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Doynikova (Fedorchenko) Elena Vladimirovna

Citizenship: Russia
Address academic (office):
St.Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences
39, 14th Liniya, St.-Petersburg, 199178, Russia
Fax: +7-(812)-328-4450
Position:Senior Research Fellow

Elena Vladimirovna Doynikova (Fedorchenko), Senior Research Fellow of Laboratory of Computer Security Problems of the St.Petersburg Federal Research Ceneter of the Russian Academy of Sciences, graduated from St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” in 2009.

E-mail: doynikova[AT]comsec[DOT]spb[DOT]ru


Research interests

  • Computer network security, information security risk analysis methods, risk management.






  • Doynikova (Fedorchenko) Elena Vladimirovna - 1st place in the section "Transport Systems" at the III International Scientific Conference "Science of the Future" for the project "Self-learning hardware and software robotic complex for emergency situations".


  • Doynikova (Fedorchenko) Elena Vladimirovna - Winner of the St. Petersburg competitive selection for young scientists and PhD. Project title: "Ontology of security metrics and its application for security assessment and responding to cyber attacks in the information systems".


  • Doynikova (Fedorchenko) Elena Vladimirovna - Awarded the Medal of the Russian Academy of Science in area of Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Automation (Decree of the Presidium of RAS ¹ 24 dated 17.02.2015).

  • Doynikova (Fedorchenko) Elena Vladimirovna - Winner of the St. Petersburg competitive selection for young scientists and PhD. Project title: "Methods and algorithms development for generation of attack scenarios on the network for its security level evaluation".

  • Doynikova (Fedorchenko) Elena Vladimirovna - The winner of the competitive selection for the grants of St. Petersburg in the area of scientific and technical activities. Competition organizer: Committee on Science and Higher Education of St. Petersburg. Project title: "Models, methods and software development for dynamic evaluation of computer network security in the perspective security information and event management system".


  • Doynikova (Fedorchenko) Elena Vladimirovna - Winner of the Young School competition in the Positive Hack Days conference IV (http://phdays.ru). The second place. Presentation topic: "Dynamic Assessment of Computer Networks Security in SIEM Systems".
  • Doynikova (Fedorchenko) Elena Vladimirovna - Diploma with Honors for the most effective solution on the Microsoft summer school “Doing Research in the Cloud 2014”.


  • Doynikova (Fedorchenko) Elena Vladimirovna - Igor Kotenko and Elena Doynikova are a laureates of the best paper award on the IEEE 7th International Conference on “Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications” (IDAACS'2013). Berlin, Germany, September 12-14, 2013.
  • Doynikova (Fedorchenko) Elena Vladimirovna - Elena Doynikova winner of the competitive selection process for the provision of the 2013 grants to young scientists, young PhD of universities, industry and academic institutions located in St. Petersburg.


Patents and Programms

Patents for inventions and utility models, applications for them

  1. Vasily Desnitsky, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko, Igor Parashchuk, Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin. Information retrieval device. Patent No. 2792840. Registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Russian Federation on 27.03.2023. The validity period of the exclusive right to the invention expires on 30.11.2042.
  2. Vasily Desnitsky, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko, Igor Parashchuk, Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin. Device for network traffic. Patent No. 2768543. Registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Russian Federation on 24.03.2022. The validity period of the exclusive right to the invention expires on 07.04.2041.
  3. Vasily Desnitsky, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko, Igor Parashchuk, Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin. Device for parametric estimation of the distribution law of message streams. Patent No. 2750287. Registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Russian Federation on 25.06.2021. The validity period of the exclusive right to the invention expires on 11.07.2040.
  4. Vasily Desnitsky, Igor Kotenko, Igor Parashchuk, Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin, Elena Doynikova. Information retrieval device. Patent No. 2724788. Registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Russian Federation on 25.06.2020. The validity period of the exclusive right to the invention expires on 14.10.2039.

Programs and databases


  1. Vasily Desnitsky, Elena Doinikova. A component of modeling a wireless sensor network for solving security analysis and verification tasks. Certificate No. 2020610060. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 09.01.2020.

  2. Alexander Branitskiy, Elena Fedorchenko, Igor Kotenko Component for the destructive influences detection based on text classifiers in social network groups . Certificate No. 2020666158. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 04.12.2020.

  3. Elena Fedorchenko, Andrey Fedorchenko, Alexander Branitskiy Component for the security data normalization by automated preprocessing of fragmented semi-structured data. Certificate No. 2020665838. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.12.2020.

  4. Elena Fedorchenko, Andrey Fedorchenko Component for the security incidents detection by building and processing a knowledge graph. Certificate No. 2020665818. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.12.2020.

  5. Elena Fedorchenko, Lidia Vitkova, Alexey Pronichev, Igor Saenko. Component for choosing countermeasures against unwanted, questionable and malicious information. Certificate No. 2020665591. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 27.11.2020.


  1. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. A component for calculating metrics to support decision making on countering inappropriate information on the Internet. Certificate No 2019664198. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.11.2019.

  2. Alexander Branitskiy, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Neural network module for users of a social network classification according to the psychological scales of the Ammon's test. Certificate No 2019664410. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 06.11.2019.


  1. Andrey Fedorchenko, Elena Doynikova, Igor Saenko. Component of automated typization of heterogeneous information objects for analysis of unwanted information. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018663495. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 29.10.2018.

  2. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko, Igor Kotenko. Component for ranking measures to counter remote information in the Internet. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018663642. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.11.2018.

  3. Elena Doynikova. Component for security assessment with the use of ontological security data repository. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018663646. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.11.2018.

  4. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko. Component of vulnerabilities classification based on their informal characteristics to identify weaknesses of information systems. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2018664027. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 08.11.2018.


  1. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko. Subsystem for countermeasures automatic selection in computer networks based on graph models in static and dynamic modes of operation. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2017619725. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.09.2017.

  2. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Chechulin, Andrey Fedorchenko. Component for data normalization from external sources for building a hybrid security repository. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2017663405. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.12.2017.

  3. Andrey Fedorchenko, Andrey Chechulin, Elena Doynikova. Component for analysis of semi-structured databases for building a hybrid security repository. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2017663404. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 01.12.2017.


  1. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Component for information security risks evaluation for network assets based on security events analysis. Certificate ¹ 201614489. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 25.04.2016.

  2. Äîéíèêîâà Å.Â., Êîòåíêî È.Â. Êîìïîíåíò äèíàìè÷åñêîãî âûáîðà êîíòðìåð íà îñíîâå àíàëèçà èíöèäåíòîâ áåçîïàñíîñòè äëÿ ïðåäîòâðàùåíèÿ ðàçâèòèÿ àòàêè â êîìïüþòåðíîé ñåòè. Ñâèäåòåëüñòâî ¹ 2016663492. Çàðåãèñòðèðîâàíî â Ðååñòðå ïðîãðàìì äëÿ ÝÂÌ 08.12.2016.
  3. Äîéíèêîâà Å.Â. Êîìïîíåíò îöåíêè ýôôåêòèâíîñòè ñèñòåìû îöåíêè çàùèùåííîñòè â êîìïüþòåðíûõ ñåòÿõ. Ñâèäåòåëüñòâî ¹ 2016663928. Çàðåãèñòðèðîâàíî â Ðååñòðå ïðîãðàìì äëÿ ÝÂÌ 19.12.2016.


  1. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Chechulin. Generator of random attack sequences for testing of networks of Internet of Things. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2015615368. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 15.05.2015.

  2. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Component for assessment of the assests criticality on the base of service dependencies model for testing of the security components of networks of Internet of Things. Certificate No 2015615374. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 24.03.2015.

  3. Andrey Chechulin, Elena Doyninkova. Component for analysis of the attack models for the protection of the information and telecommunication systems. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate N 2015662026. Registered in the database Registry 16.11.2015.


  1. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova, Andrey Chechulin. Calculation of the security metrics for the monitoring of the current security state of information and telecommunication systems for the deñision support of the responses on the security incidents. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Certificate No 2014661026. Registered in the Computer Program Registry 22.10.2014.



