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Vitkova Lidia Andreevna

Citizenship: Russia
Address academic (office):
St.Petersburg Federal Research Ceneter of the Russian Academy of Sciences
39, 14th Liniya, St.-Petersburg, 199178, Russia
Tel.: +7-(812)-328-7181
Fax: +7-(812)-328-4450

Position: Senior Research fellow

Vitkova Lidia Andreevna, PhD, senior research fellow of Laboratory of Computer Security Problems of the St.Petersburg Federal Research Ceneter of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

E-mail: vitkova[AT]comsec[DOT]spb[DOT]ru


Research interests

  • Social network analysis, BigData, data science, artificial intelligence system, information security.


Academic background

  • 2001-2007 - Herzen state pedagogical University, faculty of Social Sciences.
  • 2012-2018  - Federal State Budget-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education The Bonch-Bruevich Saint - Petersburg State University of Telecommunications:
  • 2014  - 2014 the degree of the master in a direction "information security", specialization - 090900 " information security " is appropriated.
  • 2018  - Graduate school is finished in a direction "information security", specialization – 05.13.19 " information security " is appropriated.




Patents and Programms

Programs and databases


  1. Lidia Vitkova, Andrey Chechulin. Information sources analysis and evaluation component for social networks. Certificate No. 2021617407. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 14.05.2021.
  2. Lidia Vitkova, Igor Kotenko. Component of expert assessment and ranking of countermeasures to malicious information in social networks . Certificate No. 2021617407. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 14.05.2021.


  1. Elena Fedorchenko, Lidia Vitkova, Alexey Pronichev, Igor Saenko. Component for choosing countermeasures against unwanted, questionable and malicious information. Certificate No. 2020665591. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 27.11.2020.

  2. Lidia Vitkova, Elizaveta Berezina, Aleksei Pronichev, Igor Saenko, Igor Kotenko. Database for accounting of unwanted information together with countermeasures. Certificate No. 2020665857. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 08.12.2020.


  1. Lidia Vitkova, Igor Paraschuk. The component of the uncertainty of assessment and categorization removal for the semantic content of information objects based on the use of processing methods for incomplete, contradictory and fuzzy knowledge. Certificate No 2019663984. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 29.10.2019.

  2. Lidia Vitkova, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. A component of user segmentation by their activity on social networks. Certificate No. 2019664733. Registered in the Register of computer programs on 13.11.2018.


  1. Alexey Zhuvikin, Lidia Vitkova, Andrey Chechulin, Yulia Soldatova. Monitoring of graphic images in the global Internet. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018662641. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 12.10.2018.



Former Projects

  • Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator). Grant of Russian Science Foundation ¹ 21-71-20078 " Analytical processing of large arrays of heterogeneous data in the interests of state assessment, decision support and incident investigation to ensure cybersecurity of critical infrastructures", 2021-2024 (Researcher).
    RSCF_21-71-20078_Report_2021_eng.pdf [application/pdf] (303137 bytes)
    RSCF_21-71-20078_Report_2021_rus.pdf [application/pdf] (404167 bytes)
    RSCF_21-71-20078_Report_2022_eng.pdf [application/pdf] (83106 bytes)
    RSCF_21-71-20078_Report_2022_rus.pdf [application/pdf] (86478 bytes)
    RSCF_21-71-20078_Report_2023_eng.pdf [application/pdf] (613891 bytes)
    RSCF_21-71-20078_Report_2023_rus.pdf [application/pdf] (752342 bytes)
  • Andrey Chechulin (Principal Investigator). Grant of Russian Science Foundation ¹ 18-71-10094-P "Monitoring and counteraction to malicious influence in the information space of social networks", 2021-2023 (Researcher).
  • Dmitry Gavra (Principal Investigator). "Mediatization of local incidents as a mechanism for political protest mobilization in an informational network society". Research grant # 20-011-00371 of Russian Foundation of Basic Research. SPbU., 2020-2023 (Researcher).
  • Andrey Chechulin (Principal Investigator). "Development of methods for vulnerabilities detection for human-computer interaction interfaces of the Smart City transport infrastructure". Research grant # 19-29-06099 of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2019-2022 (Researcher).
    Report-2020-29-06099-short.pdf [application/pdf] (147123 bytes)
    Report-2022-29-06099-short.pdf [application/pdf] (123421 bytes)
    Report-2023-29-06099-short.pdf [application/pdf] (0 bytes)
  • Elena Doynikova (Principal Investigator). “Techniques of security assessment and response to cyber attacks in the industrial Internet of Things based on the ontology of security metrics and methods of intellectual analysis of big data”. Research grant # 19-07-01246 A of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2019-2021 (Researcher).
    Report-2019-19-07-01246-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (215676 bytes)
    Report-2020-19-07-01246-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (203097 bytes)
    Report-2021-19-07-01246-a-short.pdf [application/pdf ] (400195 bytes)
  • Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator) – State Contract No. 05.607.21.0322 "Development of methods, models, algorithms and software tools based on detecting deviations in heuristics of ultra-high volume traffic to detect network attacks and protect against them". Project of Russian Ministry of Education and Science in scope of the Program "Research and development in priority directions of evolution of the scientific and technological complex of Russia on 2014-2020", 2019-2020 (Researcher).
    Report-FTP-Results-05.607.21.0322.pdf [application/pdf] (204912 bytes)
  • Andrey Chechulin (Principal Investigator). Grant of Russian Science Foundation ¹ 18-71-10094 "Monitoring and counteraction to malicious influence in the information space of social networks", 2018-2021 (Main researcher).
    RSCF_18-71-10094_Report_2020_eng.pdf [application/pdf] (196723 bytes)
    RSCF_18-71-10094_Report_2020_rus.pdf [application/pdf] (258925 bytes)
    RSCF_18-71-10094_Report_2021_eng.pdf [application/pdf] (178723 bytes)
    RSCF_18-71-10094_Report_2021_rus.pdf [application/pdf] (194835 bytes)
  • Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator). "Monitoring and identification of destructive information impacts and negative personal tendencies of the younger generation when interacting with the Internet space on the basis of methods of neurocomputer and neural network processing of Internet content" Research grant # 18-29-22034 of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2018-2021 (Researcher).
    Report-2019-18-29-22034-short.pdf [application/pdf] (147123 bytes)
    Report-2020-18-29-22034-short.pdf [application/pdf] (356989 bytes)
  • Igor Saenko (Principal Investigator). Grant of Russian Science Foundation ¹ 18-11-00302 "Intelligent digital network content processing for effective detection and counteraction of inappropriate, dubious and harmful information", 2018-2020 (Researcher).
    RSF-Results-2018-18-11-00302-Eng.pdf [application/pdf] (94208 bytes)
    RSF-Results-2018-18-11-00302-Rus.pdf [application/pdf] (245760 bytes)


