The previous International Conferences "Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for Computer Network Security" (MMM-ACNS-2001 (, MMM-ACNS-2003 (, MMM-ACNS-2005 (, MMM-ACNS-2007 ( and MMM-ACNS-2010 organized by St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation, Binghamton University (SUNY) and supported by the European Office of Aerospace Research and Development USAF, Office of Naval Research Global, and Russian Foundation for Basic Research were successful. These conferences demonstrated the high interest of the international scientific community to the theoretical and practical aspects of the computer network and information security.
The goals of MMM-ACNS-2012 Conference ( is to bring together leading researchers from academia and governmental organizations as well as practitioners to advance the states of the art and practice in the area of computer networks and information security with a focus on novel theoretical aspects of computer network security, facilitate personal interactions and discussions on various aspects of information technologies in conjunction with computer network and information security problems arising in large-scale computer networks.
The MMM-ACNS-2012 Conference will be carried out together with the Second International Workshop “Scientific Analysis and Policy Support for Cyber Security” (SA&PS4CS-2012) ( dedicated to the methods of scientific analysis and policy support for response to cyber intrusions and attacks.