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16-03-2023 (10:57)
Participation in the 8th International Interdepartmental Scientific and Practical Conference of the Scientific Department No. 10 of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Military Security of Russia: historical experience and a look into the future".March 16, 2023, Moscow, Russia. (I.B.Paraschuk)

15-03-2023 (11:13)
Participation in the Exhibition of advanced technologies for ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state "EXPOTECHNOSTRAGE. Advanced Technology Day", March 15-17, 2023, St. Petersburg, Russia. (Kotenko I.V., Chechulin A.A.)

02-03-2023 (10:55)
Participation in the XVII International Industry Scientific and Technical Conference "Information Society Technologies", March 2-3, 2023, Moscow, Russia. (I.B. Paraschuk)

28-02-2023 (12:12)
Participation in the XII International Scientific, Technical and Scientific-methodological Conference (APINO 2023). St. Petersburg (Kotenko I.V., Sayenko I.B. Parashtuck And.B., Levshun D.S. Israel K.Well. Green-Eyed E.Yu., Levshun D.A. It's Novikova.S. It's Fedorchenko.V., Chechulin A.A., Puchkov V.V., Vitkova L.A., Zhernova K.N.)

16-02-2023 (10:33)
Participation in the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2023). The International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS 2023) February 16-18, 2023, Lisbon, Portugal (Kotenko I.V., Fedorchenko E.V.)

06-02-2023 (10:43)
Participation in 2nd Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) - Young Scientist Conclave (YSC), February 6-9, 2023, JNCASR, Bengaluru, India (Fedorchenko E.V.)

24-01-2023 (10:27)
Participation in the IEEE Conference of Young Russian Researchers in Electrical Engineering and Electronics (Elkonrus), January 24-27, 2023, St. Petersburg, Russia. (Desnitsky V.A., Kotenko I.V., Paraschuk I.B., Fedorchenko E.V.)

28-11-2022 (13:07)
Participation in 4th International Workshop on Attacks and Defenses for Internet-of-Things (ADIoT 2021), Germany (Doynikova E.V., Novikova E.S., Kolomeec M.V., Gajfulina D.A., Tushkanova O.N., Levshun D.V., Meleshko A.V., Kotenko I.V.)

15-11-2022 (11:39)
Participation in the international correspondence scientific-practical and scientific-methodological conference "Improving the training of engineering specialists in the context of innovative development of Russia. Problems and Solutions", St. Petersburg, Peterhof, November 15, 2022 (I.B.Paraschuk)

30-08-2022 (08:36)
Participation in the LXVII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Penza (Paraschuk I.B.)

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RUSSIA, 199178, Saint-Petersburg, liniya 14-ya, 39, SPC RAS (metro station Vasileostrovskaya).
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