Main publications



  1. M. Kolomeets, O. Tushkanova, V. Desnitsky, L. Vitkova, A. Chechulin. Experimental evaluation: can humans recognise social media bots? // Big Data and Cognitive Computing. 2024. Ò. 8. ¹ 3. Ñ. 24. DOI: 10.3390/bdcc8030024 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=66173046
  2. L.A. Vitkova, R.R. Ismailov, M.A. Pepp. Automation of identification of information security vulnerabilities // Current problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (Apino 2024). Collection of scientific articles of the XIII International Scientific, technical and scientific-methodical conference in 4 volumes.. St. Petersburg, 2024. pp. 186-189 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=67337365&pff=1 (in Russian).
  3. L.A. Vitkova, V.V. Puchkov, I.D. Shadrin. The effectiveness of using the IDS SURICATA intrusion detection system to detect A MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE (MITM) attack // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (Apino 2024). Collection of scientific articles of the XIII International Scientific, technical and scientific-methodical conference in 4 volumes.. St. Petersburg, 2024. p.190-194 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=67337366&pff=1 (in Russian).


  1. Maxim Kolomeets, Andrey Chechulin, Lidia Vitkova. Technique for Investigating Attacks on a Company’s Reputation on a Social Media Platform. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2022, 1089 SCI, P. 234–243. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-29104-3_26
  2. Ksenia Namytova, Dmitry Gavra, Lidia Vitkova. Methodology for Detecting and Feature Selection of an Information Attack in the Process of Mediatization // Proceedings of the Seventh International Scientific Conference «Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry» (IITI’23). Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2023. pp. 55-64. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-43789-2_5
  3. Dmitrii Gavra, Ekaterina Akimovich, Liudmila Balakhonskaya, Lidia Vitkova, Vitaly Balakhonsky. Communication Strategies of Wide Mediatization of a Sports Incident in Pluralistic Media Space // 2023 Communication Strategies in Digital Society Seminar (ComSDS). 2023. pp. 29-36. DOI: 10.1109/ComSDS58064.2023.10130415
  4. L.A. Vitkova. The model of information attacks in the media space // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (APINO 2023). Collection of scientific articles. XII International Scientific-technical and scientific-methodical Conference. In 4 vols .. St. Petersburg, 2023. pp. 265-268. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=54033579 (in Russian).
  5. L.A. Vitkova, A.M. Leshukova. Detection of objects in images // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (APINO-2023). XII International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological conference; collection of scientific articles in 4 volumes / Edited by S.I. Makarenko; comp. V.S. Elagin, E.A. Anikevich. – St. Petersburg: SPbGUT. 2023. 1. pp. 272-275 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=54033828&pff=1 (in Russian).
  6. L.A. Vitkova, A.L. Zrelova. Modern problems of personal data protection in the Russian Federation // Current problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (APINO 2023). Collection of scientific articles. XII International Scientific-technical and scientific-methodical Conference. In 4 vols .. St. Petersburg, 2023. pp. 268-272.// https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=54033580&pff=1 (in Russian).
  7. L.A. Vitkova, A.L. Zrelova. Investigation of HYPER-V hypervisor security mechanisms // Information security and protection of personal data. Problems and ways to solve them. Collection of materials and reports of the XV interregional scientific and practical conference. Under the general editorship of O.M. Golembiovskaya. Bryansk, 2023. pp. 49-53.// https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=54133019 (in Russian).