Former Projects

  • Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator). Grant of Russian Science Foundation ¹ 21-71-20078 " Analytical processing of large arrays of heterogeneous data in the interests of state assessment, decision support and incident investigation to ensure cybersecurity of critical infrastructures", 2021-2024 (Researcher).
    RSCF_21-71-20078_Report_2021_eng.pdf [application/pdf] (303137 bytes)
    RSCF_21-71-20078_Report_2021_rus.pdf [application/pdf] (404167 bytes)
    RSCF_21-71-20078_Report_2022_eng.pdf [application/pdf] (83106 bytes)
    RSCF_21-71-20078_Report_2022_rus.pdf [application/pdf] (86478 bytes)
    RSCF_21-71-20078_Report_2023_eng.pdf [application/pdf] (613891 bytes)
    RSCF_21-71-20078_Report_2023_rus.pdf [application/pdf] (752342 bytes)
  • Elena Doynikova (Principal Investigator). “Techniques of security assessment and response to cyber attacks in the industrial Internet of Things based on the ontology of security metrics and methods of intellectual analysis of big data”. Research grant # 19-07-01246 A of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2019-2021 (Principal Investigator).
    Report-2019-19-07-01246-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (215676 bytes)
    Report-2020-19-07-01246-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (203097 bytes)
    Report-2021-19-07-01246-a-short.pdf [application/pdf ] (400195 bytes)
  • Vasiliy Desnitsky (Principal Investigator). “Models, techniques and algorithms for security analysis of software and hardware components of wireless sensor networks”. Research grant # 19-07-00953 A of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2019-2021 (Researcher).
    Report-2019-19-07-00953-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (195496 bytes)
    Report-2020-19-07-00953-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (201695 bytes)
    Report-2021-19-07-00953-a-short.pdf [application/pdf ] (205488 bytes)
  • Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator) – State Contract No. 05.607.21.0322 "Development of methods, models, algorithms and software tools based on detecting deviations in heuristics of ultra-high volume traffic to detect network attacks and protect against them". Project of Russian Ministry of Education and Science in scope of the Program "Research and development in priority directions of evolution of the scientific and technological complex of Russia on 2014-2020", 2019-2020 (Researcher).
    Report-FTP-Results-05.607.21.0322.pdf [application/pdf] (204912 bytes)
  • Andrey Chechulin (Principal Investigator). Grant of Russian Science Foundation ¹ 18-71-10094 "Monitoring and counteraction to malicious influence in the information space of social networks", 2018-2021 (Researcher).
    RSCF_18-71-10094_Report_2020_eng.pdf [application/pdf] (196723 bytes)
    RSCF_18-71-10094_Report_2020_rus.pdf [application/pdf] (258925 bytes)
    RSCF_18-71-10094_Report_2021_eng.pdf [application/pdf] (178723 bytes)
    RSCF_18-71-10094_Report_2021_rus.pdf [application/pdf] (194835 bytes)
  • Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator). "Monitoring and identification of destructive information impacts and negative personal tendencies of the younger generation when interacting with the Internet space on the basis of methods of neurocomputer and neural network processing of Internet content" Research grant # 18-29-22034 of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2018-2021 (Lead researcher).
    Report-2019-18-29-22034-short.pdf [application/pdf] (147123 bytes)
    Report-2020-18-29-22034-short.pdf [application/pdf] (356989 bytes)
  • Igor Saenko (Principal Investigator). Grant of Russian Science Foundation ¹ 18-11-00302 "Intelligent digital network content processing for effective detection and counteraction of inappropriate, dubious and harmful information", 2018-2020 (Researcher).
    RSF-Results-2018-18-11-00302-Eng.pdf [application/pdf] (94208 bytes)
    RSF-Results-2018-18-11-00302-Rus.pdf [application/pdf] (245760 bytes)
  • Andrey Chechulin (Principal Investigator). "Research, development and application of Augmented Reality technology for cyber and cyberphysical systems security data visualization" Research grant # 18-37-20047 of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2018-2020 (Researcher).
    Report-2019-18-37-20047-short.pdf [application/pdf] (208896 bytes)
  • Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator). NIR-FUND of ITMO University ¹ 717075 "Methods, Models, Methods, Algorithms, Protocols and Applications for ensuring Information Security of Cyber-Physical Systems", 2017-2019 (Researcher).
  • Andrey Chechulin (Principal Investigator). President's of Russian Federation Grant ¹ MK-314.2017.9 "Methods, models and algorithms for the construction and usage of a hybrid data warehouse for analytical processing of the information and security events", 2017-2018 (Researcher).
  • Elena Doynikova (Principal Investigator). “Development of models, techniques and alghoritms for automated countermeasures generation in process of security information and events management”. Research grant # 16-37-00338-mol_a of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2016-2017 (Principal Investigator).
    Report-2016-16-37-00338-mol-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (308434 bytes)
    Report-2017-16-37-00338-mol-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (139264 bytes)
  • Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator) – Grant of Russian Science Foundation ¹ 15-11-30029 "Incident management and counteraction against targeted cyber-physical attacks in distributed largescaled mission critical systems taking into account cloud services and networks of the Internet of Things", 2015-2017., 2015-2017 (Researcher).
    RSF-Results-2015-15-11-30029-Eng.pdf [application/pdf] (18843 bytes)
    RSF-Results-2015-15-11-30029-Rus.pdf [application/pdf] (128851 bytes)
    RSF-Results-2016-15-11-30029-Eng.pdf [application/pdf] (327680 bytes)
    RSF-Results-2016-15-11-30029-Rus.pdf [application/pdf] (442368 bytes)
    RSF-Results-2017-15-11-30029-Eng.pdf [application/pdf] (327680 bytes)
    RSF-Results-2017-15-11-30029-Rus.pdf [application/pdf] (438272 bytes)
  • Vasiliy Desnitsky (Principal Investigator). “Development and investigation of models and techniques for design and verification of combined protection mechanisms for information and telecommunication systems with embedded devices on the base of expert knowledge”. Research grant # 14-07-00417-a of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2014-2016 (Researcher).
    Report-2014-14-07-00417-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (258333 bytes)
    Report-2015-14-07-00417-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (516620 bytes)
    Report-2016-14-07-00417-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (740843 bytes)
  • Igor Saenko (Principal Investigator). “Models and methods of access to resources in a unified information and communication space of heterogeneous systems based on artificial intelligence technology”. Research grant # 14-07-00697-a of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2014-2016 (Researcher).
    Report-2014-14-07-00697-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (303104 bytes)
    Report-2015-14-07-00697-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (395000 bytes)
    Report-2016-14-07-00697-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (614957 bytes)
  • Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator) – State Contract No. 14.604.21.0137 "Development of the technologies of the interactive visualization of the unformalized heterogeneous data for decision support systems in scope of the information security monitoring and management in the information and telecommunication systems". Project of Russian Ministry of Education and Science in scope of the Program "Research and development in priority directions of evolution of the scientific and technological complex of Russia on 2014-2020", 2014-2016., 2014-2016 (Researcher).
    14.604.21.0137_current_status.pdf [application/pdf] (138103 bytes)
  • Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator) – State Contract No. 14.604.21.0147 "Development of the methods for aggregation, normalization, analysis and visualization of big arrays of the heterogeneous, structured, semi-structured and unstructured data for the security monitoring and management of the distributed network of the electronic consumer devices". Project of Russian Ministry of Education and Science in scope of the Program "Research and development in priority directions of evolution of the scientific and technological complex of Russia on 2014-2020", 2014-2016., 2014-2016 (Researcher).
    14.604.21.0147_current_status.pdf [application/pdf] (142791 bytes)
  • Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator). State Contract No. 14.604.21.0033 “Models, methods and software for development and analysis of information-telecommunication system security components for Internet of Things concept”. Project of Russian Ministry of Education and Science in scope of the Program "Research and development in priority directions of evolution of the scientific and technological complex of Russia on 2014-2020", 2014-2015., 2014-2015 (Researcher).
    14.604.21.0033_current_status [application/pdf] (262992 bytes)
  • Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator) – State Contract No. 14.616.21.0028 "Perspective methods of correlation of the security information and incidents management information in the critical infrastructures on the base of the convergence of the technologies of the security awareness on the physical and logical levels". Project of Russian Ministry of Education and Science in scope of the Program "Research and development in priority directions of evolution of the scientific and technological complex of Russia on 2014-2020", 2014., 2014-2014 (Researcher).
  • Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator). “Mathematical models and methods for monitoring and management of information security in computer networks and systems of critical infrastructures based on intelligent services of information protection”. Research grant # 13-01-00843-a of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2013-2015 (Researcher).
    Report-2013-13-01-00843-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (294747 bytes)
    Report-2014-13-01-00843-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (761856 bytes)
    Report-2015-13-01-00843-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (562916 bytes)
  • Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator). “Methods for the synthesis of the distributed intelligent system of information and technological security of automated control systems for railways”. Research grant # 13-07-13159-ofi_m_RJD of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2013-2014 (Researcher).
  • Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator). “Mathematical models, methods and algorithms of attack modeling, computer systems and networks protection analysis, information security risk analysis and decision-making for selection of security mechanisms in computer systems and networks”. Program "Architectural and software solutions, and security of data-processing supercomputer complexes of new generations" of the Russian Academy of Sciences Branch "Nanotechnologies and Information Technologies", 2012-2014 (Researcher).
  • Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator). State Contract No. 11.519.11.4008 “Research and development of methods, models and algorithms of intellectualizing the secirity services in critical infrastructures”. Project of Russian Ministry of Education and Science, 2011-2013 (Researcher).
  • Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator). “Mathematical models and methods of integrated protection against network attacks and malware in computer networks and systems based on hybrid multi-agent modeling and simulation of computer counteraction, verified adaptive security policies and proactive monitoring by data mining”. Research grant # 10-01-00826-a of Russian Foundation of Basic Research, 2010-2013 (Researcher).
    Report-2010-10-01-00826-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (191714 bytes)
    Report-2011-10-01-00826-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (260794 bytes)
    Report-2012-10-01-00826-a-short.pdf [application/pdf] (348160 bytes)
  • Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator from SPIIRAS). “Design of Secure and energy-efficient embedded systems for Future internet applications (SecFutur)”. Research Project of the European Community seventh framework program (FP7). Contract No. 256668 (http://www.secfutur.eu/), 2010-2013 (Researcher).
  • Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator from SPIIRAS). “MAnagement of Security information and events in Service InFrastructures (MASSIF)”. Research Project of the European Community seventh framework program (FP7). Contract No. 257475 (http://www.massif-project.eu/), 2010-2013 (Researcher).
  • Igor Kotenko (Principal Investigator). “Mathematical Models, Methods and Algorithms of Proactive Protection against Malware in Computer Networks and Systems”. Program "Architecture, system solutions, software, standardization and information security of computer complexes of new generations" of the Russian Academy of Sciences Branch "Nanotechnologies and Information Technologies", 2009-2011 (Researcher).


Main publications

Books and Chapters in Books

  1. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Assessment of security and choice of countermeasures for cybersecurity management // Moscow, 2021. Monograph. 184 p. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47416769
  2. Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin, Olga Polubelova, Evgenia Novikova, Elena Doinikova, Andrey Shorov, Vasily Desnitsky. Intelligent information security services in critical infrastructures. Monography / Ed. Igor Kotenko and Igor Sayenko. St. Petersburg: BHV Publishing House, 2019. 400ð. ISBN 978-5-9775-3968-5 https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42927796 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42927796
  3. Igor Kotenko, Andrey Fedorchenko, Elena Doynikova. Data analytics for security management of complex heterogeneous systems: event correlation and security assessment tasks // Chapter in book “Advances in Cyber Security Analytics”. Shishir K. Shandilya (Ed.). Springer. 2019. (WoS and Scopus).
  4. Andrey Fedorchenko, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Towards Intelligent Data Processing for Automated Determination of Information System Assets // Chapter in book “Handbook of Research on Intelligent Data Processing and Information Security Systems”. IGI Global. 2019. ISBN13: 9781799812906. ISBN10: 1799812901. EISBN13: 9781799812920. pp. 147-160. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1290-6.ch007. (Scopus)
  5. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova, Andrey Chechulin, Andrey Fedorchenko. AI- and Metrics-Based Vulnerability-Centric Cyber Security Assessment and Countermeasure Selection: An Artificial Intelligence Approach //Chapter in book: Guide to Vulnerability Analysis for Computer Networks and Systems - An Artificial Intelligence Approach. S. Parkinson, A. Crampton, R. Hill (eds). Springer, Cham, 2018. P.101-130. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-92624-7_5. Print ISBN 978-3-319-92623-0. Online ISBN 978-3-319-92624-7 (WoS and Scopus).



  1. R.O. Kryukov, E.V. Fedorchenko, I.V. Kotenko, E.S. Novikova, V.M. Zima. Security assessment based on attack graphs using nvd and mitre ATT & CK database for heterogeneous infrastructures // Information and Control Systems. 2024. ¹ 2 (129). Ñ. 39-50. DOI: 10.31799/1684-8853-2024-2-39-50 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=65679939
  2. E. Novikova, E. Fedorchenko, A. Danilov, I. Saenko. Dataset generation methodology: towards application of machine learning in industrial water treatment security // SN Computer Science. 2024. Ò. 5. ¹ 4. Ñ. 373. DOI: 10.1007/s42979-024-02704-9 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=66603049
  3. S. Verevkin, E. Fedorchenko. The testbed for definition of the exploit’s execution features to detect and score cyber attacks // E3S Web of Conferences. 2024. Ò. 471. Ñ. 04021. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202447104021 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=64993550
  4. D.A. Levshun, D.S. Levshun, E.V. Doynikova, A.A. Branitskiy A., I.V. Kotenko. Considerations on sentiment of social network posts as a feature of destructive impacts // AI Communications. 2024. Ò. 37. ¹ 4. Ñ. 585-598. DOI: 10.3233/aic-230154 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=74004030
  5. Elena Doynikova, Evgenia Novikova, Alexandr Danilov, Igor Saenko. Towards the Testbed and Dataset for Analysis of Water Treatment Systems Security // Conference: International Conference on Data Science and Applications. 2024. DOI:10.1007/978-981-99-7814-4_37
  6. N.A. Busko, E.V. Fedorchenko, I.V. Kotenko. Automatic exploit assessment based on deep learning methods // The ontology of design. 2024. Vol. 14. No. 3 (53). pp. 408-420. DOI: 10.18287/2223-9537-2024-14-3-408-420 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=68527168 (in Russian).
  7. E.V. Fedorchenko, I.V. Kotenko, G.B.Wu, Y. Li. Application of the hypergame theory to security analysis and decision support for security incident response // International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements. 2024. Vol. 1. pp. 325-328. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=67959677 (in Russian).
  8. E.S. Novikova, E.V. Fedorchenko, M.A. Bukhtiyarov, I.B. Saenko. Anomaly detection in wastewater treatment process for cyber resilience risks evaluation // Notes of the Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 267. pp. 488-500 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=69157589 (in Russian).
  9. E.V. Fedorchenko, I.B. Paraschuk. Forecasting information security risks of critical infrastructures using neuro-fuzzy anomaly identification // Current problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (Apino 2024). Collection of scientific articles of the XIII International Scientific, technical and scientific-methodical conference in 4 volumes.. St. Petersburg, 2024. p.680-684 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=67337460 (in Russian).
  10. D.P. Spiridonov, E.V. Fedorchenko. Modeling attacks based on MICROSOFT kubernetes threat matrix // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (APINO 2024). Materials of the XIII International Scientific, technical and scientific-methodical Conference. St. Petersburg, 2024. pp. 555-557. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=68550796 (in Russian).
  11. S.A. Verevkin, E.V. Fedorchenko. Analysis of methods for detecting signs of exploits // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education. Collection of scientific articles of the XIII International Scientific, technical and scientific-methodical conference in 4 volumes.. St. Petersburg, 2024. pp. 152-158. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=67337360 (in Russian).
  12. E.V. Fedorchenko, K.E. Izrailov, A.V. Fedorchenko. Security assessment system based on the analysisof the exploits and features of their implementation in real time // Regional Informatics (RI-2024). Proceedings of the XIX St. Petersburg International Conference. Saint Petersburg, 2024. pp. 141-142.// https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=79449270 (in Russian).


