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04-06-2007 Researchers of Computer security research group participated in the International Workshop on «Autonomous Intelligent Systems: Agents and Data Mining (AIS-ADM-07)» (St.Petersburg, Russia) with paper «Multi-agent Framework for Simulation of Adaptive Cooperative Defense against Internet Attacks»
29-05-2007 Researchers of Computer security research group participated in the Third International Workshop «Information Fusion and Geographical Information Systems (IF&GIS07)» (St.Petersburg, Russia) with two papers: «Security Policy Verification Tool for Geographical Information Systems» and «Software Environment for Simulation and Evaluation of a Security Operation Center»
27-05-2007 (11:59) Participation in the Third International Workshop “Information Fusion and Geographical Information Systems” (IF&GIS’07). St.Petersburg, Russia, May 27-29, 2007. (Igor Kotenko, Artem Tishkov, Olga Chervatuk, Ekaterina Sidelnikova)
09-04-2007 SDS08: Information about Special Session on "Security in Distributed Systems" of 16th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and network-based Processing (PDP 2008) is published
29-03-2007 MMM-ACNS-2007: Submission deadline is extended. New deadline is April 7, 2007
09-11-2006 MMM-ACNS-2007 Call for Papers page has been updated
25-10-2006 (12:42) Within the framework of the fifth all-Russian conference MaBIT-06 ("Mathematics and security of information technologies"), the second international scientific conference on security and countering terrorism was held. October 25-26, 2006 (Tishkov A.V., Kotenko I.V., Sidelnikova E.V., Chervatyuk O.V.)
15-08-2006 Site of International Conference Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for Computer Network Security 2007 is open
27-04-2006 Collaboration page has been updated
10-04-2006 Our site is open
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