  1. Lidia Vitkova, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. Feature selection for intelligent detection of targeted influence on public opinion in social networks // Proceedings of the Fifth International Scientific Conference “Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry” (IITI’21). pp 421–430 // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022. Ò. 330 LNNS. Ñ. 421-430. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-87178-9_42 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47100014
  2. Ksenia Namyatova, Lidia Vitkova, Andrey Chechulin. An approach to automated assessment of the image of a territorial entity in the media discourse of a foreign states // Studies in Computational Intelligence. 2022. Ò. 1026. Ñ. 215-224. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-96627-0_20 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48585256
  3. Ksenia Namyatova, Lidia Vitkova, Andrey Chechulin. An approach to automated assessment of the image of a territorial entity in the media discourse of a foreign states // Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing - IDC'2021. Sep 16-18, 2022, Online Conference, Italy (WoS, Scopus, Ïåðå÷åíü ÂÀÊ, ÐÈÍÖ)
  4. Lidia Vitkova, Maxim Kolomeets, Andrey Chechulin. Taxonomy and Bot Threats in Social Networks // Conference: 2022 International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon)At: Sochi, Russia. September 2022. PP. 814-819 // DOI:10.1109/RusAutoCon54946.2022.9896268 // file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/094_v2_word_2019-2.pdf //http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/rusautocon54946.2022.9896268
  5. Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin, Lidia Vitkova, Maxim Kolomeec, Igor Zelichenok, Maxim Melnik, Denis Makrushin, Nikita Petrevich. Detection of Anomalies and Attacks in Container Systems: An Integrated Approach Based on Black and White Lists. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022, 566 LNNS, P. 107–117. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-19620-1_11 // http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-19620-1_11
  6. I. Pestov, L. Vitkova. Methodology for Detecting Anomaly and Attack on Cloud Infrastructure Instances // Proceedings of the Sixth International Scientific Conference "Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry" (IITI'22). - Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022. - P. 131-141 // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 566. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-19620-1_13
  7. L.A. Vitkova, A.L. Matrelova, M.A. Spitsyn. Review and systematization of licenses, restrictions on distribution and copying // Bulletin of the St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design. Series 1: Natural and technical sciences. 2022. 4. pp. 46-51. DOI: 10.46418/2079-8199_2022_4_7 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=50432299 (in Russian).
  8. Georgy Abramenko, Lidia Vitkova, M. Melnik. Overview of tools for monitoring local information security events// Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (APINO 2022). XI International Scientific-technical and scientific-methodical conference. St. Petersburg, 2022. pp. 46-49 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49522647&pff=1 (in Russian).
  9. Lidia Vitkova. An approach to detecting anomalies and attacks in container systems based on logs // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (APINO 2022). XI International Scientific-technical and scientific-methodical conference. St. Petersburg, 2022. pp. 259-263 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49522695&pff=1 (in Russian).
  10. Lidia Vitkova. Algorithm for analysis of registration dates of commentators in the social network VK // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (APINO 2022). XI International Scientific-technical and scientific-methodical conference. St. Petersburg, 2022. pp. 263-266 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49522696&pff=1 (in Russian).
  11. Lidia Vitkova, E. Edemskaya. Researching vulnerabilities of smart home system and methods of their detection // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (APINO 2022). XI International Scientific-technical and scientific-methodical conference. Saint Petersburg, 2022. pp. 267-270 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49522697&pff=1 (in Russian).
  12. Lidia Vitkova, A. Zrelova. Analysis of IPTV to detect pirated TV-channel content // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (APINO 2022). XI International Scientific-technical and scientific-methodical conference. St. Petersburg, 2022. pp. 270-274 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49522698&pff=1 (in Russian).
  13. Lidia Vitkova, N. Krestiashin. Classification of SQL-injection threat sources // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (APINO 2022). XI International Scientific-technical and scientific-methodical conference. St. Petersburg, 2022. pp. 274-278 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49522699&pff=1 (in Russian).
  14. Lidia Vitkova, Igor Paraschuk, Igor Saenko. Problems and features of analytical processing procedures for large arrays of heterogeneous data on cybersecurity events in infocommunication networks and systems // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (APINO 2022). XI International Scientific-technical and scientific-methodical conference. St. Petersburg, 2022. pp. 279-283. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49522700 (in Russian).
  15. L.A. Vitkova. Information attacks in social networks // In the book: Regional Informatics (RI-2022). Jubilee XVIII St. Petersburg International Conference. Conference materials. Saint Petersburg, 2022. pp. 145-147. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49977649 (in Russian).
  16. L.A. Vitkova. Analysis of social media profiles for information security // Materials of the conference "Information Technologies in Management" (ITU-2022). 15th Multi-conference on Management Issues. Saint Petersburg, 2022. pp. 244-245. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=50211051 (in Russian).
  17. L.A. Vitkova, Yu.A. Talanov. The task of detecting anomalies at critical infrastructure facilities // Security issues in cyberspace. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference. Makhachkala, 2022. pp. 180-184. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=53726896 (in Russian).


