structural test. Certificate No 2019664301. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 05.11.2019.
- Maxim Kolomeets, Andrey Chechulin. Component for visual analysis of social network user activity in 2D and 3D. Certificate No 2019664309. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 05.11.2019.
- Alexander Branitskiy, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Neural network module for users of a social network classification according to the psychological scales of the Ammon's test. Certificate No 2019664410. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 06.11.2019.
- Lidia Vitkova, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. A component of user segmentation by their activity on social networks. Certificate No. 2019664733. Registered in the Register of computer programs on 13.11.2018.
- Vasily Desnitsky. Modeling normal and abnormal wireless sensor network traffic to evaluate and increase protection against Denial-of-Sleep attacks. Certificate No 2019665204. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 20.11.2019.
- Vasily Desnitsky. Modeling protection of Digital City network nodes against Denial-of-Sleep attacks. Certificate No 2019665088. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 19.11.2019.
- Alexey Meleshko, Vasily Desnitsky. Modeling protection of unmanned aerial vehicles from energy depletion attacks. Certificate No 2019664768. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 13.11.2019.
- Alexey Meleshko, Vasily Desnitsky. Modeling components of a Digital City system to counter energy depletion attacks. Certificate No 2019664767. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 13.11.2019.
- Vasily Desnitsky, Alexey Meleshko. Assessment of feasibility of energy depletion attacks on an unmanned aerial vehicle through modification of flight performance. Certificate No 2019665584. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 26.11.2019.
- Vasily Desnitsky, Andrey Fedorchenko. Modeling an information security violator in wireless sensor networks. Certificate No. 2019667307. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 23.12.2019.
- Ksenia Zhernova, Igor Kotenko. Touch interface for monitoring computer network security. Certificate No. 2019666536. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 11.12.2019.
- Ksenia Zhernova, Igor Kotenko. Multi-touch gesture recognition component for touch screen. Certificate No. 2019666461. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 10.12.2019.
- Andrey Fedorchenko, Diana Gayfulina, Igor Kotenko. A software component for the structural analysis of network information objects in a system of distributed intelligent scanners. Certificate No. 2019666070. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 04.12.2019.
- Dmitry Levshun, Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko. Software implementation of the procedure for verification of access control policies based on attributes in the UPPAAL environment. Certificate No. 2019666578. Registered in the Computer Program Registry on 12.12.2019.
2018- Alexander Branitskiy, Maxim Kolomeec, Andrey Chechulin. Network visualization system based on Voroni diagramm. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018613605. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 19.03.2018.
- Alexey Zhuvikin, Lidia Vitkova, Andrey Chechulin, Yulia Soldatova. Monitoring of graphic images in the global Internet. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018662641. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 12.10.2018.
- Vasily Desnitsky, Andrey Chechulin. Firmware of a node of a Smart City sensor network to model energy exhaustion attacks. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018662696. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 12.10.2018.
- Vasily Desnitsky, Andrey Chechulin. Detection of energy exhaustion attacks on the base of rules in wireless mesh networks. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018662817. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 16.10.2018.
- Vasily Desnitsky, Andrey Chechulin. Control for governing an unmanned aerial vehicle to model energy exhaustion attacks . Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018662871. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 17.10.2018.
- Anton Pronoza, Andrey Chechulin. Component for interaction with a hybrid data storage of heterogeneous objects of a social network . Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018663493. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 29.10.2018.
- Igor Saenko, Igor Parashchuk, Alexander Branitskiy. Software for imitation modeling of processes for collecting and preprocessing unwanted information. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018663494. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 29.10.2018.
- Andrey Fedorchenko, Elena Doynikova, Igor Saenko. Component of automated typization of heterogeneous information objects for analysis of unwanted information. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018663495. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 29.10.2018.
- Vasily Desnitsky, Nickolay Rudavin, Igor Saenko. Modeling unwanted information flows in information systems. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018663496. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 29.10.2018.
- Vasily Desnitsky, Igor Kotenko. Module of analysis of unwanted information flows in information systems. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018663497. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 29.10.2018.
- Maxim Kolomeec, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. Component for visualization of communication graphs of social network objects using augmented reality technology. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018663594. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 31.10.2018.
- Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. Component for definition of web page categories on the base of text features. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018663639. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.11.2018.
- Andrey Chechulin. Component for analytical modeling of attacks in a computer network on the base of the use of a hybrid ontological security data repository. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018663641. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.11.2018.
- Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko, Igor Kotenko. Component for ranking measures to counter remote information in the Internet. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018663642. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.11.2018.
- Andrey Fedorchenko. Component for correlation of information with static content on the base of the use of hybrid ontological security data repository. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018663644. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.11.2018.
- Elena Doynikova. Component for security assessment with the use of ontological security data repository. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018663646. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.11.2018.
- Maxim Kolomeec, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. The module of human-computer interaction with the information panel of the computer network visualization system. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018663862. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 06.11.2018.
- Maxim Kolomeec, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko. The component of the role-based access control model visualization based on triangular matrices. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018663991. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 08.11.2018.
- Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko. Component of vulnerabilities classification based on their informal characteristics to identify weaknesses of information systems. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018664027. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 08.11.2018.
- Dmitry Levshun. Component of traffic generation for cyber-physical systems based on I2C protocol. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018664325. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 14.11.2018.
2017- Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko. Subsystem for countermeasures automatic selection in computer networks based on graph models in static and dynamic modes of operation. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2017619725. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.09.2017.
- Vasily Desnitsky, Igor Parashchuk, Andrey Chechulin. Modeling of the attacks on wireless modules if mobile network. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2017619724. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 19.09.2017.
- Mikhail Bulgakov, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. Component for data extraction from control channels of railway model. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2017660182. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 19.09.2017.
- Vasily Desnitsky, Igor Kotenko, Andrey Chechulin. Processing of security events from the cyberphysical water supply management system. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2017660183. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 19.09.2017.
- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko. Frontend-interface of network attack generator. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2017660184. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 19.09.2017.
- Maxim Kolomeec, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. Visual interface for Smart home security system management. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2017661653. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 17.10.2017.
- Andrey Fedorchenko, Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko. Agent for Windows security events collection with a function of selective anonymization of transmitted information. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2017619728. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.09.2017.
- Dmitry Levshun, Igor Kotenko, Andrey Chechulin. Repository for heterogeneous data from the hardware elements of the smart home. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2017620996. Registered in the database Registry 01.09.2017.
- Vasily Desnitsky, Igor Kotenko, Igor Parashchuk. Managing of the security of a wireless mesh-network. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2017661289. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 09.10.2017.
- Elena Doynikova, Andrey Chechulin, Andrey Fedorchenko. Component for data normalization from external sources for building a hybrid security repository. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2017663405. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.12.2017.
- Andrey Fedorchenko, Andrey Chechulin, Elena Doynikova. Component for analysis of semi-structured databases for building a hybrid security repository. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2017663404. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.12.2017.
2016- Dmitry Levshun, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. System for support and management of database of the room access control and management system based on the contactless smart cards. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2016612543. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.03.2016.
- Maxim Kolomeets, Andrey Chechulin. Component for network topology visualization using graphs. Certificate № 2016614486. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 25.04.2016.
- Maxim Kolomeets, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. Component for network security metrics visualization using
matrices. Certificate № 2016614487. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 25.04.2016.
- Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko, Fadey Skorik. Software for operational classification of data about the network status based on the using of artificial neural networks. Certificate № 2016614485. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 25.04.2016.
- Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin, Sergey Ageev, Alexander Bogdanov. Software for adaptive network traffic analysis for the information security risks evaluation. Certificate № 2016614488. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 25.04.2016.
- Igor Saenko, Igor Kotenko, Vladimir Avramenko, Daniil Bobreshov-Shishov. Software for information security evaluation on the basis of expert assessment of unauthorized access threats in automated systems. Certificate № 2016614484. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 25.04.2016.

- Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Component for information security risks evaluation for network assets based on security events analysis. Certificate № 201614489. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 25.04.2016.
- Igor Kotenko, Maxim Kolomeets, Andrey Chechulin. Component for creation of patterns and retrieval of information objects and relationships between them for visualization of unformalized data with heterogeneous structure. Certificate № 2016663182. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 29.11.2016.
- Dmitry Levshun, Andrey Chechulin. Database of the logging server of a secure access control system for Smart House model. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate N 2016621608. Registered in the database Registry 29.11.2016.
- Maxim Kolomeets, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. Component for retrieval of information objects and links between them based on patterns, normalization and reducing of the dimension of the information objects and for forming a multi-dimensional matrix of connections between information objects. Certificate № 2016663963. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 20.12.2016.