  1. O. Tushkanova, D. Levshun, A. Branitskiy, E. Fedorchenko, E. Novikova, I. Kotenko. Detection of Cyberattacks and Anomalies in Cyber-Physical Systems: Approaches, Data Sources, Evaluation // Algorithms, vol. 16, no. 2, 2023, pp. 85. DOI: 10.3390/a16020085.// https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=60517408
  2. Elena Fedorchenko, Evgenia Novikova, Andrey Fedorchenko, Sergei Verevkin. An Analytical Review of the Source Code Models for Exploit Analysis // Information. 2023. 14, 9. pp. 497. DOI: 10.3390/info14090497 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=64436987
  3. Igor Kotenko, Elena Fedorchenko, Evgenia Novikova, Ashish Jha. Cyber Attacker Profiling for Risk Analysis Based on Machine Learning // Sensors. 2023. 23(4). pp. 2028. DOI: 10.3390/s23042028 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=61089909
  4. Evgenia Novikova, Elena Fedorchenko, Igor Saenko. Methodology for Dataset Generation for Research in Security of Industrial Water Treatment Facilities // 2023 International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon). 2023. pp. 953-958. DOI: 10.1109/RusAutoCon58002.2023.10272930 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=72913806
  5. Elena Fedorchenko, Evgenia Novikova, Igor Saenko. Attack Model for the Industrial Water Treatment Systems // V International Conference on Control in Technical Systems (CTS). 2023. pp. 209-212. DOI: 10.1109/CTS59431.2023.10288930
  6. Mhd Raed, Semih Yön, Ali Güneş, Igor Kotenko, Elena Fedorchenko, Anna Polubaryeva. An RFID Based Localization and Mental Stress Recognition System Using Wearable Sensors // Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. 2023. 4. pp. 325-331. DOI: 10.5220/0011796000003414
  7. Diana Gaifulina, Alexander Branitskiy, Dmitry Levshun, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Sentiment Analysis of Social Network Posts for Detecting Potentially Destructive Impacts // Intelligent Distributed Computing XV. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 2023. pp. 203-212. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-29104-3_23
  8. Vasily Desnitsky, Igor Kotenko, Igor Paraschuk, Elena Fedorchenko. Metrics and Indicators of Security of Critical Resources in State and Corporate Objects and Processes // Òðóäû Ñåìèíàðà Information Computing and Processing. 2023. DOI: 10.1109/ICP60417.2023.10397416
  9. Evgenia Novikova, Marat Bukhtiarov, Igor Kotenko, Elena Fedorchenko, Igor Saenko. Towards Application of the Tabular Data Transformation to Images in the Intrusion Detection Tasks Using Deep Learning Techniques // Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing (IDC-2023). September 13-15, Hamburg, Germany. 2023. P. Pages 85-100
  10. E.S. Novikova, E.V. Fedorchenko, I.V. Kotenko, I.I. Kholod. Analytical review of intelligent intrusion detection systems based on federated learning: advantages and open challenges // Informatics and Automation. 2023. Vol. 22. No. 5. pp. 1034-1082. DOI: 10.15622/ia.22.5.4 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=54515310 (in Russian).
  11. V.I. Borisov, E.V. Fedorchenko. Method of normalization of fields of external sources of the mitre cti cyberattack data repository // Engineering Bulletin of the Don. 2023. No. 6 (102). pp. 212-221. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=54206663 (in Russian).
  12. S.A. Verevkin, E.V. Fedorchenko. Comparative analysis of the security databases mitre att&ck and capec // Technical sciences. 2023. No. 4. pp. 29-39. DOI: 10.24412/2071-6168-2023-4-29-39 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=53964263 (in Russian).
  13. I.V. Kotenko, E.V. Fedorchenko, E.S. Novikova, I.B. Saenko, A.S Danilov. Data collection methodology for security analysis of industrial cyber-physical systems // Cybersecurity issues. 2023. No. 5 (57). pp. 69-79. DOI: 10.21681/2311-3456-2023-5-69-79 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=54709889 (in Russian).
  14. E.V. Fedorchenko, E.S. Novikova, I.B. Saenko. Attack model for the industrial water treatment systems // International Scientific Conference on Management Problems in Technical Systems. 2023. Vol. 1. pp. 253-257 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=54678801 (in Russian).
  15. E.V. Fedorchenko, I.V. Kotenko, A.V. Fedorchenko, E.S. Novikova, I.B. Saenko. Assessment of information system security based on the exploit's graph model // Questions of cybersecurity. 2023. No. 3 (55). pp. 23-36. DOI: 10.21681/2311-3456-2023-3-23-36 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=54303091 (in Russian).
  16. E.V. Fedorchenko, A.A. Khachatryan. Analysis of honeypot and deception technology: description of the implementations applied // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (APINO 2023). Collection of scientific articles of the XII International Scientific-technical and scientific-methodical Conference. In 4 volumes. Edited by S.I. Makarenko, comp. V.S. Elagin, E.A. Anikevich. St. Petersburg, 2023. pp. 888-891 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=54295098 (in Russian).
  17. V.I. Borisov, E.V. Fedorchenko. Research on interconnection between separate cyber-attack stages and their role in generating attack sequencies for the purpose of proactive response on cyberthreats // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (APINO 2023). Collection of scientific articles of the XII International Scientific-technical and scientific-methodical Conference. In 4 volumes. Edited by S.I. Makarenko, comp. V.S. Elagin, E.A. Anikevich. Saint Petersburg, 2023. pp. 350-353. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=54294975 (in Russian).
  18. E.V. Fedorchenko, E.S. Novikova, A.S. Danilov. Designing cyber physical testbed to analyse cyber security // In the book: Information security of the regions of Russia (IBRR-2023). XIII St. Petersburg Interregional Conference. Conference materials. St. Petersburg, 2023. pp. 108-109.// https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=60024757 (in Russian).
  19. S.A. Verevkin, E.V. Fedorchenko. Development of the testbed for dynamic analysis of exploits // In the book: Information security of the regions of Russia (IBRR-2023). XIII St. Petersburg Interregional Conference. Conference materials. St. Petersburg, 2023. pp. 70-71. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=60024728 (in Russian).
  20. E.V. Fedorchenko, A.A. Chechulin, I.B. Paraschuk. Investigation of computer incidents as a basis for operational analysis of cybersecurity and a source of source data for architectural components of information security risk management // In the book: Information Security of the regions of Russia (IBRR-2023). XIII St. Petersburg Interregional Conference. Conference materials. St. Petersburg, 2023. pp. 110-111.// https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=60024758 (in Russian).


  1. Elena Doynikova, Evgenia Novikova, Ivan Murenin, Maxim Kolomeec, Diana Gaifulina, Olga Tushkanova, Dmitry Levshun, Alexey Meleshko, Igor Kotenko. Security Measuring System for IoT Devices // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2022. Ò. 13106 LNCS. Ñ. 256-275. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-95484-0_16 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48184836
  2. Evgenia Novikova, Diana Gaifulina, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Construction and Analysis of Integral User-Oriented Trustworthiness Metrics // Electronics 2022, 11(2), 234, Ïîðÿäêîâûé íîìåð: 234. DOI: 10.3390/electronics11020234 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48142369
  3. M. Kuznetsov, Evgenia Novikova, Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova. Privacy policies of iot devices: collection and analysis // Sensors. 2022. Ò. 22. ¹ 5, Ïîðÿäêîâûé íîìåð: 1838. DOI: 10.3390/s22051838 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48183588
  4. Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko, Igor Parashchuk, Elena Doynikova. An approach for selecting countermeasures against harmful information based on uncertainty management // Computer Science and Information Systems. 2022. Ò. 19. ¹ 1. Ñ. 415-433. DOI: 10.2298/CSIS210211057K // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48188266
  5. Roman Kryukov, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Security analysis of information systems based on attack sequences generation and testing // Studies in Computational Intelligence. 2022. Ò. 1026. Ñ. 427-437. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-96627-0_39 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48590774
  6. E. Novikova, E. Doynikova, S. Golubev. Federated learning for intrusion detection in the critical infrastructures: vertically partitioned data use case // Algorithms. 2022. Ò. 15. ¹ 4. Ïîðÿäêîâûé íîìåð: 104. DOI: 10.3390/a15040104 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48426412
  7. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko, Vasily Desnitsky. Automation of Asset Inventory for Cyber Security: Investigation of Event Correlation-Based Technique // Electronics. 2022. Ò. 11. ¹ 15. Ñ. 2368. DOI: 10.3390/electronics11152368 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=56069940
  8. Roman Kryukov, Vladimir Zima, Elena Doynikova, Evgenia Novikova. Mapping the Security Events to the MITRE ATT &CK Attack Patterns to Forecast Attack Propagation (Extended Abstract) // In book: Attacks and Defenses for the Internet-of-Things. 5th International Workshop, Idiot 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 30, 2022, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.13745. 2022. Springer, Cham., Vol.13745. P.165-176. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-21311-3_10
  9. Elena Doynikova, Evgenia Novikova, Anton Shulepov. Comparative review of the intrusion detection systems based on federated learning: advantages and open challenges // Algorithms. 2022. Ò. 15. ¹ 7. Ñ. 247. DOI: 10.3390/a15070247 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=57016209
  10. S.A. Golubev, EE.S. Novikova, E.V. Fedorchenko. Image-Based Approach to Intrusion Detection in Cyber-Physical Objects // Information (Switzerland). 2022. Ò. 13. ¹ 12. Ñ. 553. DOI: 10.3390/info13120553 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=59438213
  11. Alexandr Branitsky, Yash Sharma, Igor Kotenko, Elena Fedorchenko, Andrey Krasov, Igor Ushakov. Determination of the mental state of users of the social network reddit based on machine learning methods // Information and control systems. 2022. No. 1 (116). pp. 8-18. DOI: 10.31799/1684-8853-2022-1-8-18 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48100847 (in Russian).
  12. E.V. Fedorchenko (Doynikova), E.S. Novikova, I.V. Kotenko, D.A. Gayfulina, O.N. Tushkanova, D.S. Levshun, A.V. Meleshko , I.N. Murenin, M.V. Kolomeets. The security and privacy measuring system for the internet of things devices // Cybersecurity issues. 2022. No. 5 (51). pp. 28-46. DOI: 10.21681/2311-3456-2022-5-28-46 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=50310106 (in Russian).
  13. Diana Gaifulina, Igor Kotenko, Elena Fedorchenko. Sentiment analysis of social network posts for destructive impacts detection // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (APINO 2022). XI International Scientific-technical and scientific-methodical conference. St. Petersburg, 2022. pp. 324-328. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49522709 (in Russian).
  14. Sergei Verevkin, Elena Fedorchenko. Analysis of security data sources for modeling and evaluating cyber attacks // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (APINO 2022). XI International Scientific-technical and scientific-methodical conference. St. Petersburg, 2022. pp. 249-251. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49522692 (in Russian).
  15. E.V. Fedorchenko, A.N. Polubarieva. Analysis of the problems, their possible solutions and existing prospects of information security issues of wireless medical devices // Regional informatics and information security. Proceedings of the Jubilee XVIII St. Petersburg International Conference. Saint Petersburg, 2022. pp. 137-139. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=50477970 (in Russian).
  16. E.V. Fedorchenko. Security assessment of information systems and security decision support using an ontology // In the book: Regional Informatics (RI-2022). Jubilee XVIII St. Petersburg International Conference. Conference materials. Saint Petersburg, 2022. pp. 187-188. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49977225 (in Russian).