  1. Lidia Vitkova, Igor Kotenko, Andrey Chechulin. An approach to ranking the sources of information dissemination in social networks // Information (Switzerland). 2021. Ò. 12. ¹ 10.Serial number: 416 DOI: 10.3390/info12100416 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47516212
  2. L. Vitkova, K. Valieva, D. Kozlov. An approach to detecting the spread of false information on the internet using data science algorithms // Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Ò. 729 LNEE. Ñ. 438-448. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-71119-1_43 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46023527
  3. Lidia Vitkova, Daria Goluzina, Ksenia Naumenko. Methodology for identifying artificial mobilization of protest activity in social networks // Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 2021. Ò. 729 LNEE. Ñ. 468-478. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-71119-1_46 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46052247
  4. Lidia Vitkova, Aleksei Pronichev, Elena Doynikova, Igor Saenko. Selection of Countermeasures against Propagation of Harmful Information via Internet // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Ñåð. "International Scientific Conference of Communications, Information, Electronic and Energy Systems, CIEES 2020", 26th-29th November 2020, Borovets, Bulgaria 1032:012017// 2021. P. 012017. DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/1032/1/012017 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46802931 (WoS, Scopus)
  5. Dmitrii Gavra, Ksenia Namyatova, Lidia Vitkova. Detection of Induced Activity in Social Networks: Model and Methodology // Future Internet. 2021. Vol. 13, ¹ 11, Serial number: 297. DOI: 10.3390/fi13110297 (WoS, Scopus Q2, Ïåðå÷åíü ÂÀÊ, ÐÈÍÖ) file:///C:/Users/79291/Downloads/futureinternet-13-00297.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48128180
  6. Lidia Vitkova, Igor Zelichenok. Method for monitoring and diagnosing local incidents with the potential for protest mobiliza // Informatization and communication. 2021. No. 5. pp. 90-96. DOI: 10.34219/2078-8320-2021-12-5-90-96 // https://elibrary.ru/zfzfey // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46659859 (in Russian).
  7. L.A. Vitkova. Methodology of countering cyberbullying in social networks // Bulletin of the St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design. Series 1: Natural and Technical Sciences. 2021. No. 4. pp. 49-54. DOI: 10.46418/2079-8199_2021_4_7 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47935491 (in Russian).
  8. L.A. Vitkova, V.V. Puchkov. Architecture of the anomalous detection system in IoT // Bulletin of the St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design. Series 1: Natural and Technical Sciences. 2021. No. 4. pp. 76-81. DOI: 10.46418/2079-8199_2021_4_11 // https://elibrary.ru/rbxxjt (in Russian).
  9. Elizaveta Berezina, Lidia Vitkova. Development of a database for selecting countermeasures for malicious information detection systems of // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education. collection of scientific articles: in 4 volumes. St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich. St. Petersburg, 2021. Vol.1, pp. 90-95. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46275370 (in Russian).
  10. Lyubov Bogdanova, Lidia Vitkova. The development of a traffic sequence diagram in IOT networks // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education. collection of scientific articles: in 4 volumes. St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich. St. Petersburg, 2021. Vol. 1, pp. 95-99.// https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46275371&pff=1 (in Russian).
  11. Lidia Vitkova. Analysis of data models of popular social networks // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education. collection of scientific articles: in 4 volumes. St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich. Saint Petersburg, 2021. Vol.1, pp. 160-163. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46275385 (in Russian).
  12. Lidia Vitkova, Daria Goluzina D.R. K-block cross validation in machine learning problems // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education. collection of scientific articles: in 4 volumes. St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich. St. Petersburg, 2021. Vol.1, pp. 163-167. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46275386&pff=1 (in Russian).
  13. Lidia Vitkova, Valentina Koptelova. Classification of e-commerce bots and their behavior // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education. collection of scientific articles: in 4 volumes. St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich. St. Petersburg, 2021. Vol.1 pp. 168-173. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46275387&pff=1 (in Russian).