- Maxim Kolomeets, Andrey Chechulin. Component implementing application programming interfaces for providing access to the visualization results for external information systems. Certificate № 2016663709. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 14.12.2016.
- Andrey Fedorchenko, Andrey Chechulin. Component for the expert evaluation of the quality of visualization of data with unformalized heterogeneous structure. Certificate № 2016663861. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 19.12.2016.
- Dmitry Levshun, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. Component implementing the network level of interaction between the controllers based on the I2C protocol. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate N 2016663951. Registered in the database Registry 20.12.2016.
- Mikhail Bulgakov, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. Component for DCC protocol analysis for implementing the railways as the obhect of security incident management. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate N 2016663840. Registered in the database Registry 19.12.2016.
- Igor Saenko, Alexei Kushnerevuch, Igor Kotenko, Andrey Chechulin. Component for analysis of big data sets for the computer networks security monitoring. Certificate № 2016663929. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 19.12.2016.
- Саенко И.Б., Кушнеревич А.Г., Котенко И.В. Компонент агрегации больших массивов данных для мониторинга безопасности компьютерных сетей. Свидетельство № 2016663498. Зарегистрировано в Реестре программ для ЭВМ 08.12.2016.
- Саенко И.Б., Кушнеревич А.Г., Браницкий А.А. Компонент нормализации больших массивов данных для мониторинга безопасности компьютерных сетей. Свидетельство № 2016663554. Зарегистрировано в Реестре программ для ЭВМ 12.12.2016.
- Саенко И.Б., Кушнеревич А.Г., Десницкий В.А. Компонент взаимодействия с пользователями системы обработки больших массивов данных для мониторинга безопасности компьютерных сетей. Свидетельство № 2016663475. Зарегистрировано в Реестре программ для ЭВМ 08.12.2016.
- Дойникова Е.В., Котенко И.В. Компонент динамического выбора контрмер на основе анализа инцидентов безопасности для предотвращения развития атаки в компьютерной сети. Свидетельство № 2016663492. Зарегистрировано в Реестре программ для ЭВМ 08.12.2016.
- Браницкий А.А., Котенко И.В. Компонент классификации аномальных сетевых соединений на основе искусственных иммунных систем. Свидетельство № 2016663476. Зарегистрировано в Реестре программ для ЭВМ 08.12.2016.
- Дойникова Е.В. Компонент оценки эффективности системы оценки защищенности в компьютерных сетях. Свидетельство № 2016663928. Зарегистрировано в Реестре программ для ЭВМ 19.12.2016.
- Десницкий В.А. Компонент обнаружения аномальных данных от сенсоров для системы контроля температурного режима помещения. Свидетельство № 2016663374. Зарегистрировано в Реестре программ для ЭВМ 06.12.2016.
- Десницкий В.А., Котенко И.В. Компонент оценки эффективности верификации информационных потоков на основе метода проверки на модели. Свидетельство № 2016663477. Зарегистрировано в Реестре программ для ЭВМ 08.12.2016.
2015- Elena Doynikova, Andrey Chechulin. Generator of random attack sequences for testing of networks of Internet of Things. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2015615368. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 15.05.2015.
- Igor Kotenko, Andrey Chechulin. Attack graph visualization module for network security evaluation system. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2015615640. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 22.05.2015.
- Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. Network topology visualization module for security information and event management in information and telecommunication systems. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2015615773. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 22.05.2015.
- Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Component for assessment of the assests criticality on the base of service dependencies model for testing of the security components of networks of Internet of Things. Certificate No 2015615374. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 24.03.2015.
- Vasily Desnitsky, Igor Kotenko. Component for gathering data on a system for design, verification and testing security components of information and telecommunication Internet of Things systems. Certificate No 2015615411. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 18.05.2015.
- Igor Saenko, Alexander Branitskiy. Software and instrumental bench of visualization and evaluation of design quality of virtual networks for decision support in monitoring and management of information security. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2015615772. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 22.05.2015.
- Andrey Fedorchenko, Igor Kotenko. Access and management services for the integrated vulnerability database for the security monitoring and management in information and telecommunication systems. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate N 2015615366. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 15.05.2015.
- Maxim Kolomeets, Andrey Chechulin. Room access control and management system client based on the contactless smart cards. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2015662136. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 17.11.2015.
- Maxim Kolomeets, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. Room access control and management server based on the contactless smart cards. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2015662190. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 18.11.2015.