  1. Doynikova Elena, Novikova Evgenia, Gaifulina Diana, Kotenko Igor. Towards Attacker Attribution for Risk Analysis // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2021. Ò. 12528 LNCS. Ñ. 347-353. // DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-68887-5_22 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46756437
  2. Elena Doynikova, Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko. Detection and Monitoring of the Destructive Impacts in the Social Networks using Machine Learning Methods // Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2021. Ò. 1538. Ñ. 60-65. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-94209-0_6 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48152443
  3. Lidia Vitkova, Aleksei Pronichev, Elena Doynikova, Igor Saenko. Selection of Countermeasures against Propagation of Harmful Information via Internet // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Ñåð. "International Scientific Conference of Communications, Information, Electronic and Energy Systems, CIEES 2020", 26th-29th November 2020, Borovets, Bulgaria 1032:012017// 2021. P. 012017. DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/1032/1/012017 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46802931 (WoS, Scopus)
  4. E. Doynikova, A. Fedorchenko. Semantic model of an exploit’s source code for data protection in automation systems // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Krasnoyarsk Science and Technology City Hall., Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation, 2021. Ñ. 12074. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/1047/1/012074 https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_44745392_43994119.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44745392
  5. Alexander Branitskiy, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Technique for classifying the social network profiles according to the psychological scales based on machine learning methods //Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 13. Ñåð. "13th Multiconference on Control Problems, MCCP 2020" 2021. Ñ. 012121. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1864/1/012121 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46868874
  6. Roman Ushakov, Elena Doynikova, Evgenia Novikova, Igor Kotenko. CPE and CVE based Technique for Software Security Risk Assessment // Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, IDAACS 2021. 22-25 September, 2021, Cracow, Poland. pp.353-356 (WoS, Scopus, Ïåðå÷åíü ÂÀÊ, ÐÈÍÖ) DOI:10.1109/IDAACS53288.2021.9660968 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48134070
  7. I.Murenin, E. Doynikova, I.Kotenko. Towards security decision support for large-scale heterogeneous distributed information systems // Proceedings - 2021 14th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks, SIN 2021. 14. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/SIN54109.2021.9699195 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48945334
  8. A. Jha, D. Tokarev, E.S. Novikova, E.V. Fedorchenko. Feature selection for attacker attribution in industrial automation & control systems // Proceedings of 2021 IV International Conference on Control in Technical Systems (CTS). IEEE, 2021. Ñ. 220-223. DOI: 10.1109/CTS53513.2021.9562879 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48153745
  9. E.V. Doynikova, A.V. Fedorchenko, E.S. Novikova, I.A. Ushakov, A.V. Krasov. Security decision support in the control systems based on graph models // Proceedings of 2021 IV International Conference on Control in Technical Systems (CTS). IEEE, 2021. Ñ. 224-227. DOI: 10.1109/CTS53513.2021.9562793 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48152287
  10. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko, Igor Kotenko, Eugenia Novikova. Security assessment methodology based on the semantic model of metrics and data // Questions of cybersecurity. 2021. No. 1 (41). pp. 29-40. DOI: 10.21681/2311-3456-2021-1-29-40. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44833771 (in Russian).
  11. Elena Fedorchenko, Eugenia Novikova, Diana Gayfullina, Igor Kotenko. Attacker profiling based on the network traffic analysis // Control systems, communications and security. 2021. No. 6. pp. 76-89. DOI: 10.24412/2410-9916-2021-6-76-89 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47416445 (in Russian).
  12. A. Jha, D. Tokarev, Eugenia Novikova, Elena Fedorchenko. Feature selection for attacker attributionin industrial automation & control systems // International Scientific Conference on Management Problems in Technical Systems. 2021. Vol. 1. pp. 273-277. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46684226 (in Russian).
  13. Alexander Branitskiy, Igor Kotenko, Elena Fedorchenko. Methods of classifying communities in social networks using neural networks // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education (APINO 2021). collection of scientific articles: in 4 t .. St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich. Saint Petersburg, 2021. pp. 100-103. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46275372 (in Russian).
  14. Alexander Branitsky, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Application of neural networks to detect potentially destructive information content in social networks // Pedagogy and psychology in medicine: problems, innovations, achievements. proceedings of the I International Scientific Congress. Moscow, 2021. pp. 35-40. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47190313 (in Russian).
  15. I. Bystrov, Andrey Fedorchenko, Elena Fedorchenko. An architecture of security assessment and countermeasure selection system based on the semantic model of data and metrics // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education. collection of scientific articles: in 4 volumes. St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich. St. Petersburg, 2021. pp. 143-146. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46275381 (in Russian).
  16. Elena Doynikova (Fedorchenko), Andrey Fedorchenko, Igor Ushakov, Andrey Krasov, Eugenia Novikova. Decision support for responding to violations in control systems using graph models // International Scientific Conference on Management Problems in Technical Systems. 2021. Vol. 1. pp. 278-282. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46684227 (in Russian).
  17. Igor Paraschuk, Elena Fedorchenko. Analysis of the effectiveness of the information security management system of the industrial Internet of Things using methods of the theory of fuzzy sets // Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education. collection of scientific articles: in 4 volumes. St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich. Saint Petersburg, 2021. pp. 617-621. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46275479 (in Russian).
  18. A.A. Branitsky, Ya. Sharma, E.V. Fedorchenko. Applying machine learning methods for sentiment analysis of users of the social network Reddit // XII St. Petersburg Interregional Conference "Information Security of Russian Regions" (IBRR-2021). 2021. 1. pp. 69-70 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ibrr/ibrr2021/ibrr2021_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49241020 (in Russian).
  19. E.V. Fedorchenko, I.B. Paraschuk. Approaches to eliminating the uncertainty of security input information in the tasks of analyzing the security of industrial Internet of Things systems // XII St. Petersburg Interregional Conference "Information Security of Russian Regions" (IBRR-2021). 2021. 1. pp. 100-102 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ibrr/ibrr2021/ibrr2021_materials.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49265506 (in Russian).
  20. E.V. Fedorchenko, A.V. Fedorchenko, E.S. Novikova, A.A. Branitsky, A.V. Meleshko, V.V. Puchkov. System for security assessment and counermeasure selection using semantic model of data and metrics // XII St. Petersburg Interregional Conference "Information Security of Russian Regions" (IBRR-2021). 2021. 1. pp. 102-103 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ibrr/ibrr2021/ibrr2021_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49265505 (in Russian).
  21. E.V. Fedorchenko, E.S. Novikova, D.A. Gayfulina, I.V. Kotenko. Attacker profiling for security analysis and response to cyber incidents // Actual problems of protection and security: Proceedings of the XXIV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference RARAN (March 31 - April 3, 2021). 2021. Volume 1. pp. 144-148 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48010763 (in Russian).
  22. E.V. Fedorchenko, I.B. Paraschuk. Analysis of the security protection of industrial internet of things systems in the conditions of uncertainty of security input information // Regional informatics and information security. Proceedings of the XII St. Petersburg Interregional Conference. Saint Petersburg, 2021. pp. 113-117. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48126261 (in Russian).