  1. Lidia Vitkova, Igor Saenko, Olga Tushkanova. An Approach to Creating an Intelligent System for Detecting and Countering Inappropriate Information on the Internet // Studies in Computational Intelligence 2020. Vol. 868 pp. 244-254. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-32258-8_29. ISSN 1860-949X. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43219363
  2. Lidia Vitkova, Maxim Kolomeets. Approach to Identification and Analysis of Information Sources in Social Networks // Studies in Computational Intelligence. 2020. Ò. 868. Ñ. 285-293. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-32258-8_34 (Scopus, WoS) // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43212299
  3. Igor Kotenko, Lidiya Vitkova, Igor Saenko, Olga Tushkanova, Alexander Branitskiy. The intelligent system for detection and counteraction of malicious and inappropriate information on the Internet // AI Communications. 2020. Vol. 33 ¹. 1. pp. 13-25. DOI: 10.3233/AIC-200647 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45174880 (WoS, Scopus)
  4. Lidia Vitkova, Igor Kotenko, Maxim Kolomeets, Olga Tushkanova, Andrey Chechulin. Hybrid Approach for Bots Detection in Social Networks Based on Topological, Textual and Statistical Features // Conference: 4th International Scientific Conference “Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry”At: Ostrava-Prague, Czech Republic. May 2020 // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer. 2020. vol.1156 AISC . P.412-421. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-50097-9_42 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45439091
  5. L. A. Vitkova, I. B. Saenko, A. A. Chechulin, I. B. Paraschuk. The technology of Intelligent analytical processing of digital network objects for detection and counteraction of unappropriate information // The 1st International Conference on Computer Technology Innovations dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Gorky House of Scientists of Russian Academy of Science (ICCTI — 2020). Saint Petersburg, Russia. April 13-14. 2020. P. 13-19. https://iccti.kp.center/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/ICCTI2020-OCP-press.pdf
  6. K. Izrailov, A. Chechulin, L. Vitkova. Threats classification method for the transport infrastructure of a smart city // 14th IEEE International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies, AICT 2020 - Proceedings. 14. 2020. Ñ. 9368828. DOI: 10.1109/AICT50176.2020.9368828 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46760875
  7. Lidia Vitkova, Andrey Chechulin, Dmitry Saharov. Choosing measures to counter malicious information in social networks // Bulletin of the Voronezh institute of the FPS of Russia. ¹ 3, 2020. P. 20-29. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44210327 (in Russian).
  8. A. P. Pronichev, A. A. Chechulin, L. A. Vitkova. Approach to management of heterogeneous swarms of devices // Informatization and Communication. 2020. No. 5. pp. 119-124 DOI: 10.34219/2078-8320-2020-11-5-119-124 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44544631 (in Russian).
  9. L. A. Vitkova, I. B. Saenko Architecture of the system for detecting and countering unwanted information in social networks // Bulletin of the St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design. Series 1: Natural and Technical Sciences. 2020. No. 3. Ð. 33-39. DOI: 10.46418/2079-8199_2020_3_5 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44180591 (in Russian).
  10. L.A. Vitkova, D.V. Sakharov, D.R. Goluzina. A model of malicious information and its social media distributor // Information Protection. Insider. 2020. No. 3 (93). pp. 66-72 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42976235 (in Russian).
  11. T.O. Gamidov, L.A. Vitkova, M.M. Kovtsur. Development of models and algorithms for data analysis for research progress social network incidents and crises // Bulletin of the St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design. 2020. No. 2. Ð. 3-10. DOI:10.46418/2079-8199_2020_2_1 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44022492 (in Russian).
  12. E.O. Berezina, L.A. Vitkova, K.A. Akhrameeva. A research on security threats in IoT networks // Vestnik SPGUTD. 2020. No. 2. Ð. 11-18. DOI: DOI 10.46418/2079-8199_2020_2_2 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44022493 (in Russian).
  13. E.O. Berezina, L.A. Vitkova. Security threat analysis for software-defined networks // Bulletin of Young Scientists of the St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design. 2020. No. 1. pp. 24-32 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44097191 (in Russian).
  14. E.O. Berezina, L.A. Vitkova. Overveiw of algorithms for detecting abnormal signaling in IoT // Bulletin of Young Scientists of the St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design. 2020. No. 1. P. 47-51 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44097196 (in Russian).
  15. L.A. Vitkova, L.N. Bogdanova, V.V. Puchkov. Overview of methods and algorithms for detecting anomalies in VANET networks // Vestnik SPGUTD 2020. ¹ 4. P. 36-42 DOI: 10.46418/2079-8199_2020_4_5 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44830240 (in Russian).
  16. L.A. Vitkova, K.A. Valieva, D.S. Kozlov. An approach to detecting the spread of false information on the Internet using data science algorithms // Abstracts of the scientific seminar "Fundamental problems of production process management in the conditions of transition to Industry 4.0". 2020. pp. 128-133 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44120958 (in Russian).
  17. L.A. Vitkova, K.A. Naumenko. Methodology for identifying artificial mobilization of protest activity in social networks // Abstracts of the scientific seminar "Fundamental problems of production process management in the conditions of transition to Industry 4.0". 2020. pp. 212-215 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44131549 (in Russian).
  18. E.O. Berezina, L.A. Vitkova. IoT threats model in software-defined networks // IX International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological conference " Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education "(APINO-2020)". February 26-27, 2020. Collection of scientific articles. 2020. Vol. 1. Ð. 130-134.// https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44603980&pff=1 (in Russian).
  19. K.A. Valieva, L.A. Vitkova, E.V. Smirnov. Methods for detecting malicious information in the information space of social networks // IX International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological conference " Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education "(APINO-2020)". February 26-27, 2020. Collection of scientific articles. 2020. Vol. 1. P. 206-211. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44603996&pff=1 (in Russian).
  20. L.A. Vitkova. Model and algorithms for protecting against malicious information in social networks // IX International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological conference " Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education "(APINO-2020)". February 26-27, 2020. Collection of scientific articles. 2020. Vol. 1. P. 235-240. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44604002&pff=1 (in Russian).
