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23-10-2008 (10:15)
Researchers of Computer security research group participated in the EU-Russia Information and Brokerage Event-Moscow, Moscow, Russia (http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/events/moscow2008/index_en.htm). The presentation was made.

21-10-2008 (09:50)
Researchers of Computer security research group participated in the XI International Conference “Regional informatics-2008” (“RI-2008”), St. Petersburg

16-10-2008 (11:56)
Researchers of Computer security research group participated in the First International Workshop on Remote Entrusting (RE-TRUST 2008). Trento, Italy (http://re-trust.dit.unitn.it/2008-main.html)

09-10-2008 (12:10)
Researchers of Computer security research group participated in the International Workshop and Brokerage Event on FP7 (ERANIS 2008). Warsaw, Polland (http://www.kpk.gov.pl/eranis/). The presentation was made.

29-09-2008 (15:35)
Researchers of Computer security research group participated in the XI National Conference on Artificial Intelligence with International Participation (NCAI-2008). Dubna, Russia (http://www.raai.org/cai-08/). The paper was presented.

19-06-2008 (08:10)
RE-TRUST Workshop was fulfilled successfully in St.Petersburg (http://comsec.spb.ru/retrust/)

06-04-2008 (19:17)
Researchers of Computer security research group participated in the International Conference “RusCrypto’2008” (Moscow, Zvenigorod, Russia) (http://www.ruscrypto.ru/). Session on “Theory and practice of information security systems development" was fulfilled successfully. Researchers of Computer security research group made two talks "Investigation of defense mechanisms against DDoS attacks: imitation of counteraction of intelligent agents in the Internet" and "Proactive security mechanisms against rapid network worms"

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The scientific project competition was won, and the contract was made with Section of Applied Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences

Researchers of Computer security research group participated in the International Conference TRUST2008 (Villach, Austria) (http://www.trust2008.eu/). On the RE-TRUST project workshop the talk «Development and initial analysis of entrusting protocol» was made

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