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09-09-2017 (14:34)
Participation in the Congress on intelligent systems and information technologies "IS&it'17". Russia, Krasnodar territory, Divnomorskoye settlement (Vasily Desnitsky, Elena Doynikova, Andrey Chechulin).

30-08-2017 (17:29)
Participation in the 7th international conference on mathematical methods, models and Architectures for computer network security (MMM-ACNS-2017). (Maxim Kolomeets, Igor Kotenko).

Participation in 7th International Conference on Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for Computer Networks Security (MMM-ACNS-2017). August 28-30, 2017, Warsaw, Poland. (Igor Kotenko, Evgenia Novikova, Alexander Branitskiy).

08-08-2017 (19:01)
Participation in the 14th IEEE conference on advanced and reliable Computing (ATC 2017). San Francisco , USA. Los Alamitos, California. (Igor Kotenko, Elena Doynikova).

19-07-2017 (18:51)
Participation in the fourth ACM workshop on genetic and evolutionary Computation in the field of protection, safety and risk management (SecDef’2017), together with the conference on genetic and evolutionary computation ACM (GECCO). Gecko ' Companion 17, Berlin, Germany (Igor Saenko, Igor Kotenko).

23-06-2017 (18:05)
Participation in the Second international conference DTGS 2017. Saint Petersburg, Russia (Igor Kotenko).

26-05-2017 (12:44)
Participation in the XX international conference on soft computing and measurements (SCM'2017), St. Petersburg. (Andrey Fedorchenko, Igor Kotenko, Vasily Desnitsky).

07-04-2017 (18:42)
Participation in the 20th CONFERENCE of Fruct Association of open innovations, LETI University, St. Petersburg, Russia (Elena Doynikova and Igor Kotenko).

24-03-2017 (16:05)
Participation in XIX scientific-practical conference «RusCrypto’2017». Moscow Region, Solnechnogorsk. (Igor Kotenko, Vasily Desnitsky, Andrey Chechulin, Alexei Kushnerevich)

08-03-2017 (18:15)
Participation in the 25th Euromicro international conference on parallel, distributed and network processing (PDP 2017). Saint Petersburg, Russia. (Elena Doynikova, Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko).

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RUSSIA, 199178, Saint-Petersburg, liniya 14-ya, 39, SPC RAS (metro station Vasileostrovskaya).
+7-(812)-328-7181, +7-(812)-328-2642, ivkote[AT]comsec[DOT]spb[DOT]ru

Comments? Questions? chechulin[AT]comsec[DOT]spb[DOT]ru

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