  21. L.A. Vitkova, T.O. Gamidov, M.M. Kovtsur. Development of mechanisms for analyzing unwanted information in social networks // IX International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological conference " Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education "(APINO-2020)". February 26-27, 2020. Collection of scientific articles. 2020. Vol. 1. P. 240-245. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44604003&pff=1 (in Russian).
  22. L.A. Vitkova, V.N. Diorditsa, M.M. Kovtsur, A.I. Targonskaya. Investigation of the integration mechanisms of the AGAT CU 72XX telecommunication platform // IX International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological conference " Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education "(APINO-2020)". February 26-27, 2020. Collection of scientific articles. 2020. Vol. 1. Ð. 246-249. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44604004&pff=1 (in Russian).
  23. L.A. Vitkova, E.A. Donskov. Analysis of keystroke recognition algorithms and their performance indicators // IX International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological conference " Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education "(APINO-2020)". February 26-27, 2020. Collection of scientific articles. 2020. Vol. 1. P. 249-253. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44604005&pff=1 (in Russian).
  24. L.A. Vitkova, K E. Izrailov, A A. Chechulin. Classification of vulnerability of interfaces transport infrastructure of a smart city // IX International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological conference " Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education "(APINO-2020)". February 26-27, 2020. Collection of scientific articles. 2020. Vol. 1. P. 253-258. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44604006&pff=1 (in Russian).
  25. L.A. Vitkova, M.A. Spravtseva. Countering the spread of unwanted information in the information space of social networks // IX International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological conference " Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education "(APINO-2020)". February 26-27, 2020. Collection of scientific articles. 2020. Vol. 1. P. 258-261. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44604007&pff=1 (in Russian).
  26. L.A. Vitkova, V.I. Temchenko, A.A. Chechulin. Heuristic traffic analysis methods // IX International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological conference " Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education "(APINO-2020)". February 26-27, 2020. Collection of scientific articles. 2020. Vol. 1. P. 261-266. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44604008&pff=1 (in Russian).
  27. L.A. Vitkova. Survey of approaches to the classification of security threats smart city // XVII St. Petersburg International Conference " Regional Informatics (RI-2020)". St. Petersburg, October 28-30, 2020, part 1., pp. 124-126 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ri/ri2020/ri2020_materials_1.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49390748 (in Russian).
  28. L.A. Vitkova, E.V. Doynikova, A.P. Pronichev. About modeling the processes of detecting and countering terrorist and extremist activity on the internet and social networks // XVII St. Petersburg International Conference " Regional Informatics (RI-2020)". St. Petersburg, October 28-30, 2020, part 1., pp. 126-127 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ri/ri2020/ri2020_materials_1.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49390589 (in Russian).
  29. L.A. Vitkova, I.B. Saenko, E.V. Doynikova, A.P. Pronichev. Model for detecting and countering extremist activity on the Internet // Perspektivnye napravleniya razvitiya otechestvennykh informatsionnykh tekhnologii: materials of the VI interregional scientific and practical conference, Sevastopol, 22-26 Sep. 2020, pp. 71-72 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/pnroit/pnroit-2020_materials.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45844754 (in Russian).
  30. L.A. Vitkova, A.A. Izmailova. Detecting false information in social networks // Perspective directions of development of domestic information technologies: materials of the VI interregional scientific and practical conference, Sevastopol, September 22-26, 2020, pp. 69-70. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/pnroit/pnroit-2020_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45844753 (in Russian).
  31. L.A. Vitkova. Detection of artificial mobilization of protest activity in social networks // Perspective directions of development of domestic information technologies: materials of the VI interregional scientific and practical conference, Sevastopol, September 22-26, 2020, pp. 73-74. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45844755 (in Russian).
  32. L.N. Bogdanova, L.A. Vitkova. Analysis of abnormal traffic in VANET networks // Perspective directions of development of domestic information technologies: materials of the VI interregional scientific and practical conference, Sevastopol, September 22-26, 2020, pp. 144-145. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/pnroit/pnroit-2020_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49390771&pff=1 (in Russian).
  33. L.A. Vitkova, I.B. Paraschuk. Analysis of modern innovative solutions for identification of deviations in heurisms of traffic of extra volumes for detection of network attacks and protection against them // Regional informatics and information security. Proceedings of the conference: St. Petersburg International Conference and St. Petersburg Interregional Conference. St. Petersburg, 2020. pp. 99-102. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48027063 (in Russian).
  34. I.B. Paraschuk, L.A. Vitkova, V.A. Malafeev. Software systems for detecting network attacks: issues of technical and economic evaluation of competitive analogues, potential of development and application // In the book: Regional Informatics (RI-2020). XVII St. Petersburg International Conference. Conference materials. St. Petersburg, 2020. pp. 100-102.// https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49390579 (in Russian).
  35. L.A. Vitkova, I.B. Paraschuk. Detection of network attacks and protection against them on the basis of identification of deviations in heurisms of traffic of extra volume: analysis of modern innovative solutions // In the book: Regional Informatics (RI-2020). XVII St. Petersburg International Conference. Conference materials. St. Petersburg, 2020. pp. 68-69. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49390564 (in Russian).
  36. I.B. Paraschuk, L.A. Vitkova, V.A. Malafeev. To the question of technical and economic evaluation of the potential of existing and perspective network attack detection systems // Regional informatics and information security. Proceedings of the conference: St. Petersburg International Conference and St. Petersburg Interregional Conference. St. Petersburg, 2020. pp. 118-122. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48027076 (in Russian).