  1. A. Branitskiy, E. Doynikova, I. Kotenko, N. Krasilnikova, D. Levshun, A. Tishkov, N. Vanchakova. The Common Approach to Determination of the Destructive Information Impacts and Negative Personal Tendencies of Young Generation Using the Neural Network Methods for the Internet Content Processing // Studies in Computational Intelligence. 2020. Vol. 868 P. 302-310. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-32258-8_36. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43208120
  2. Igor Parashchuk, Elena Donikova. The Architecture of Subsystem for Eliminating an Uncertainty in Assessment of Information Objects’ Semantic Content Based on the Methods of Incomplete, Inconsistent and Fuzzy Knowledge Processing // Studies in Computational Intelligence 2020 Vol. 868 pp. 294-301. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-32258-8_35 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43208800
  3. Gustavo Gonzalez-Granadillo, Elena Doynikova, Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro, Igor Kotenko, Andrey Fedorchenko. Stateful RORI-based countermeasure selection using hypergraphs // Journal of Information Security and Applications. 2020. vol. 54. Ð. 102562. DOI: 10.1016/j.jisa.2020.102562 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43306456
  4. Igor Kotenko, Andrey Fedorchenko, Elena Doynikova. Data Analytics for Security Management of Complex Heterogeneous Systems: Event Correlation and Security Assessment Tasks // EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. 2020. Ò. 3. Ñ. 79-116. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-19353-9_5 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45370984
  5. Elena Doynikova, Evgenia Novikova, Igor Kotenko. Attacker Behaviour Forecasting Using Methods of Intelligent Data Analysis: A Comparative Review and Prospects // Information (Switzerland). 2020. Ò. 11. ¹ 3. Ñ. 168. DOI: 10.3390/INFO11030168 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43306145
  6. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko, Igor Kotenko. A Semantic Model for Security Evaluation of Information Systems // Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility. 2020. vol. 9, ¹. 2. pp. 301–330. DOI: 10.13052/JCSM2245-1439.925 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43302003
  7. Evgenia Novikova, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. P2Onto: Making Privacy Policies Transparent // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2020. Ò. 12501 LNCS. Ñ. 235-252. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-64330-0_15 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45049659
  8. Valery Andreev, Valery Ostrovskii, Timur Karimov, Aleksandra Tutueva, Elena Doynikova, Denis Butusov. Synthesis and Analysis of the Fixed-Point Hodgkin–Huxley Neuron Model // Electronics. 2020. Ò. 9. ¹ 3. Ñ. 434. DOI: 10.3390/electronics9030434 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43270554
  9. Dmitry Kaplun, Sergey Aryashev, Alexander Veligosha, Elena Doynikova, Pavel Lyakhov, Denis Butusov. Improving Calculation Accuracy of Digital Filters Based on Finite Field Algebra // Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 2020. vol. 10, ¹ 1, pp. 45-58. DOI: 10.3390/app10010045 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43252534
  10. Andrey Fedorchenko, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Towards Intelligent Data Processing for Automated Determination of Information System Assets // In book: Handbook of Research on Intelligent Data Processing and Information Security Systems. 2020. pp. 147-160. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1290-6.ch007
  11. E.V. Doynikova, A.V. Fedorchenko, R.O. Kryukov. Determination of features of cyber-attack goals based on analysis of data in open security data sources // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2020. Ò. 734. Ñ. 012160. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/734/1/012160 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42766659
  12. Kotenko Igor, Branitskiy Alexander, Tishkov Artem, Doynikova Elena. Analysis of Formats of Young People’s Communicative Behavior in Social Network //2020 24th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, ICSTCC 2020 - Proceedings. 24. 2020. Ñ. 439-444. DOI:10.1109/ICSTCC50638.2020.9259747 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45065233
  13. Igor Parashchuk, Elena Doynikova, Igor Saenko, Igor Kotenko. Selection of Countermeasures against Harmful Information based on the Assessment of Semantic Content of Information Objects in the Conditions of Uncertainty // INISTA 2020 - 2020 International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications, Proceedings. 2020. Ñ. 9194680. DOI: 10.1109/INISTA49547.2020.9194680 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45285751
  14. Doynikova E., Kotenko I., Parashchuk I. An alternative of classification for network traffic monitoring procedures in order to detect harmful information and computer attacks // The 1st International Conference on Computer Technology Innovations dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Gorky House of Scientists of Russian Academy of Science (ICCTI — 2020). Saint Petersburg, Russia. April 13-14. SPb.: Petropolis. 144 p. P.8-12. ISBN: 978-5-9676-1216-9. (Scopus) https://iccti.kp.center/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/ICCTI2020-OCP-press.pdf
  15. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko, Igor Kotenko. Determination of features of cyber attack goals based on analysis of data in open security data sources // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Krasnoyarsk Science and Technology City Hall of the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Associations. 2020. Ñ. 12160. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/734/1/012160 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42766659
  16. Branitskiy Alexander, Doynikova Elena, Kotenko Igor. Use of neural networks for forecasting of the exposure of social network users to destructive impacts // Information and Control Systems 2020. ¹1(104) pp. 24-33. DOI: 10.31799/1684-8853-2020-1-24-33 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42714729 (in Russian).
  17. E.V. Doynikova, A.V. Fedorchenko. An approach to building an ontology of metrics for dynamic security analysis // Methods and technical means of ensuring information security. 2020. No. 29. pp. 42-43. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44017261 (in Russian).
  18. E. V. Doynikova, A. V. Meleshko, A. V. Fedorchenko, YM. Êopchak System for selecting protection measures against ddos attacks // Methods and technical means of ensuring information security. 2020. No. 29. pp. 66-68. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44017275 (in Russian).
  19. Dmitry Levshun, Anton Tishkov, Elena Doynikova. Annotation of social network posts and profiles in order to detect destructive impacts // IV Interregional Scientific-Practical Conference "Advanced National Information Systems and Technologies". September 22-26, 2020. Materials of the conference. P. 205-206. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/pnroit/pnroit-2020_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45844814 (in Russian).
  20. A. A. Branitsky, E. V. Doynikova, I. V. Kotenko. Technique of classification of social network users by the psychological scales of the Ammon test based on artificial neural networks // Materials of the conference "Information Technologies in Management". 2020. P. 266-268 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44686237 (in Russian).
  21. A.A. Branitsky, E.V. Doynikova, I.V. Kotenko. Technique for determination of social network users exposure to destructiveness // IX international scientific-technical and scientific-methodical conference "Actual problems of infotelecommunication in science and education" (APINO-2020)". February 26-27, 2020. Collection of scientific articles. 2020. Vol. 1. Ð. 159-162. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44603986 (in Russian).
  22. E. V. Doynikova, O. S. Dudkina, I. B. Saenko. Decisions support to increase protection against information security incidents using MITRE ATT&CK database // IX International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological conference "Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education" (APINO-2020)". February 26-27, 2020. Collection of scientific articles. 2020. Vol. 1. P. 409-414. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44604037 (in Russian).
  23. E. V. Doynikova, E. S. Novikova. Forecasting attacker behavior using intelligent data analysis // IX International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological conference " Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education "(APINO-2020)". February 26-27, 2020. Collection of scientific articles. 2020. Vol. 1. P. 415-418. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44604038 (in Russian).
  24. E. V. Doynikova, A. N. Polubaryeva Analysis of the problems, their possible solutions and existing prospects of information security issues of wireless medical devices // IX International Scientific-technical and scientific-methodological Conference " Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education "(APINO-2020)". February 26-27, 2020. Collection of scientific articles. 2020. Volume 1. pp. 419-424. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44604039 (in Russian).
  25. L.A. Vitkova, E.V. Doynikova, A.P. Pronichev. About modeling the processes of detecting and countering terrorist and extremist activity on the internet and social networks // XVII St. Petersburg International Conference " Regional Informatics (RI-2020)". St. Petersburg, October 28-30, 2020, part 1., pp. 126-127 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ri/ri2020/ri2020_materials_1.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49390589 (in Russian).
  26. E. V. Doynikova, A.V. Fedorchenko, D. A. Gaifulina Technique for selection of countermeasures against cyber attacks based on the ontology of security metrics // XVII St. Petersburg International Conference " Regional Informatics (RI-2020)". St. Petersburg, October 28-30, 2020, part 1., pp. 137-138 eLIBRARY ID: 46542004 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ri/ri2020/ri2020_materials_1.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49390760 (in Russian).
  27. A.V. Kartel, E. S. Novikova, I. N. Murenin, E. V. Doynikova. Defining attributes for malware authorship attributing based on control flow graph analysis // XVII St. Petersburg International Conference " Regional Informatics (RI-2020)". St. Petersburg, October 28-30, 2020, part 1., p. 139-141 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ri/ri2020/ri2020_materials_1.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49390758 (in Russian).
  28. A.V. Tishkov, A. A. Strakh, A. A. Branitsky, E. V. Doynikova, A. A. Chechulin. Analysis of correlations between Ammon’s test scales for determination of features for test results forecasting // Perspective directions of development of domestic information technologies: materials of the VI interregional scientific and practical conference, Sevastopol, September 22-26, 2020, ðð. 122-123. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/pnroit/pnroit-2020_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45844771 (in Russian).
  29. V. A. Desnitsky, A. A. Chechulin, E. V. Doynikova. A technique for verification of representation models of wireless sensor networks // Perspective directions of development of domestic information technologies: materials of the VI interregional scientific and practical conference, Sevastopol, September 22-26, 2020, ðð. 197-198. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/pnroit/pnroit-2020_materials.pdf https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45844808 (in Russian).
  30. E. V. Doynikova, E. V. Chechulin, A.V. Meleshko Extended ontology of metrics for security assessment of industrial Internet of Things systems // Perspective directions of development of domestic information technologies: materials of the VI interregional scientific and practical conference, Sevastopol, September 22-26, 2020, ðð. 201-202. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/pnroit/pnroit-2020_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45844811 (in Russian).
  31. A. A. Chechulin, E. V. Doynikov, V. A. Desnitsky. Model of a stacked pie chart for visual analytics in virtual reality // Perspective directions of development of domestic information technologies: materials of the VI interregional scientific and practical conference, Sevastopol, September 22-26, 2020, pp. 233-234. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/pnroit/pnroit-2020_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45844827 (in Russian).
  32. L.A. Vitkova, I.B. Saenko, E.V. Doynikova, A.P. Pronichev. Model for detecting and countering extremist activity on the Internet // Perspektivnye napravleniya razvitiya otechestvennykh informatsionnykh tekhnologii: materials of the VI interregional scientific and practical conference, Sevastopol, 22-26 Sep. 2020, pp. 71-72 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/pnroit/pnroit-2020_materials.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45844754 (in Russian).
  33. D. N. Shevchenko, E. V. Doynikova Technique for analysis of internal information security incidents within the corporate data transfer framework // Perspective directions of development of domestic information technologies: materials of the VI interregional scientific and practical conference, Sevastopol, September 22-26, 2020, pp. 57-58 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/pnroit/pnroit-2020_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45844748 (in Russian).
  34. E. V. Doynikova, E. S. Novikova Response against cyberattacks considering attacker profile // Perspektivnye napravleniya razvitiya otechestvennykh informatsionnykh tekhnologii: materials of the VI interregional scientific and practical conference, Sevastopol, 22-26 Sep. 2020, pp. 203-204. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/pnroit/pnroit-2020_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45844812 (in Russian).
  35. E. V. Doynikova, N. A. Krivykh. Tool of monitoring and integration of vulnerabilities from open databases// Perspektivnye napravleniya razvitiya otechestvennykh informatsionnykh tekhnologii: materials of the VI interregional scientific and practical conference, Sevastopol, 22-26 Sep. 2020, pp. 231-232. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/pnroit/pnroit-2020_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45844826 (in Russian).
  36. A.V. Tishkov, L.V. Strakh, E.V. Doynikova. Characteristic of relationship of I-functions in the personality structure of junior-course students of Medical University // Information technologies in management. conference materials. Saint Petersburg, 2020. pp. 259-261. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44686235 (in Russian).
  37. A. A. Bogatyrev, A. A. Branitsky, N. P. Vanchakova, E. V. Doynikova, I. V. Kotenko, N. V. Krasilnikova, D. S. Levshun, A.V. Tishkov Methods of identifying and preventing destructive formats of communicative behavior of young people in social networks // Proceedings of the conference "Neuroinformatics-2020". P. 388-397 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46415288 (in Russian).
  38. E.V. Fedorchenko Analysis of the exploits source code to improve efficiency of the security information and event management systems // Proceedings of the International Conference "Innovations in Information Technologies, Mechanical Engineering and Motor Transport" (IITMA-2020). Russia, Kemerovo. December 4, 2020. Ð. 201-203 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44730138 (in Russian).
  39. E.V. Doynikova, E.S. Novikova, D.A. Gayfullina, I.V. Kotenko. Defining a set of attributes for forming an attacker's profile when analyzing information security risks // In the book: Regional Informatics (RI-2020). XVII St. Petersburg International Conference. Conference materials. St. Petersburg, 2020. pp. 136-137. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49390591 (in Russian).
  40. E.V. Doynikova, A.V. Fedorchenko, A.A. Branitsky. Analysis of the source code of exploits to identify signs of vulnerabilities used by them // Challenges of the digital economy: the development of a comfortable urban environment. Proceedings of the III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation. 2020. pp. 249-250. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44171539 (in Russian).