- Dmitry Levshun, Andrey Chechulin. Room access control and management system embedded device's sketch based on the contactless smart cards. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2015662137. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 17.11.2015.
- Andrey Fedorchenko, Andrey Chechulin. The statistics analisys and qualitative parameters evoluation component of integrated vulnerability database. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate N 2015662208. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 18.11.2015.
- Andrey Fedorchenko, Andrey Chechulin. The integrated vulnerability database for monitoring systems and security management in information and telecommunication systems. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate N 2015621655. Registered in the database Registry 17.11.2015.
- Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin, Sergey Ageev, Igor Kotenko. Classifier of states of computer network elements for risk assessment of information security threats. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate N 2015662186. Registered in the database Registry 18.11.2015.
- Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin, Valery Kuvaev, Nikolai Barikin. Software for the operational efficiency evaluation of access to the resources of the common information and communication environment. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate N 2015662574. Registered in the database Registry 16.11.2015.
- Andrey Chechulin, Elena Doyninkova. Component for analysis of the attack models for the protection of the information and telecommunication systems. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate N 2015662026. Registered in the database Registry 16.11.2015.
- Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. Component of the attack modeling for the protection of the information and telecommunication systems. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate N 2015662484. Registered in the database Registry 25.11.2015.
- Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko. Adaptive intrusion detection system based on hybridization methods of computational intelligence. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2015662189. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 18.11.2015.
- Vasily Desnitsky, Igor Kotenko. A software tool for evaluation of effectiveness of configuring security components of Internet of Things systems. Certificate N 2015662025. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 16.11.2015.
- Vasily Desnitsky. The software of representing the input data for configuring components of protection of embedded devices. Certificate № 2015662185. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 18.11.2015.
- Vasily Desnitsky. Generator of report forms of analysis of security systems of the Internet of things. Certificate № 2015662184. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 18.11.2015.
2014- Igor Saenko, Sergey Ageev, Andrey Chechulin. Decision support in risk evaluation of information security threats in multiservice networks. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2014660775. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 15.10.2014.
- Igor Saenko, Fadey Skorik, Andrey Chechulin. Solution to the problem of forecasting the network status. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2014660856. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 17.10.2014.
- Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova, Andrey Chechulin. Calculation of the security metrics for the monitoring of the current security state of information and telecommunication systems for the deсision support of the responses on the security incidents. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2014661026. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 22.10.2014.
- Igor Kotenko, Andrey Chechulin. Malefactor model formation for security evaluation of information and telecommunication systems. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2014661028. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 22.10.2014.
- Vasily Desnitsky, Igor Kotenko. Verificataion of network information flows for protection of information and telecommunication systems with embedded devices. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2014661027. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 22.10.2014.
2013- Igor Kotenko, Vasily Desnitsky. Configurator of protection system of embedded devices. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2013612691. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 11.03.2013 г.
- Olga Polubelova, Igor Kotenko. Verifier of filtering rules of security policy. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2013612707. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 11.03.2013 г.
- Igor Kotenko, Andrey Shorov. Simulator of botnets and defense mechanisms against them. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2013612788. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 13.03.2013.
- Evgenia Novikova, Igor Kotenko. System for visualization of logs of mobile money transfer service. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2013660999. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 26.11.2013 г.
- Igor Saenko, Philipp Nesteruk. Solution to the problem of genetic optimization of access control schemes in the virtual local area network. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No № 2013618914. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 23.09.2013.
- Igor Saenko, Fadey Skorik, Philipp Nesteruk. Solution to the problem of forecasting the network status using artificial neural networks. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2013618915. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 23.09.2013.
2012- Igor Kotenko, Andrey Chechulin, Mikhail Stepashkin. Designer of specifications of computer networks. Certificate No.2012615244. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 9.07.2012.
- Igor Kotenko, Andrey Chechulin, Mikhail Stepashkin. System of security analysis of computer networks. Certificate No.2012615245. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 9.07.2012.
- Igor Kotenko, Andrey Chechulin, Mikhail Stepashkin. Update of vulnerability database. Certificate No.2012615247. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 9.07.2012.
- Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin. The solution of the task of synthesizing the VPN network topology for distributed enterprise management system using genetic algorithm. Certificate No.2012615246. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 9.07.2012.
- Sergey Alyshev, Sergey Kruglov, Igor Saenko, Aleksandr Sidorov, Andrey Chechulin. The solution of the role mining problem by genetic algorithm. Certificate No.2012612176. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 28.02.2012.
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