  1. Anton Pronoza, Lidia Vitkova, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. Visual analysis of information dissemination channels in social network for protection against inappropriate content // In book: Proceedings of the Third International Scientific Conference “Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry” (IITI’18). pp.95-105. // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Vol. 875, 2019. P. 95-105. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-01821-4_11 (ñonference materials) // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=38635986
  2. Lidia Vitkova, Vasily Desnitsky, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko. Approach to organizing of a heterogeneous swarm of cyber-physical devices to detect intruders // IFAC-PapersOnLine. 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, MIM 2019. 2019. Ñ. 945-950. DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.11.316 https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43243011
  3. Krasov A., Vitkova L., Pestov I. Behavioral analysis of resource allocation systems in cloud infrastructure // Proceedings of the International Russian Automation Conference. Sochi, Russia, September 8-14, 2019. Ð. 8867699 DOI: 10.1109/RUSAUTOCON.2019.8867699 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41809461&pff=1
  4. Alexey Pronichev, Lidia Vitkova. Modeling of multiagent system of cyber-physical devices for solving problem management and security control problems // International Scientific Journal. 2019. No 9-1 (87). Part 1. pp.14-19. DOI: 10.23670/IRJ.2019.87.9.003 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=40803323 (in Russian).
  5. Lidia Vitkova, Andrey Chechulin. Architecture of distributed data collection and processing in monitoring systems social networking // Perspective directions of development of domestic information technologies: materials of the V Interregional scientific and practical conference. Sevastopol, September 24-28, 2019 (collection of conference abstracts) P. 321-323. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42944628 (in Russian).
  6. Lidia Vitkova, Andrey Chechulin, Ksenia Naumenko. Monitoring of the agenda in media systems while simultaneously applying task change algorithms // Perspective directions of development of domestic information technologies: materials of the V Interregional scientific and practical conference. Sevastopol, September 24-28, 2019 P. 323-325. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42944629 (in Russian).
  7. L.A. Vitkova, V.A. Desnitsky, K.N. Zhernova, A.A. Chechulin. Review of human-computer interaction for network security // VIII International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological Conference "Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education" (APINO 2019). St. Petersburg, February 27-28, 2019 (collection of scientific articles) T. 1, p. 218-223 https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/1AEA/APINO/8-APINO%202019.%20Ò.1.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41383526 (in Russian).
  8. Nina Vanchakova, Lidia Vitkova, Igor Kotenko, Natalia Krasilnikova, Luvov Strah, Artem Tishkov, Andrey Chechulin. Signs and criteria of personality destructiveness and destructive impact based on Internet content and the behavior of subjects in social networks // VIII International Scientific-Technical and Scientific-Methodological Conference "Actual Problems of Information Telecommunications in Science and Education" (APINO 2019). 2019. V.2, P. 133-138. https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/1AEA/APINO/8-APINO%202019.%20Ò.2.pdf //https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42504986 (in Russian).
  9. Lidia Vitkova, Igor Kotenko, Andrey Fedorchenko, Alexandra Khinenzon. Distributed data collection and processing in systems of monitoring of information space social networking // VIII International Scientific-Technical and Scientific-Methodological Conference "Actual Problems of Information Telecommunications in Science and Education" (APINO 2019). 2019. Vol. 1. pp. 228-232. https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/1AEA/APINO/8-APINO%202019.%20Ò.1.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41383528 (in Russian).
  10. Alexander Branitskiy, Lidia Vitkova, Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko, Artem Tishkov, Nina Vanchakova. Appying neural networks for predicting the results of the Ammon's test using the profile of social networks // XI St. Petersburg Interregional Conference «Information Security of Russian Regions (ISRR-2019)», October 23-25, 2019, Russia, St. Petersburg. 2019. pp.100-101. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ibrr/ibrr2019/ibrr2019_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45839427 (in Russian).
  11. Igor Parashchuk, Lydia Vitkova. Methods of eliminating the uncertaintenance of analysis of the significant filling of information facilities based on the use of the algorithms of processing of complete, contracting and fuzzle knowledge // Regional informatics and information security. Proceedings. no. 7. 2019. pp 262-266. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42562060 (in Russian).
  12. Igor Parashchuk, Lydia Vitkova. Application of algorithms of processing of incomplete, contradictive and fuzzy knowledge to eliminate the uncertainty of analysis of substantic filling of information objects // XI St. Petersburg Interregional Conference «Information Security of Russian Regions (IBRR-2019)», October 23-25, 2019, Russia, St. Petersburg. 2019. pp. 242-243 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ibrr/ibrr2019/ibrr2019_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45839474 (in Russian).
  13. Kristina Valieva, Lidia Vitkova, Andrey Chechulin. Preparatory Processing of Information Objects in the Monitoring Systems of the Internet // VIII International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological Conference "Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education" (APINO 2019). St. Petersburg, February 27-28, 2019 (collection of scientific articles) Vol.1. pp. 197-201. https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/1AEA/APINO/8-APINO%202019.%20Ò.1.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41383521 (in Russian).
  14. Lidia Vitkova, Anna Kuraeva, Anton Pronoza, Andrey Chechulin. Analysis of Methods of Identification and Evaluation Pages of Opinion Leaders in Social Networks // VIII International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological Conference "Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education" (APINO 2019). St. Petersburg, February 27-28, 2019 (collection of scientific articles) Vol.1. pp. 233-237. https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/1AEA/APINO/8-APINO%202019.%20Ò.1.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41383529 (in Russian).
  15. Lidia Vitkova, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Model of Responses Against Unwanted, Questionable and Malicious Information on the Internet // VIII International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological Conference "Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education" (APINO 2019). St. Petersburg, February 27-28, 2019 (collection of scientific articles) Vol.1. pp. 223-227. https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/1AEA/APINO/8-APINO%202019.%20Ò.1.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41383527 (in Russian).
  16. Lidia Vitkova, Timur Gamidov, Elena Doynikova, Olga Dudkina, Alexey Kushnerevich. The Analysis of Features of the Industrial Internet of Things for Formation of a System of Security Metrics // VIII International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological Conference "Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education" (APINO 2019). St. Petersburg, February 27-28, 2019 (collection of scientific articles) Vol.1. pp. 212-217. https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/1AEA/APINO/8-APINO%202019.%20Ò.1.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41383525 (in Russian).
  17. Lidia Vitkova. The Place and Role of Monitoring and Counteraction Unwanted Information in Social Networks // VIII International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological Conference "Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education" (APINO 2019). St. Petersburg, February 27-28, 2019 (collection of scientific articles) Vol.1.pp. 209-212. https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/1AEA/APINO/8-APINO%202019.%20Ò.1.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41383524 (in Russian).
  18. Alexey Pronichev, Lidia Vitkova. Development of architecture of decentralized system analysis of network traffic // XI St. Petersburg Interregional Conference «Information Security of Russian Regions (ISRR-2019)», October 23-25, 2019, Russia, St. Petersburg. 2019. pp. 546-548 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ibrr/ibrr2019/ibrr2019_materials.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45839491 (in Russian).
  19. E.V. Doynikova, L.A. Vitkova. Technique and algorithms for selection of measures to counter unwanted, doubtful and harmful information on the Internet // Regional Informatics and Information Security. Collection of works. Issue 7. 2019. pp. 246-248. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/riib/riib_7_2019.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42562055 (in Russian).
  20. N.S. Aminov, L.A. Vitkova. Algorithms of artificial neural networks for natural language processing and sentiment analysis text systems for monitoring inappropriate content on the internet // Information security of the regions of Russia (IBRR-2019). XI St. Petersburg Interregional Conference, Information Security of the regions of Russia (IBRR-2019). XI St. Petersburg Interregional Conference. St. Petersburg, October 23-25, 2019: Conference proceedings. / TO SPOIS. St. Petersburg, 2019. C. 529-530 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ibrr/ibrr2019/ibrr2019_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=72016991 (in Russian).
  21. M.V. Kolomiets, A.A. Chechulin, K.V. Zhernova. Usage of graph algorithms for social networks analysis // Information security of the regions of Russia (IBRR-2019). XI St. Petersburg Interregional Conference, Information Security of the regions of Russia (IBRR-2019). XI St. Petersburg Interregional Conference. St. Petersburg, October 23-25, 2019: Conference proceedings. / TO SPOIS. St. Petersburg, 2019. C. 128-129 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ibrr/ibrr2019/ibrr2019_materials.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=56959336 (in Russian).
  22. V.O. Vasiliev, L.A. Vitkova. Development of route planning algorithm of an autonomous robot based on point cloud map and improved ant-colony algorithm // Information security of the regions of Russia (IBRR-2019). XI St. Petersburg Interregional Conference, Information Security of the regions of Russia (IBRR-2019). XI St. Petersburg Interregional Conference. St. Petersburg, October 23-25, 2019: Conference proceedings. / TO SPOIS. St. Petersburg, 2019. C. 532-533 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ibrr/ibrr2019/ibrr2019_materials.pdf // (in Russian).


