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10-09-2010 (16:11) Organization of and participation in the Fifth International Conference “Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for Computer Networks Security” (MMM-ACNS-2010)”. St.Petersburg, Russia. September 6-8, 2010. The talks “Genetic Optimization of Access Control Schemes in Virtual Local Area Networks” and “Security and Scalability of Remote Entrusting Protection” were presented.
10-07-2010 (13:10) Participation in the ÕIX All-Russian Conference “Methods and technical tools of information security” (MTTIS 2010)”. St.Petersburg, Russia. July 5-10, 2010. Several talks were prepared.
18-06-2010 (14:09) Participation in the International Conference on Cyber Conflict. Tallinn, Estonia, June 15-18, 2010. The invited talk “Agent-based Modeling and Simulation of Botnets and Botnet Defense" was presented.
03-04-2010 (14:45) Researchers of Laboratory of Computer Security Problems participated in the International Conference “RusCrypto’2010” (Zvenigorod, Russia) ( Session on “Security in Distributed Computer Systems" was fulfilled successfully. Researchers of Computer security research group made four talks: “Combination of Data Mining methods for static detection of malware”; “Protection against network attacks on the basis of combined mechanisms of traffic analysis”; “Blocking of Web-sites with unacceptable contents by revealing their categories”; “Agent-oriented simulation of botnets”.
19-02-2010 (11:06) Special Session on "Security in Networked and Distributed Systems" (SNDS'10) on the 18th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and network-based Processing (PDP 2010) (Pisa, Italy. February 17-19, 2010) was fulfilled successfully. Researchers of Laboratory of Computer security Problems presented the paper "Malware Detection by Data Mining Techniques Based on Positionally Dependent Features".
22-01-2010 (17:09) The Computer Security Research Group has been reorganized to the Laboratory of Computer Security Problems.
25-11-2009 (15:27) Researchers of Computer security research group presented a talk in Scientific Session of the Branch "Nanotechnologies and Information Technologies" of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia, November 25, 2009). The title of the talk is «Cybercriminality and cyberterrorism as a global problem of Information Security».
30-10-2009 (09:30) Researchers of Computer security research group participated in the 5th International Scientific Conference on Security Issues and Counter Terrorism and the Eighth All-Russian Scientific Conference "Mathematics and Security of Information Technologies" (MSIT-09) (Moscow, Russia, MSU, October 29-30, 2009) ( The talks “Malware detection based on processing of statical positional information by Data Mining methods" and "Software protection based on remote entrusting" were presented.
29-10-2009 (10:24) Researchers of Computer security research group participated in the VI St.Petersburg Interregional Conference «Information Security of Russian Regions (ISRR-2009) (St.Petersburg, Russia, October 28-30, 2009) ( The plenary talk “Design and Functioning Support of Intelligent Information Security Systems" ans several section talks were presented.
21-10-2009 (15:22) Researchers of Computer security research group participated in the Fourth All-Russian scientific-practical conference on simulation and its application in science and industry "Simulation. Theory and practice (IMMOD-2009)" (St.Petersburg, Russia, October 21-23, 2009) ( The plenary talk “Multi-agent Simulation for Investigation of Information Security Machanisms in the Internet" was presented.
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