  1. Andrey Fedorchenko, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Determination of System Weaknesses based on the Analysis of Vulnerability Indexes and the Source Code of Exploits // Journal of Universal Computer Science. 2019, Vol. 25, No. 9. pp. 1043-1065. http://www.jucs.org/jucs_25_9/ determination_of_system_ weaknesses. (WoS, Scopus, SJR=0.33, Q2). DOI: 10.3217/jucs-025-09-1043 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45166166
  2. Alexander Branitskiy, Dmitry Levshun, Natalia Krasilnikova, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko, Artem Tishkov, Nina Vanchakova, and Andrey Chechulin. Determination of Young Generation’s Sensitivity to the Destructive Stimuli based on the Information in Social Networks // Journal of Internet Services and Information Security (JISIS), Vol. 9, No. 3, August 2019. P. 1-20. DOI: 10.22667/JISIS.2019.08.31.001 // URL: http://isyou.info/jisis/vol9/no3/jisis-2019-vol9-no3-01.pdf. (Scopus, WoS, SJR=0.18, Q4) // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41700137
  3. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko, Igor Kotenko. Detection of Weaknesses in Information Systems for Automatic Selection of Security Actions // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2019. Ò. 53. ¹ 8. Ñ. 1029-1037. DOI: 10.3103/S014641161908008X // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43268189
  4. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko, Igor Kotenko. Automated Revealing of Organizational Assets based on Event Correlation // 2019 10th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, NTMS 2019 - Proceedings and Workshop. 10. 2019. Ñ. 8763843. DOI: 10.1109/NTMS.2019.8763843 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41677256
  5. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko, Igor Kotenko. Ontology of metrics for cyber security assessment // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2019. 2019. Ñ. 3341496. DOI: 10.1145/3339252.3341496 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41627655
  6. Andrey Fedorchenko, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Automated detection of assets and calculation of their criticality for the analysis of information system security // SPIIRAS Proceedings. 2019. vol. 18. no 5. pp. 1182-1211. DOI: 10.15622/sp.2019.18.5.1182-1211 (Scopus, SJR: 0.17, Q3). // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=40938369 (in Russian).
  7. Elena Doynikova, Diana Gaifulina, Roman Kryukov. Identification of signs of cyberattack targets based on the analysis of security data in open sources // Trends in the development of science and education, 2019. No. 56-2 P. 36-41 DOI: 10.18411/lj-11-2019-33 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43073434 (in Russian).
  8. Vasily Desnitsky, Elena Doinikova, Andrey Fedorchenko, Alexander Branitsky. Modeling and analysis of intruder actions in wireless sensor networks // Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Digital Region: Experience, Competencies, Projects". Ed. Bryansk State Engineering and Technology University. P. 237-240. 2019. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42462480 (in Russian).
  9. Alexander Branitskiy, Nina Vanchakova, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko, Natalia Krasilnikova, Igor Saenko, Artem Tishkov. Common approach to the determination of destructive information impacts and negative personal trends of young generation using the techniques based on neural networks for internet content processing // 8th International Conference on Advanced Infotelecommunications (ICAIT 2019). February 27-28, 2019. Conference proceedings. Russia, St. Petersburg. vol. 1. pp. 164-167 https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/1AEA/APINO/8-APINO%202019.%20Ò.1.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41383514 (in Russian).
  10. Alexander Branitskiy, Lidia Vitkova, Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko, Artem Tishkov, Nina Vanchakova. Appying neural networks for predicting the results of the Ammon's test using the profile of social networks // XI St. Petersburg Interregional Conference «Information Security of Russian Regions (ISRR-2019)», October 23-25, 2019, Russia, St. Petersburg. 2019. pp.100-101. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ibrr/ibrr2019/ibrr2019_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45839427 (in Russian).
  11. Elena Doynikova, Igor Parashchuk. Requirements to processes and components of elimination of uncertainty of the analysis of semantic filling of information objects for the benefit of detection and counteraction of harmful information // VIII International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological Conference "Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education" (APINO 2019). St. Petersburg, February 27-28, 2019 (collection of scientific articles) Vol.2, Ñ. 254-259 https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/1AEA/APINO/8-APINO%202019.%20Ò.2.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42505015 (in Russian).
  12. Elena Doynikova. Model for Forecasting Cyberattack Goals Based on the Neuro-Fuzzy Networks // VIII International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological Conference "Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education" (APINO 2019). St. Petersburg, February 27-28, 2019 (collection of scientific articles) Vol. 1. pp. 405-408. https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/1AEA/APINO/8-APINO%202019.%20Ò.1.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41383563 (in Russian).
  13. Lidia Vitkova, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Model of Responses Against Unwanted, Questionable and Malicious Information on the Internet // VIII International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological Conference "Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education" (APINO 2019). St. Petersburg, February 27-28, 2019 (collection of scientific articles) Vol.1. pp. 223-227. https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/1AEA/APINO/8-APINO%202019.%20Ò.1.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41383527 (in Russian).
  14. Lidia Vitkova, Timur Gamidov, Elena Doynikova, Olga Dudkina, Alexey Kushnerevich. The Analysis of Features of the Industrial Internet of Things for Formation of a System of Security Metrics // VIII International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological Conference "Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education" (APINO 2019). St. Petersburg, February 27-28, 2019 (collection of scientific articles) Vol.1. pp. 212-217. https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/1AEA/APINO/8-APINO%202019.%20Ò.1.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41383525 (in Russian).
  15. Elena Doynikova. The technique and algorithms for the cyber attack forecasting based on neuro-fuzzy networks // The V interregional scientific and practical conference "Perspective directions of development of domestic information technologies". September 24-28, 2019, Russia, Sevastopol. pp. 308-310. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42944621 (in Russian).
  16. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko. Classification of interfaces and types of events used in the industrial internet of things for analysis of their weakness to cyberatacs // The V interregional scientific and practical conference "Perspective directions of development of domestic information technologies". September 24-28, 2019, Russia, Sevastopol. pp. 306-308. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42944620 (in Russian).
  17. Natalia Krasilnikova, Elena Doynikova, Nina Vanchakova. The seven level scale of destructive manifestations of behavior in social networks for monitoring destructive effects by neural network methods // The V interregional scientific and practical conference "Perspective directions of development of domestic information technologies". September 24-28, 2019, Russia, Sevastopol. pp. 304-306. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42944619 (in Russian).
  18. Alexander Branitskiy, Elena Doynikova, Veronika Kuzmina, Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin. Analysis of CVSS Metrics System in Order to Develop Attack Graph Algorithm // VIII International scientific-technical and scientific-methodological Conference "Actual problems of infotelecommunications in science and education" (APINO 2019). St. Petersburg, February 27-28, 2019 (collection of scientific articles) Vol. 1. pp. 167-172. https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/1AEA/APINO/8-APINO%202019.%20Ò.1.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41383515 (in Russian).
  19. Elena Doynikova. Classification and analysis of cyber attacks goals in the industrial internet of things // XI St. Petersburg Interregional Conference «Information Security of Russian Regions (ISRR-2019)», October 23-25, 2019, Russia, St. Petersburg. 2019. pp. 116-117 http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ibrr/ibrr2019/ibrr2019_materials.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45841665 (in Russian).
  20. Olga Dudkina, Elena Doynikova, Igor Saenko. Analysis of information security metrics for the industrial internet of things // Regional informatics and information security. Proceedings. Issue 7. 2019. pp. 38-41. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/riib/riib_7_2019.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42561902 (in Russian).
  21. E.V. Doynikova, L.A. Vitkova. Technique and algorithms for selection of measures to counter unwanted, doubtful and harmful information on the Internet // Regional Informatics and Information Security. Collection of works. Issue 7. 2019. pp. 246-248. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/riib/riib_7_2019.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42562055 (in Russian).


  1. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. An automated graph based approach to risk assessment for computer networks with mobile components // Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2018. Ò. 797. Ñ. 95-106. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-7850-7_9 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35502078
  2. Igor Kotenko, Andrey Fedorchenko, Elena Doynikova, Andrey Chechulin. An Ontology-based Hybrid Storage of Security Information // Information Technology and Control. 2018. Ò. 47. ¹ 4. Ñ. 655-667 DOI: 10.5755/j01.itc.47.4.20007 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=37282133
  3. Gustavo Gonzalez-Granadillo, Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro, Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova. Hypergraph-driven Mitigation of Cyber-Attacks // Internet Technology Letters. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2018. Volume1, Issue1, May/June 2018. 6 p. https://doi.org/10.1002/itl2.38 (WoS).
  4. Gustavo Gonzalez-Granadillo, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko, Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro. Attack Graph-based Countermeasure Selection using a Stateful Return on Investment Metric // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2018. Ò. 10723 LNCS. Ñ. 293-302. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-75650-9_19 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35490864
  5. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova. Selection of countermeasures against network attacks based on dynamical calculation of security metrics // Journal of Defence Modeling and Simulation, 2018. Vol. 15. ¹ 2. P.181-204. DOI: 10.1177/1548512917690278. https://doi.org/10.1177/1548512917690278 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35489635
  6. E. Doynikova, I. Kotenko. Approach for determination of cyber-attack goals based on the ontology of security metrics // IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering 450(5):052006, November 2018, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/450/5/052006, https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/450/5/052006.
  7. Elena Doynikova Igor Kotenko. The multi-layer graph based technique for proactive automatic response against cyber attacks // Proceedings of the 26th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and network-based Processing (PDP 2018). Cambridge, UK, March 21-23, 2018. Los Alamitos, California. IEEE Computer Society. 2018. P.470-477. DOI: 10.1109/PDP2018.2018.00081 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35728921
  8. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko, Igor Kotenko. Determination of security threat classes on the basis of vulnerability analysis for automated countermeasure selection // ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. 13. Ñåð. "ARES 2018 - 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security" (ARES 2018). Hamburg, Germany, August 27-30, 2018 Ð. 3233260 DOI: 10.1145/3230833.3233260 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=38644965
  9. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Approach for determination of cyber attack goals based on the ontology of security metrics // Proceedings of the International Workshop “Advanced Technologies in Aerospace, Mechanical and Automation Engineering" (MIST: Aerospace-2018). October 20, 2018, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE),IOP Publishing, Vol.450 ¹ 5, Ð. 052006-052013 https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/450/5/052006.
  10. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Improvement of attack graphs for cybersecurity monitoring: handling of inaccuracies, processing of cycles, mapping of incidents and automatic countermeasure selection // SPIIRAS Proceedings. 2018. ¹ 2(57) P. 211 -240. DOI: 10.15622/sp.57.9 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=32761925 (in Russian).
  11. Maxim Kolomeec, Andrey Chechulin, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. A technique of visualization of cybersecurity metrics // Journal of Instrument Engineering. 2018. Vol.61.No.10.P.873-880. DOI: 10.17586/0021-3454-2018-61-10-873-880 https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/metodika-vizualizatsii-metrik-kiberbezopasnosti // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36408681 (in Russian).
  12. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko, Igor Kotenko. Determination of Information System Weaknesses for Automated selection of security measures // Problems of information security. Computer systems. 2018. No.3. P.89-99. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36576822 (in Russian).
  13. Lidia Vitkova, Elena Doynikova. Decision support for protection against inappropriate information // Information technologies in Management (ITU-2018). conference materials. 2018. pp. 398-403. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=37028985 (in Russian).
  14. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko. Application of ontological repository for analysis of security of information systems // Information technologies in Management (ITU-2018). conference materials. 2018. pp. 413-417. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=37028989 (in Russian).
  15. Elena Doynikova. Approach to the cyberattack prediction and response based on the neuro-fuzzy networks in the industrial Internet of things // Proceedings of the conference "Information technologies in management" (ITU-2018). St. Petersburg. October 2-4, 2018. SPb.: Concern Central Research Institute Electropribor JSC, 2018, P. 408-412 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=37028987 (in Russian).
  16. Igor Parashchuk, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Approach to the development of requirements for elimination of incomplete and contradiction of estimation and categorization of sense filling of information objects // XVI Anniversary Saint-Petersburg International Conference "Regional informatics-2018 (RI-2018)". St. Petersburg, Russia. October 24-26, 2018. Proceedings. P. 162-164. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ri/ri2018/ri2018_materials.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36336097 (in Russian).
  17. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko. Application of the ontological database in the task of vulnerability classification for automated determination of the security threats // XVI Anniversary Saint-Petersburg International Conference "Regional informatics-2018 (RI-2018)". St. Petersburg, Russia. October 24-26, 2018. Proceedings. P. 135-136. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ri/ri2018/ri2018_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46484332 (in Russian).
  18. Elena Doynikova. Determination of the security input data for generation of the sample for neuro-fuzzy network training to forecast cyberattacks // XVI Anniversary Saint-Petersburg International Conference "Regional informatics-2018 (RI-2018)". St. Petersburg, Russia. October 24-26, 2018. Proceedings. P. 133-135. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ri/ri2018/ri2018_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46486377 (in Russian).
  19. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Techniques and tools of response to cyberattacks in the industrial Internet of Things // Actual problems of informational communication in science and education (ÀPINO 2018). VII International technical science and methodical science conference. Compilation of papers. In 4 volumes. Edited by S.V. Bachevskiy. 2018. Volume 1. P. 23-28. https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/7apino/Sb_APINO%202018_Ò_1.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35231514 (in Russian).
  20. Elena Doynikova, Sergey Savkov, Evgenii Chumak. Information security for the bodynets: main trends // Actual problems of informational communication in science and education (ÀPINO 2018). VII International technical science and methodical science conference. Compilation of papers. In 4 volumes. Edited by S.V. Bachevskiy. 2018. Volume 1. P. 290-295. https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/7apino/Sb_APINO%202018_Ò_1.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35231577 (in Russian).