  1. Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin, Vasily Desnitsky, Lidia Vitkova, Anton Pronoza. Monitoring and counteraction to malicious influences in the information space of social networks // 10th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo). 2018. Ñ. 159-167. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-01159-8_15 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35677138
  2. Anton Pronoza, LidiaVitkova, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko, Dmitry Saharov. Methodology for disseminating information channels analysis in social networks // Vestnik of Saint-Petersburg University applied mathematics. Computer science. Control processes, 2018. Vol.14, ¹ 4, P.362-377 DOI: 10.21638/11702/spbu10.2018.409 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36687364 (in Russian).
  3. Lidia Vitkova. The method of audience analysis for the information dissemination channel in social networks // Proceedings of higher educational institutions. Light industry technology. 2018. Vol.42. No.4. Ð. 5-10 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=37750236 (in Russian).
  4. Lidia Vitkova. Overview of the investigations in the area of monitoring and counteraction to threats to information-psychological security in social networks // Information Technology and Telecommunications. 2018. Vol. 6, No. 3. pp. 1-9. https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/ITT/1-9.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=37179955 (in Russian).
  5. Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin, Lidia Vitkova. The intelligent systems concept of analytical processing of digital network content in order to detect unwanted information // Methods and technical means of ensuring information security. 2018. No. 27. pp. 6-7. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36546890 (in Russian).
  6. Lidia Vitkova, Elena Doynikova. Decision support for protection against inappropriate information // Information technologies in Management (ITU-2018). conference materials. 2018. pp. 398-403. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=37028985 (in Russian).
  7. Egor Denisov, Yaroslav Andreyanov, Lydia Vitkova, Dmitry Sakharov. Information influence of social networks // XVI Anniversary Saint-Petersburg International Conference "Regional informatics-2018 (RI-2018)". St. Petersburg, Russia. October 24-26, 2018. Proceedings. P. 569-570. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ri/ri2018/ri2018_materials.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36800684&pff=1 (in Russian).
  8. Lidia Vitkova, Anton Pronoza, Dmitry Saharov, Andrey Chechulin. Security problems of the information sphere in the conditions of information warfare // Actual problems of informational communication in science and education (ÀPINO 2018). VII International technical science and methodical science conference. Compilation of papers. In 4 volumes. Edited by S.V. Bachevskiy. 2018. Volume 1. P. 191-195.// https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35231553&pff=1 (in Russian).
  9. L.A. Vitkova, A.I. Ivanov. Review of topical threats and methods of protection in the field of cloud calculations // Current problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (APINO 2018). VII International Scientific-technical and scientific-methodical Conference. Collection of scientific articles. In 4 volumes. Edited by S.V. Bachevsky. 2018. pp. 179-182. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35231550&pff=1 (in Russian).
  10. L.A. Vitkova, A.S. Isakov, M.M. Kovtsur. The comparison of mechanisms for obtaining the revocation status of an x.509 digital certificate on the certificate authority on ASTRA LINUX to support PKI // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (APINO 2018). VII International Scientific-technical and scientific-methodical Conference. Collection of scientific articles. In 4 volumes. Edited by S.V. Bachevsky. 2018. pp. 182-186 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35231551&pff=1 (in Russian).
  11. Lidia Vitkova, Andrey Chechulin, Dmitry Sakharov, Anton Pronoza. On the issue of the information sphere security in the context of information warfare // All-Russian Scientific Conference of Young Scientists "Innovations in Youth Science", 2018, p. 59. (in Russian).


  1. D.V. Sakharov, M.V. Levin, E.S. Fostach, L.A. Vitkova. Research of Mechanisms for Providing Secure Access to Data Hosted in the Cloud Infrastructure. Naukoemkie Tekhnologii v Kosmicheskikh Issledovaniyakh Zemli. 2017. Vol. 9, ¹ 2. pp. 40-46 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=29108763 (in Russian).
  2. I. M. Levkin, D. V. Sakharov, L. A. Vitkova, K. A. Naumenko Recognition of information and psychological impact on the Internet, as a specific task of situational centers // All-Russian Forum "System of distributed situational centers as a basis for digital transformation of public administration" (SDSC-2017), St. Petersburg, 25-27 October 2017, pp. 103-105 (in Russian).


  1. Vitkova L.A. Study of a distributed computer system of adaptive action // High-tech technologies in space research of the Earth. 2015. Vol. 7. No. 5. pp. 44-48. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=25293131 (in Russian).
  2. S.I. Shterenberg, L.A. Tsvetkova. Analysis of the possibilities of embedding hidden self-modifying code in the executable file format.EXE // Current trends in science and education. Collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: in 5 parts. AR-Consult LLC. 2015. pp. 109-113.// https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23147077 (in Russian).


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