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04-03-2015 (14:35)
Participation in the 23th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and network-based Processing (PDP 2015). Turku, the 23th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and network-based Processing (PDP 2015). Turku, Finland. 4-6 March 2015. Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko, Igor Kotenko and Andrey Chechulin.

29-10-2014 (15:04)
Participation in the XIV St. Petersburg International Conference "Regional Informatics-2014" ("RI-2014"). October 29-31, 2014. Andrey Chechulin, Igor Kotenko, Dmitry Levshun, Dmitry Komashinskiy, Vasily Desnitsky, Elena Doynikova, Andrey Fedorchenko.

17-10-2014 (15:09)
Participation in the All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Small ethnic groups in the space of the dominant society: the practice of applied research and effective tools of ethnic politics." Kemerovo, October 17-18, 2014. Andrey Chechulin.

07-10-2014 (15:11)
Participation in the 7th Russian multi-conference on governance issues (ICCU-2014). Conference "Information technologies in management" (ITU-2014). October 7-9, 2014. Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko, Andrey Chechulin, Vasily Desnitsky, Elena Doynikova, Dmitry Levshun, Dmitry Komashinskiy, Andrey Fedorchenko.

24-09-2014 (15:32)
Participation in the IV National Conference on Artificial Intelligence with international participation of KII-2014 (September 24-27, 2014, Kazan, Russia. Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko,

12-09-2014 (12:26)
Participation in the International Inter-Domain Conference and Seminars (CD-ARES 2014). September - 12, 2014. Friborg, Switzerland. Lecture notes in the field of computer science (LNCS), volume.8708. Springer-Verlag. 2014. Elena Doynikova.

12-09-2014 (12:17)
Participation in the 1st International Workshop on Software Provision (SAW 2014). In connection with the 9th International Conference on Accessibility, Reliability and Security (ARES 2014). September - 12, 2014. Friborg, Switzerland. Computer Society IEEE. 2014. Igor Kotenko.

03-09-2014 (12:28)
Participation in the 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing - IDC'2014. September 3-5, 2014, Madrid, Spain. Igor Kotenko.

02-09-2014 (13:57)
Participation in the Congress on Intelligent Systems and Information Technologies "IS & IT'14". Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko.

20-08-2014 (12:30)
Participation in the 2014 IEEE 6th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security (CSS 2014). August 20-22, 2014, Paris, France. 2014. Los Alamitos, California. IEEE Computer Society. Igor Kotenko.

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