  1. Igor Kotenko, Andrey Chechulin, Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko. Ontological hybrid storage for security data // Studies in Computational Intelligence. 2017. Ò. 737. Ñ. 159-171. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-66379-1_15 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=31065783
  2. Maxim Kolomeec, Gustavo Gonzalez-Granadillo, Elena Doynikova, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko, and Herve Debar. Choosing models for security metrics visualization // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2017. Ò. 10446 LNCS. Ð. 75-87. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-65127-9_7 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=31066510
  3. Andrey Fedorchenko, Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova, Andrey Chechulin. The ontological approach application for construction of the hybrid security repository // XX International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements (SCM'2017), Saint-Petersburg, May 24-26, 2017 P.525-528. DOI: 10.1109/SCM.2017.7970638 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=31048917
  4. Elena Doynikova and Igor Kotenko. CVSS-based Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Cyber Situational Awareness and Countermeasure Selection // Proceedings - 2017 25th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2017. 25. 2017. Ñ. 346-353 DOI: 10.1109/PDP.2017.44 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=31045380
  5. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Chechulin, and Igor Kotenko. Analytical Attack Modeling and Security Assessment based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System // Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT. Proceedings of the 20th Conference of Open Innovations Association, FRUCT 2017. 2017. Ñ. 53-61. DOI: 10.23919/FRUCT.2017.8071292 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35517447
  6. Elena Doynikova and Igor Kotenko. Enhancement of Probabilistic Attack Graphs for Accurate Cyber Security Monitoring // 2017 IEEE SmartWorld Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, Advanced and Trusted Computed, Scalable Computing and Communications, Cloud and Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation, SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI 2017 - Conference Proceedings. 2017. Ñ. 1-6. DOI: 10.1109/UIC-ATC.2017.8397618 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35757909
  7. Elena Doynikova and Igor Kotenko. A multi-layer technique for proactive response against cyber attacks based on graph models // Information Security. Inside, 2017, No. 6(78). pp. 58-67 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=30585610 (in Russian).
  8. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Chechulin and Igor Kotenko. Computer network security evaluation based on CVSS metrics // Information and Control Systems, 2017, No. 6(91). pp. 76-87. DOI: 10.15217/issn1684-8853.2017.6.76 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=30794562 (in Russian).
  9. Andrey Fedorchenko, Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova, Andrey Chechulin. The ontological approach application for the construction of the hybrid security repository. XX International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements (SCM'2017), Proceedings. Saint-Petersburg, ETU "LETI", 2017. Vol. 2, P.55-58. https://elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_29902198_57102181.pdf // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=29902198 (in Russian).
  10. Andrey Fedorchenko, Elena Doynikova, and Andrey Chechulin. Analysis of the security data and their specifications for the security information and event management systems // VI International Conference on Advanced Info-Telecommunication (ICAIT 2017). March 1-2, 2017. Proceedings, Vol. 3. Ð. 209-214 https://www.sut.ru/doci/nauka/6apino/apino2017-3.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=32650671 (in Russian).
  11. Elena Doynikova and Igor Kotenko. Technique for the automatic assessment of secondary business assets security properties criticality in the service oriented architectures // International congress IS&IT – International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Systems. Proceedings. Divnomorskoye, Russia. September 2-9, 2017. Vol. 2. pp. 349-355. (in Russian).
  12. Elena Doynikova and Igor Kotenko. Models, technique and algorithms of the countermeasure selection based on the system of security metrics for the proactive and reactive response to attacks in computer networks // Regional informatics and information security. 2017. pp. 223-225. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/riib/riib_4_2017.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35276203 (in Russian).
  13. Andrey Fedorchenko, Andrey Chechulin, and Elena Doynikova. Security event formats in logging system of OS Windows // Regional informatics and information security. 2017. pp. 257-259. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/riib/riib_4_2017.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35276215 (in Russian).
  14. Andrey Fedorchenko, Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko, and Andrey Chechulin. Analysis of security events properties for correlation process for siem-systems // The All-Russian Forum "The System of Distributed Situation Centers as the Basis for Digital Transformation of Public Administration" (SDSC-2017). 2017. Ð. 199-201 (in Russian).
  15. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko, and Andrey Fedorchenko. System of incident response for security information and events monitoring. The All-Russian Forum "The System of Distributed Situation Centers as the Basis for Digital Transformation of Public Administration" (SDSC-2017). 2017. Ð. 148-150 (in Russian).
  16. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko, and Andrey Chechulin. Features of ontological approach application for the integration of security information. The All-Russian Forum "The System of Distributed Situation Centers as the Basis for Digital Transformation of Public Administration" (SDSC-2017). 2017. Ð. 150-152 (in Russian).
  17. Andrey Chechulin, Elena Doynikova, and Andrey Fedorchenko. An approach for information security repository construction and application. The All-Russian Forum "The System of Distributed Situation Centers as the Basis for Digital Transformation of Public Administration" (SDSC-2017). 2017. Ð. 209-211 (in Russian).


  1. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Countermeasure selection based on the attack and service dependency graphs for security incident management // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2016. Ò. 9572. Ñ. 107-124. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31811-0_7 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=27047170
  2. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Techniques and Software Tool for Risk Assessment on the Base of Attack Graphs in Information and Security Event Management Systems // Saint-Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the RAS. 2016. ¹5. P. 56-67. DOI:10.15217/issn1684-8853.2016.5.54
  3. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova. Dynamical calculation of security metrics for countermeasure selection in computer networks // Proceedings - 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2016. 24. 2016. Ñ. 558-565. DOI: 10.1109/PDP.2016.96 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=27160210
  4. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Security assessment based on attack graphs and open standards for computer networks with mobile components // The 2016 International Symposium on Mobile Internet Security (MobiSec’16). Taichung, Taiwan. July 14-15, 2016. 11 p. http://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/a6c9b6_602321846ab246958450c7513f9c5692.pdf
  5. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Techniques and software tool for risk assessment on the base of attack graphs in information and security event management systems // Information and Control Systems, 2016, ¹ 5(84), P.54-65. ISSN 1684-8853.2016. DOI: 10.15217/issn1684-8853.2016.5.54 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=27219304 (in Russian).
  6. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko. Techniques of the automated response on the security incidents during information and security events management in the systems of interacting services // Mathematical methods in engineering and technology - MMTT. 2016. No. 10 (92). pp. 180-183. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=28769331 (in Russian).
  7. Elena Doynikova. Models, techniques and algorithms for calculation of the information systems security metrics in scope of the hierarchical system of the security metrics // Methods and technical means of ensuring information security. 2016. No. 25. pp. 45-47. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36546756 (in Russian).
  8. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Technique for the security assessment of computer networks on the base of attack graphs and service dependency graphs // Information technologies in management (ITU-2016). Materials of the 9th Conference on Management Problems. P. 688-699 // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=27559699 (in Russian).
  9. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Technique for countermeasure selection to response on security incidents in computer networks on the base of security metrics // 9th Conference on Information Technologies in Control (ITC) . Proceedings. St.Petersburg, Russia. October 4–6, 2016. P.700-705. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=27559700 (in Russian).
  10. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Technique and software tool for the countermeasure selection in computer networks on the base of the dynamical recalculation of security metrics // International congress "IS&IT'16" - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Systems. Proceedings. Divnomorskoye, Russia. September 4-11. Taganrog, UFY, 2015. Vol. 2. P.271-276. (in Russian).
  11. Elena Doynikova. Graph-based and open standards-based security assessment for mobile networks // Regional informatics "RI-2016". Conference materials. 2016. pp. 158-159. http://www.spoisu.ru/files/ri/ri2016/ri2016_materials.pdf // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35091302 (in Russian).


  1. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova. Countermeasure selection in SIEM systems based on the integrated complex of security metrics // Proceedings - 23rd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2015. 23. 2015. Ñ. 567-574. DOI: 10.1109/PDP.2015.34 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=26998252
  2. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova. The CAPEC based generator of attack scenarios for network security evaluation // Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, IDAACS 2015. 8, Technology and Applications. 2015. Ñ. 436-441. DOI: 10.1109/IDAACS.2015.7340774 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=26954706
  3. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko, Andrey Chechulin. Dynamic security assessment of computer networks in siem-systems // Information Technology Security, Vol. 22 ¹ 3, 2015. P.33-42. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=25284632 (in Russian).
  4. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova. Methods of selecting countermeasures on the basis of an integrated system of indicators of security in systems of information management and security events // Information management systems, ¹ 3, 2015. P.60-69. DOI: 10.15217/issn1684-8853.2015.3.60 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23693738 (in Russian).
  5. Vasily Desnitsky, Elena Doynikova. Architecture and effectiveness evaluation of software tool for configuring security components of systems with embedded devices // Technical sciences - from theory to practice. 2015. No. 52. pp. 9-13. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=25026425 (in Russian).
  6. Elena Doynikova, Vasily Desnitsky. Generator of the random attack sequences for the computer network on the base of the CAPEC attack patterns // Technical sciences - from theory to practice. 2015. No. 51. pp. 11-16. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=24395535 (in Russian).
  7. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Countermeasure selection for the management of the computer networks security on the base of the integrated system of security metrics // Methods and technical means of ensuring information security. 2015. No. 24. pp. 114-115. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36546652 (in Russian).
  8. Elena Doynikova. Attacks generator on the base of the classification of the attack patterns CAPEC // Methods and technical means of ensuring information security. 2015. No. 24. pp. 71-72. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36546627 (in Russian).
  9. Doynikova E. V., Kotenko I. V. Analysis and application of security metrics in the SIEM-systems on the base of attack graphs and dependency graphs services // Regional Informatics and information security proceedings. St. Petersburg Society of computer science, computer engineering, communication systems and management. 2015. C. 104-112. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=28311640 (in Russian).
  10. Elena Doynikova. Application of dependency graphs of services within a task of analysis of computer network security for criticality assessment of system resources and reasonable choice of protective measures. IX Saint-Petersburg Interregional conference "Information security of regions of Russia (ISRR-2015)", Saint-Petersburg, October 28-30, 2015. The proceedings of conference, 2015. P.68-69. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35089155 (in Russian).
  11. Elena Doynikova. Methods and algorithms development for generation of attack scenarios on the network for its security level evaluation. 20th St.Petersburg assembly of the young scientists and specialists. Proceedings.St.Petersburg, 2015. P.133. (in Russian).


  1. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova. Evaluation of Computer Network Security based on Attack Graphs and Security Event Processing // Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications (JoWUA), Vol.5, No.3, September 2014. P.14-29 //https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23989639
  2. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova. Security Assessment of Computer Networks based on Attack Graphs and Security Events // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2014. Ò. 8407 LNCS. Ñ. 462-471. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-55032-4_47 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41766110
  3. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova and Andrey Chechulin. Security metrics based on attack graphs for the Olympic Games scenario // Proceedings - 2014 22nd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2014. 2014. Ñ. 561-568. DOI: 10.1109/PDP.2014.113 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=21873723
  4. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova. Security Evaluation for Cyber Situational Awareness // Proceedings - 16th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, HPCC 2014, 11th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems, ICESS 2014 and 6th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security, CSS 2014. 16. 2014. Ñ. 1197-1204. DOI: 10.1109/HPCC.2014.196 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=24064097
  5. E.V. Doynikova, I.V. Kotenko. Analysis of the current situation and support for decision-making on the security of a computer network based on a system of security indicators // News of higher educational institutions. Instrumentation. 2014. vol. 57. No. 11. pp. 72-77. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=22502742 (in Russian).
  6. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova. Calculation and analysis of security metrics based on attack graphs and service dependencies. Problems of information security. Computer systems, ¹ 2, 2014. P.19-36. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=21946385 (in Russian).
  7. Elena Doynikova. Approach to the security assessment on the base of the attack graphs in the security information and events management systems // Methods and technical means of ensuring information security. 2014. No. 23. pp. 90-91. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36467268 (in Russian).
  8. Elena Doynikova. Security assessment in the information systems and information security incidents response considering current security situation // 7th Russian Multiconference on Problems in Control (MPC). Conference on Information Technologies in Control (ITC).Proceedings. St.Petersburg, Russia. October 7–9, 2014. P.601-604. ISBN 978-5-91995-042-4. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=22461596 (in Russian).
  9. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova. Monitoring of the current security situation and security decisions support in the computer network on the base of the system of the security metrics . Journal of Instrument Engineering Ò.57, ¹ 10, 2014. P.72-77. ISSN 0021-3454. (in Russian).
  10. Elena Doynikova. Calculation of the security metrics in the security monitoring and management systems // International science and practical conference "Theoretical and applied problems of the information security". June 19, 2014, Minsk, Police Academy, the Republic of Belarus, 2014. (in Russian).
  11. Vasily Desnitsky, Elena Doynikova. Development of the defence components for the embedded devices considering expert knowledge // International science and practical conference "Theoretical and applied problems of the information security". June 19, 2014, Minsk, Police Academy, the Republic of Belarus, 2014. (in Russian).
  12. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Security assessment in the RR automated management systems // XIV Saint-Petersburg International Conference “Regional informatics-2014” (“RI-2014”). Proceedings. St. Petersburg, 2014 . P.132-133. (in Russian).
  13. Elena Doynikova. Decision support for the countermeasures selection in the information systems on the base of the complex of the security metrics // XIV Saint-Petersburg International Conference “Regional informatics-2014” (“RI-2014”). Proceedings. St. Petersburg, 2014. P.132. (in Russian).


  1. Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko, Olga Polubelova and Elena Doynikova. The Ontology of Metrics for Security Evaluation and Decision Support in SIEM Systems // Proceedings - 2013 International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2013. 2013. Ñ. 638-645. DOI: 10.1109/ARES.2013.84 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=21907177
  2. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova. Security metrics for risk assessment of distributed information systems // Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 7th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems, IDAACS 2013. 2013. Ñ. 646-650. DOI: 10.1109/IDAACS.2013.6663004 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=21908298
  3. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova, Andrey Chechulin. Dynamical recalculation of the security metrics on the example of attack potentiality // Proceedings of SPIIRAN. 2013. No. 7 (30). pp. 26-39. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=20927236 (in Russian).
  4. Igor Kotenko, Saenko I.B., Doynikova E.V. Risk assessment in computer networks of critical infrastructures // Innovations in science. 2013. No. 16-1. pp. 84-88. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=18766379 (in Russian).
  5. Elena Doynikova. Security metrics and security assessment techniques for the computer networks on the base of the attack graphs. Proceedings of SPIIRAS. Issue 3 (26). St. Petersburg, Nauka, 2013. P.54–68. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=19416905 (in Russian).
  6. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova. Comprehensive Multilevel Security Risk Assessment of Distributed Information Systems. International Journal of Computing, Research Institute of Intelligent Computer Systems, Ternopil National Economic University. 2013, Vol.12, Issue 3. Ð. 217-225 ISSN 1727-6209. https://computingonline.net/computing/article/view/602/564
  7. Doynikova E.V, Igor Kotenko. Security assessment for the computer networks on the base of the attack graphs and multilevel system of the security metrics. 22th All-Russian Conference “Methods and technical tools of information security”(MTTIS 2013)”. Proceedings. St.Petersburg, Russia. July 08-11, 2013. P.18-20. (in Russian).
  8. Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko, Elena Doynikova, Olga Polubelova. Application of the ontology of the security metrics for the decision support in cyber security. 22th All-Russian Conference “Methods and technical tools of information security”(MTTIS 2013)”. Proceedings. St.Petersburg, Russia. July 08-11, 2013. P.32-33. (in Russian).
  9. Igor Saenko, Igor Kotenko, Olga Polubelova, Elena Doynikova. Application of the ontology of the security metrics for the selection of the countermeasures for the computer networks security. International congress IS&IT’13 - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Systems. Proceedings. Moskow, Fizmathlit, 2013. Vol.2. P.372-377. ISBN 978-5-9221-1479-0. (in Russian).
  10. Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko, Olga Polubelova, Elena Doynikova. Ontology of the security metrics for the computer network as basis for the selection of the countermeasures. VIII Saint-Petersburg Interregional conference "Information security of regions of Russia (IBRR-2013)", Saint-Petersburg, October 23-25, 2013. The proceedings of conference, 2013. P.108-109. (in Russian).
  11. Doynikova E.V. Approach to the security analysis for the distributed information systems on the base of the security metrics. VIII Saint-Petersburg Interregional conference "Information security of regions of Russia (IBRR-2013)", Saint-Petersburg, October 23-25, 2013. The proceedings of conference, 2013. P.94-95. (in Russian).
  12. Elena Doynikova. Development of the decision support system for the proactive response on the incidents of the information security. 18th St.Petersburg assembly of the young scientists and specialists. Proceedings.St.Petersburg, 2013. P.146. (in Russian).


  1. Igor Kotenko, Andrey Chechulin and Elena Doynikova. Analytical Attack Modeling in Security Information and Event Management Systems. Proceedings of the Work in Progress Session held in connection with the 20th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and network-based Processing (PDP 2012). Garching/Munich, February 2012. SEA-Publications. SEA-SR-31. 2012. P.27-28. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=28166372
  2. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova. SCAP protocol overview. Information Security. Inside, ¹2(44), 2012. P.56-63 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23063431 (in Russian).
  3. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova, Andrey Chechulin. Total enumeration and classification of attack patterns (CAPEC): description and application examples. Information Security. Inside, ¹ 4(46), 2012. P.54-66 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23063462 (in Russian).
  4. Elena Doynikova, Dmitry Kotenko, Igor Kotenko. Analysis of the intrusions using attack and service dependency graphs. 21th All-Russian Conference "Methods and technical tools of information security" (MTTIS 2012). Proceedings. St.Petersburg, Russia. June 24-29, 2012. P.45-47. (in Russian).
  5. Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko, Evgenia Novikova, Elena Doynikova. Attacks and protection mechanisms in the security event and information management. 5th Russian Multiconference on Problems in Control (MPC). Conference on Information Technologies in Control (ITC).Proceedings. St.Petersburg, Russia. October 9–11, 2012. P.735-739. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=21721925 (in Russian).
  6. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Integrated approach for security metric set constructing for risk assessment and reaction to intrusions. XIII Saint-Petersburg International Conference “Regional informatics-2012” (“RI-2012”). Proceedings. St. Petersburg, 2012. P.94. (in Russian).


  1. Igor Kotenko, Mikhail Stepashkin, Elena Doynikova. Security analysis of information systems taking into account social engineering attacks. Proceedings of the 19th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and network-based Processing (PDP 2011). Ayia Napa, Cyprus, 9-11 February, 2011. Los Alamitos, California. IEEE Computer Society. 2011. P.611-618. DOI: 10.1109/PDP.2011.62 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=16984038
  2. Igor Kotenko, Andrey Chechulin, Elena Doynikova. Combining of Scanning Protection Mechanisms in GIS and Corporate Information Systems // Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Ñåð. "Information Fusion and Geographic Information Systems: Towards the Digital Ocean, IF and GIS 2011" 2011. Ñ. 45-58. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-19766-6_5 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=20528069
  3. Igor Kotenko, Mikhail Stepashkin, Elena Doynikova. Protection analysis of information systems taking into account social engineering attacks. Problems of information security. Computer systems. 2011, ¹ 3. P.40-57 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=17077012 (in Russian).
  4. Igor Kotenko, Mikhail Stepashkin, Dmitry Kotenko, Elena Doynikova. Information systems security evaluation on the base of social engineering attacks trees. Journal of Instrument Engineering , Ò.54, ¹ 12, 2011. P.5-9. ISSN 0021-3454. (in Russian).
  5. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova. Vulnerabilities assessment techniques: use for the computer systems security analysis. Information Security. Inside, ¹ 49;0), 2011. P.74-81. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23099965 (in Russian).
  6. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova. CVSS vulnerability assessment system and its use for computer system security analysis // Information Security. Inside, ¹ 5(41), 2011. P.54-60 // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23099118 (in Russian).
  7. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova. Misuse and configuration scoring systems (CMSS and CCSS) for the unified computer systems security analysis. Information Security. Inside, ¹ 6(42), 2011. P.52-60. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23093443 (in Russian).
  8. Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko. Extension of the informasion risks assessment techniques via application of the service dependency graphs. 20th All-Russian Conference “Methods and technical tools of information security” (MTTIS 2011)”. Proceedings. St.Petersburg, Russia. June 27 - July 01, 2011. P.131-132. (in Russian).
  9. Elena Doynikova, Dmitry Kotenko. Application of the vulnerabilities scoring systems to the computer systems security analysis. Tools for security analysis of automated systems. 20th All-Russian Conference “Methods and technical tools of information security” (MTTIS 2011)”. Proceedings. St.Petersburg, Russia. June 27 - July 01, 2011. P.130-131. (in Russian).
  10. Elena Doynikova, Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko, Dmitry Kotenko. Extension of information risk assessment methodology to account for zero-day attacks // VII St.Petersburg Interregional Conference «Information Security of Russian Regions (IBRR-2011). October 26-28, 2011. Proceedings. St.Petersburg, 2011. P.71-72. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35242695 (in Russian).
  11. Elena Doynikova, Dmitry Kotenko. Extension of the information risks assessment technique via application of service dependencies graphs. VII St.Petersburg Interregional Conference “Information Security of Russian Regions (IBRR-2011)”. October 26-28, 2011. Proceedings. St.Petersburg, 2011. P.70-71. (in Russian).
  12. Oleg Zadan, Elena Doynikova. The problem of management of role-based access to information in a single information space // Ñáîðíèê íàó÷íûõ òðóäîâ SWorld. 2011. Ò. 5. ¹ 2. Ñ. 67-68. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=17082708 (in Russian).
  13. Igor Saenko, Elena Doynikova, Oleg Zadan. About the actual tasks of the management of the role-based information access systems in a single information space // Ñáîðíèê íàó÷íûõ òðóäîâ SWorld. 2011. Ò. 3. ¹ 3. Ñ. 82-83. //https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=17082536 (in Russian).
  14. I.V. Kotenko, M.V. Stepashkin, D.I. Kotenko, E.V. Doynikova. Assessment of information system protectability on the base of development of tree of social engineering attack // Izvestia of higher educational institutions. Instrumentation. 2011. Vol. 54. No. 12. pp. 5-9. // https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=17077187 (in Russian).


  1. Igor Kotenko, Mikhail Stepashkin, Andrey Chechulin, Elena Doynikova, Dmitry Kotenko. Tools for security analysis of automated systems. ÕIX All-Russian Conference “Methods and technical tools of information security” (MTTIS 2010)”. Proceedings. St.Petersburg, Russia. July 5-10, 2010. P.115-116. (in Russian).
  2. Elena Doynikova. Risk assessment approaches based on attack graphs. XII Saint-Petersburg International Conference “Regional informatics-2010” (“RI-2010”). Proceedings. St. Petersburg, October 20-22, 2010. P.99-100. ISBN 978-5-904031-99-2. (in Russian).
  3. Elena Doynikova. Applying the fuzzy sets for risk assessment based on attack graphs. XII Saint-Petersburg International Conference “Regional informatics-2010” (“RI-2010”). Proceedings. St. Petersburg, October 20-22, 2010. P.100. ISBN 978-5-904031-99-2. (in Russian).


  1. A.A. Budanova, E.V. Doynikova, K.O. Komshilova. Quality management of software products using spiral and flexible software development models // International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements. 2008. Vol. 1. pp. 237-242. // https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=25372241 (in Russian).


RUSSIA, 199178, Saint-Petersburg, liniya 14-ya, 39, SPC RAS (metro station Vasileostrovskaya).
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